Family Law – Child Support – Multifamily Adjustment [HB-1045]
Altering the definition of "adjusted actual income" under the State child support guidelines by requiring the deduction, from actual income, of an allowance for support for each child in the parent's home for whom the parent owes a legal duty of support but who is not subject to a support order; requiring that the amount of a certain allowance be subtracted from a parent's actual income before the court determines the amount of a child support award; etc.
HB-1045: Family Law – Child Support – Multifamily Adjustment
Sponsored by: Rep. Charlotte Crutchfield
First Reading Judiciary on 02/07/2024
Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services - Establishment [HB-1037]
Establishing the Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services to identify reentry services in the State, develop a plan to establish a new division within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, and develop a plan to expand certain services for individuals after release from incarceration; and requiring the Task Force to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2025.
HB-1037: Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 937 on 05/16/2024
Family Law – Child Support – Multifamily Adjustment [SB-1011]
Altering the definition of "adjusted actual income" under the State child support guidelines by requiring the deduction, from actual income, of an allowance for support for each child in the parent's home for whom the parent owes a legal duty of support but who is not subject to a support order; requiring that the amount of a certain allowance be subtracted from a parent's actual income before the court determines the amount of a child support award; etc.
SB-1011: Family Law – Child Support – Multifamily Adjustment
Sponsored by: Sen. Nick Charles
Hearing 2/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception [HB-813]
Establishing a certain exception to the authority of the Child Support Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive if the obligor's income is at or below a certain level; and authorizing the Child Support Administration to consider certain information in determining the income of an obligor under the Act.
HB-813: Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Third Reading Passed (112-23) on 04/06/2024
Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income [HB-648]
Altering the definition of "actual income" to include certain amounts of nontaxable, earned income from an employer, the amount of federal, State, and local, taxes, including Medicare taxes and any amount required to be withheld under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, that would have been withheld if the income were taxable for purposes of child support calculations.
HB-648: Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income
Sponsored by: Rep. Marc Korman
Third Reading Passed (133-0) on 03/14/2024
Child Support - Incarcerated Obligors [HB-435]
Authorizing a court, if an obligor becomes incarcerated, to determine that a material change of circumstances warranting a modification of child support has occurred, provided that the party's ability to pay child support is sufficiently reduced due to the incarceration.
HB-435: Child Support - Incarcerated Obligors
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 427 on 05/09/2024
Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training [HB-405]
Specifying certain qualifications and training necessary for an individual to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; specifying that certain expert evidence is admissible in certain child custody and visitation proceedings under certain circumstances; and requiring a court, in any action in which child support, custody, or visitation is at issue to provide information to the parties regarding the role, availability, and cost of a custody evaluator.
HB-405: Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing Canceled on 01/31/2024
Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income [SB-390]
Altering the definition of "actual income" to include taxes paid by a parent's employer or, if the income is nontaxable, the amount of taxes that would be paid if the income were taxable for purposes of child support calculations.
SB-390: Family Law - Child Support - Actual Income
Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 01/18/2024
State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements [HB-380]
Prohibiting the State Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Board from requiring an applicant to provide proof that the applicant is lawfully present in the United States or have a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number as a condition for licensure or certification; and requiring the EMS Board to require applicants for a license or certificate to disclose certain information or provide alternative documentation and record the information in the applicant's file for a certain purpose.
HB-380: State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 43 on 04/09/2024
Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training [SB-365]
Specifying certain qualifications and training necessary for an individual to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; and specifying that certain expert evidence is admissible in certain child custody and visitation proceedings under certain circumstances.
SB-365: Family Law - Child Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/18/2024
State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements [SB-374]
Prohibiting the State Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Board from requiring an applicant to provide proof that the applicant is lawfully present in the United States or have a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number as a condition for licensure or certification; and requiring the EMS Board to require applicants for a license or certificate to disclose certain information or provide alternative documentation and record the information in the applicant's file for a certain purpose.
SB-374: State Emergency Medical Services Board - Licenses and Certificates - Application Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 44 on 04/09/2024
Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses [HB-311]
Altering provisions of law relating to the authority of the Child Support Enforcement Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive under certain circumstances.
HB-311: Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Karen Simpson
Favorable With Amendments {933723/1 Adopted on 04/08/2024
Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024 [HB-205]
Repealing and establishing the methodology used to calculate the weekly benefit amount; altering the taxable wage base used to determine employer contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, the dependent allowance, and the amount of earned wages subtracted from a weekly benefit amount; requiring the Secretary of Labor to set the taxable wage base and the maximum weekly benefit amount in a certain manner beginning in calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter; etc.
HB-205: Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/14/2024
Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception [SB-139]
Establishing a certain exception to the authority of the Child Support Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive if the obligor's income is at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines; and authorizing the Child Support Administration to consider certain information in determining the income of an obligor under the Act.
SB-139: Driver's Licenses - Suspension for Child Support Arrearages - Exception
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
Favorable Report By Judiciary on 04/05/2024
Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024 [SB-104]
Repealing and establishing the methodology used to calculate the weekly benefit amount; altering the taxable wage base used to determine employer contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, the dependent allowance, and the amount of earned wages subtracted from a weekly benefit amount; requiring the Secretary of Labor to set the taxable wage base and the maximum weekly benefit amount in a certain manner beginning in calendar year 2027 and each calendar year thereafter; etc.
SB-104: Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/02/2024
Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses [SB-174]
Altering provisions of law relating to the authority of the Child Support Enforcement Administration to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of an individual's child support arrearages for the purpose of suspending the individual's driver's license or privilege to drive under certain circumstances.
SB-174: Child Support - Suspension of Driver's Licenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Third Reading Passed (104-30) on 04/08/2024
Child Support - Sports Wagering and Fantasy Competition Intercept [SB-711]
Making certain provisions of law relating to the authority of the Child Support Administration to intercept lottery prizes won by certain child support obligors under certain circumstances applicable to the winning of certain prizes from sports wagering or fantasy competitions by certain child support obligors under certain circumstances.
SB-711: Child Support - Sports Wagering and Fantasy Competition Intercept
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023
Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information - Independent Contractors [SB-706]
Altering the definition of "earnings" in certain provisions of law relating to child support enforcement to include certain payments received by independent contractors; and establishing certain procedures for the reporting of certain employment information concerning certain independent contractors to the Child Support Administration for certain purposes related to child support enforcement.
SB-706: Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information - Independent Contractors
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023