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Explain HB-2901: Criminal justice; 2024-2025 × Sponsored by: Rep. David Livingston Chapter 213 on 06/18/2024
You have voted HB-2901: Criminal justice; 2024-2025.
Explain SB-1740: Environment; 2024-2025. × Sponsored by: Sen. John Kavanagh Senate Additional Committee Of The Whole Action: Do Pass Amended on 06/15/2024
You have voted SB-1740: Environment; 2024-2025..
Explain HB-2906: K-12 education; 2024-2025 × Sponsored by: Rep. David Livingston Chapter 218 on 06/18/2024
You have voted HB-2906: K-12 education; 2024-2025.
Explain HB-2902: Environment; 2024-2025 × Sponsored by: Rep. David Livingston Chapter 214 on 06/18/2024
You have voted HB-2902: Environment; 2024-2025.
Explain SB-1739: Criminal justice; 2024-2025. × Sponsored by: Sen. John Kavanagh Senate Rules Committee Action: Proper For Consideration, Voting: (0-0-0-0) on 06/14/2024
You have voted SB-1739: Criminal justice; 2024-2025..
Explain HB-2845: Administrative rules oversight committee; staff × Sponsored by: Rep. Jacqueline Parker Introduced In Senate And Read First Time on 06/14/2024
You have voted HB-2845: Administrative rules oversight committee; staff.
Explain HB-2782: Homeless shelter fund; performance audit × Sponsored by: Rep. David Livingston Assigned To Senate Rules Committee on 06/14/2024
You have voted HB-2782: Homeless shelter fund; performance audit.
Explain HB-2865: Natural resource conservation districts; board × Sponsored by: Rep. Gail Griffin Chapter 258 on 06/21/2024
You have voted HB-2865: Natural resource conservation districts; board.
Explain HB-2778: Technical correction; witness protection × Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Toma Introduced In House And Read First Time on 06/14/2024
You have voted HB-2778: Technical correction; witness protection.
Explain SB-1640: Gang and immigration intelligence; appropriation. × Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Carroll Senate Approp Committee Action: Failed To Pass, Voting: (3-6-1-0) on 02/20/2024
You have voted SB-1640: Gang and immigration intelligence; appropriation..
Explain SB-1685: Veterans' donations fund; grants × Sponsored by: Sen. David Gowan House Minority Caucus: Do Pass on 03/26/2024
You have voted SB-1685: Veterans' donations fund; grants.
Explain SB-1664: DCS; tiered central registry; hearings × Sponsored by: Sen. David Gowan Chapter 127 on 04/09/2024
You have voted SB-1664: DCS; tiered central registry; hearings.
Explain SB-1711: Inmate telephone system service contracts. × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/07/2024
You have voted SB-1711: Inmate telephone system service contracts..
Explain SB-1676: Antihuman trafficking grant fund; appropriation × Sponsored by: Sen. Javan Mesnard House Approp Committee Action: Do Pass Amended/strike-everything, Voting: (15-2-0-0-0-0) on 03/25/2024
You have voted SB-1676: Antihuman trafficking grant fund; appropriation.
Explain SB-1654: Schools; finance; instruction; accountability; revisions × Sponsored by: Sen. Ken Bennett House Approp Committee Action: Do Pass Amended/strike-everything, Voting: (14-3-0-0-0-0) on 03/20/2024
You have voted SB-1654: Schools; finance; instruction; accountability; revisions.
Explain SB-1704: Legislative employees; rate of pay × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/07/2024
You have voted SB-1704: Legislative employees; rate of pay.
Explain SB-1725: State agencies; tribal liaison × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/07/2024
You have voted SB-1725: State agencies; tribal liaison.
Explain SB-1688: State hospital; governing board × Sponsored by: Sen. David Gowan Senate Third Reading Failed Voting: (13-15-2-0) on 03/07/2024
You have voted SB-1688: State hospital; governing board.
Explain SB-1669: Peace officer nonlethal device fund. × Sponsored by: Sen. David Gowan Senate Approp Committee Action: Failed To Pass, Voting: (4-5-1-0) on 02/20/2024
You have voted SB-1669: Peace officer nonlethal device fund..
Explain SB-1689: Gaming; boxing; mixed martial arts × Sponsored by: Sen. David Gowan Senate Third Reading Failed Voting: (11-17-2-0) on 03/11/2024
You have voted SB-1689: Gaming; boxing; mixed martial arts.