SB-1041: Repeals and adds to existing law relating to the Idaho State Lottery to repeal a code section relating to a temporary line of credit for start-up costs; to remove provisions relating to low-tier claims; and to remove the requirement that all drawings of the State Lottery be witnessed by an independent certified public accountant.
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Delivered To Governor On 03/29 on 03/30/2011
You have voted SB-1041: Repeals and adds to existing law relating to the Idaho State Lottery to repeal a code section relating to a temporary line of credit for start-up costs; to remove provisions relating to low-tier claims; and to remove the requirement that all drawings of the State Lottery be witnessed by an independent certified public accountant..
Relating To A State Lottery. [SB-2825]
Establishes a state lottery commission to implement a lottery, of which excess proceeds are allocated to the Department of Education for school-based budgeting under program ID EDN 100. Authorizes the commission to establish multistate lottery games. Appropriates funds.
SB-2825: Relating To A State Lottery.
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Nishihara
Referred To Gvo, Jdc/wam. on 01/27/2020
Relating To A State Lottery. [HB-936]
Establishes the Hawaii State Lottery Commission to implement a lottery, the proceeds of which shall be used to support public education. Appropriates funds for the operations of the Lottery Commission.
HB-936: Relating To A State Lottery.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Mizuno
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To Generation Of State Revenues. [SB-1518]
Creates a state lottery division within the department of budget and finance with rulemaking authority to implement a state lottery limited to the Powerball and Mega Millions lottery games. Allocates lottery profits to the general fund. Creates lottery and lottery prizes revolving funds. Appropriates funds.
SB-1518: Relating To Generation Of State Revenues.
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Nishihara
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To A State Lottery. [SB-979]
Creates a state lottery to begin by 1/1/2020. Creates the state lottery commission, state lottery account, and lottery administration account. Requires certain amounts of lottery revenues to be deposited into the administrative account, general fund, and special funds for university and public school facilities and operations.
SB-979: Relating To A State Lottery.
Sponsored by: Sen. Maile Shimabukuro
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To A State Lottery. [SB-602]
Establishes a state lottery commission to implement a lottery, of which excess proceeds are deposited into the pest inspection, quarantine, and eradication fund to prevent the introduction of, and control the spread of, invasive species. Authorizes the commission to establish multistate lottery games. Appropriates funds.
SB-602: Relating To A State Lottery.
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Nishihara
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To A State Lottery. [SB-88]
Creates a state lottery to begin by 1/1/2020. Creates the state lottery commission, state lottery account, and lottery administration account. Requires certain amounts of lottery revenues to be deposited into the administrative account, general fund, and special funds for public school facilities and operations, university facilities and operations, and the city and county of Honolulu area rapid transit.
SB-88: Relating To A State Lottery.
Sponsored by: Sen. Michelle Kidani
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To Generation Of State Revenues. [SB-896]
Creates a state lottery division within the department of budget and finance with rulemaking authority to implement a state lottery limited to the Powerball and Mega Millions lottery games. Allocates lottery profits to education, homeless programs, and the general fund. Creates lottery and lottery prizes revolving funds. Appropriates funds.
SB-896: Relating To Generation Of State Revenues.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dru Kanuha
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019