State Personnel and Procurement - Service Contracts - Reporting and Audit Requirements [SB-243]
Requiring that specified units meet with the exclusive representative of the employees who may be affected by the service contract to discuss specified alternatives to service contracts under specified circumstances; requiring that specified service contracts be subject to a legislative audit to determine compliance with specified requirements; requiring that the findings of the specified legislative audit be made available to the public; etc.
SB-243: State Personnel and Procurement - Service Contracts - Reporting and Audit Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
Labor and Employment - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Establishment [HB-985]
Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program; providing for the manner in which the Program is to be administered; providing for the powers and duties of the Secretary under the Program; requiring, beginning on January 1, 2016, specified employers and employees to pay the Secretary specified contributions; requiring, beginning on January 1, 2017, an individual to meet specified conditions to be eligible for benefits; etc.
HB-985: Labor and Employment - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/17/2015
State Personnel - Parental Leave [HB-776]
Providing that specified State employees may be entitled to parental leave with pay; establishing the maximum of 30 days of parental leave that employees may use for the care and nurturing of a child following the birth or adoption of the child; providing that an employee may use parental leave only after obtaining approval from the employee's appointing authority; prohibiting an employee from receiving specified payment unless the employee takes a specified action; etc.
HB-776: State Personnel - Parental Leave
Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 03/16/2015
State Personnel - Innovative Idea Awards Program - Additional Cash Awards [HB-718]
Requiring that a specified additional cash award provided to specified State employees under the Innovative Idea Awards Program for innovative ideas shall be equal to 10% of the savings or gain to the State from the innovative idea; and repealing the limit on the amount of the cash award.
HB-718: State Personnel - Innovative Idea Awards Program - Additional Cash Awards
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2015
State Personnel - Programs to Improve Employee to Supervisor or Manager Ratios [HB-702]
Requiring the Secretary of Budget and Management, the Secretary of Transportation, and the governing boards of State institutions of higher education to establish a program to improve the ratio of State employees to supervisors or managers beginning on specified dates; specifying the goals for establishing reasonable ratios of State employees to supervisors or managers; etc.
HB-702: State Personnel - Programs to Improve Employee to Supervisor or Manager Ratios
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 03/19/2015
State Personnel - Limits on Use of Leave for Birth, Adoption, Foster Placement, or Care of Child [HB-564]
Prohibiting specified units of State government from limiting, to less than 60 days, the aggregate number of days of accrued sick leave that specified employees may use, without certification of illness or disability, for the birth or adoption of their child; prohibiting specified units of State government from limiting to less than 24 weeks, the aggregate number of weeks of family and medical leave that specified employees may use during a specified time period for a specified purpose; etc.
HB-564: State Personnel - Limits on Use of Leave for Birth, Adoption, Foster Placement, or Care of Child
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 435 on 05/12/2015
Labor and Employment - Discrimination Based on the Use of Tobacco Products - Prohibition [HB-478]
Prohibiting, except under specified circumstances, an employer from discriminating in any manner or taking adverse action against an employee or an applicant using tobacco products off the employer's premises during nonworking hours; authorizing employees and applicants to submit to the Commissioner of Labor and Industry a written complaint under specified circumstances; authorizing the Commissioner to investigate whether a specified provision of the Act has been violated on receipt of a specified complaint; etc.
HB-478: Labor and Employment - Discrimination Based on the Use of Tobacco Products - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick McDonough
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/18/2015
Maryland Wage and Hour Law - State Minimum Wage Rate - Increase [HB-4]
Increasing the State minimum wage rate to $10.10 per hour; repealing specified provisions of law establishing a phase-in of specified increases in the minimum wage rate; providing specified exemptions to the Act's minimum wage requirement; etc.
HB-4: Maryland Wage and Hour Law - State Minimum Wage Rate - Increase
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/13/2015
Labor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act [HB-385]
Requiring specified employers to provide employees with specified earned sick and safe leave; providing for the manner in which earned sick and safe leave is accrued by the employee and treated by the employer; requiring an employer to allow an employee to use earned sick and safe leave for specified purposes; requiring an employee, under specified circumstances, to request leave, notify the employer of specified information, and comply with specified procedures; etc.
HB-385: Labor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/13 At 12:30 P.m. on 02/13/2015
Court Personnel - Altering References from Master to Magistrate [HB-346]
Altering references to the term "master" to "magistrate" in specified provisions of law prohibiting specified individuals from practicing law or preparing or helping to prepare specified documents while employed in a specified capacity; requiring the county where a specified magistrate serves to pay to the Judges' Retirement System the employer contributions required to be paid on behalf of a specified magistrate beginning in a specified fiscal year; etc.
HB-346: Court Personnel - Altering References from Master to Magistrate
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 414 on 05/12/2015
Frederick County Public Charter School Program - Establishment [HB-30]
Establishing the Frederick County Public Charter School Program; establishing the Frederick County Public Charter School Board; authorizing an applicant for a specified charter in Frederick County to apply under the Maryland Public Charter School Program or the Frederick County Public Charter School Program; granting the County Council of Frederick County public chartering authority for granting specified charters under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-30: Frederick County Public Charter School Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Schulz
First Reading Ways And Means on 01/14/2015
Human Relations - Employment Discrimination - Protection for Interns [HB-229]
Establishing specified protections for interns and applicants for internships from specified discriminatory acts; providing that a specified intern has access to a specified complaint resolution procedure or, under specified circumstances, may file a complaint with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights for specified nonmonetary administrative remedies; providing that the Act does not create an employment relationship between an employer and an intern for the purposes of specified remedies or specified provisions of law; etc.
HB-229: Human Relations - Employment Discrimination - Protection for Interns
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
State Personnel and Procurement - Service Contracts - Reporting and Audit Requirements [HB-158]
Requiring that specified units meet with the exclusive representative of the employees who may be affected by the service contract to discuss specified alternatives to service contracts under specified circumstances; requiring that specified service contracts be subject to a legislative audit to determine compliance with specified requirements; requiring that the findings of the specified legislative audit be made available to the public; etc.
HB-158: State Personnel and Procurement - Service Contracts - Reporting and Audit Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 403 on 05/12/2015
Labor and Employment - Discrimination Based on Engagement in Lawful Activities - Prohibition [HB-1072]
Prohibiting, under specified circumstances, an employer from failing or refusing to hire, discharging, or otherwise discriminating against an applicant or employee on the basis of the applicant's or employee's engagement in a lawful activity off the employer's premises during nonworking hours; authorizing an applicant or employee aggrieved by a violation of the Act to file a civil action against the employer to obtain specified relief; providing for a specified limitations period for filing an action under the Act; etc.
HB-1072: Labor and Employment - Discrimination Based on Engagement in Lawful Activities - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/20/2015
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Sworn Police Officers - Binding Arbitration [SB-989]
Authorizing a designated representative of a system institution of the University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, or Baltimore City Community College, or the exclusive representative of sworn police officers employed by a system institution of the University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, or Baltimore City Community College, to request that an arbitrator be employed under specified circumstances; etc.
Department of Natural Resources Police - Transfer of Duties and Responsibilities to the Department of State Police [SB-935]
Abolishing the Department of Natural Resources Police Force; transferring the duties and responsibilities of the Department of Natural Resources Police Force to the Department of State Police; specifying that the Department of State Police is responsible for the enforcement of the natural resources laws of the State; providing for the transfer of specified employees, functions, property, equipment, records, assets, and liabilities of the Natural Resources police to the Department of State Police; etc.
SB-935: Department of Natural Resources Police - Transfer of Duties and Responsibilities to the Department of State Police
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Dyson
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/25/2014
Public School Employees - Service or Representation Fees - Local Discretion [SB-933]
Repealing specified provisions requiring public school employers in all jurisdictions of the State to negotiate with specified employee organizations regarding service or representation fees charged to nonmembers; and limiting the application of specified provisions of law regarding the negotiation and charging of service or representation fees.
SB-933: Public School Employees - Service or Representation Fees - Local Discretion
Sponsored by: Sen. David Brinkley
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/10/2014
State Personnel - Disciplinary Appeal and Grievance Procedure Documents - Electronic Transmission [SB-879]
Authorizing the electronic transmission of disciplinary appeal documents and decisions to appropriate parties; requiring the Secretary of Budget and Management to make forms for initiating and processing grievances available on the Department of Budget and Management's Web site; and authorizing the electronic transmission of copies of grievances and dispositions.
SB-879: State Personnel - Disciplinary Appeal and Grievance Procedure Documents - Electronic Transmission
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/15/2014