Higher Education - Collective Bargaining - Graduate Assistants (Graduate Assistant Collective Bargaining Fairness Act) [SB-491]
Providing collective bargaining rights to graduate assistants who are graduate students at a University System of Maryland institution, Morgan State University, or St. Mary's College of Maryland who is a teaching, administrative, or research assistant, or in a comparable position, a fellow, or a postdoctoral intern; establishing a separate collective bargaining unit for certain graduate assistants; etc.
State Personnel - Military Administrative Leave [SB-487]
Authorizing military administrative leave to be provided to an employee who is serving orders for military duty on or after October 1, 2019; and authorizing an employee serving orders for military duty on or after October 1, 2019 to elect to use either military administrative leave or paid leave.
SB-487: State Personnel - Military Administrative Leave
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2019
State Department of Education - Employment Categories and Practices [SB-422]
Altering the employment categories of certain employees of the State Department of Education; requiring that all positions in the Department be appointed positions in the professional service and skilled service as well as the executive service and management service, subject to a certain exception; requiring the Department to determine which employment classifications would be described as being in the skilled service or the professional service; providing certain requirements for employees hired beginning July 1, 2019; etc.
SB-422: State Department of Education - Employment Categories and Practices
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 646 on 05/25/2019
Legislation - Employee Organizations - Certification of Differential Impact [SB-392]
Requiring a certain employee organization to submit to the primary sponsor of a bill and a certain committee or committees a written statement certifying that a certain bill will have a certain impact on various subgroups of members of the employee organization; requiring the Department of Legislative Services to approve a certain form; etc.
SB-392: Legislation - Employee Organizations - Certification of Differential Impact
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 02/25/2019
Maryland Transit Administration – State Employees – Free Ridership (Transit Benefit for State Employees) [SB-319]
Requiring the Maryland Transit Administration to provide ridership services on transit vehicles to any permanent employee in any unit of the Executive Branch of State government, including a unit with an independent personnel system; prohibiting the Administration from collecting fees or reimbursement for certain transit services; and requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation and the Department of Budget and Management to report to certain committees of the General Assembly on the cost and feasibility of expanding the program.
SB-319: Maryland Transit Administration – State Employees – Free Ridership (Transit Benefit for State Employees)
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 420 on 05/13/2019
State Personnel - Grievance Procedures [SB-289]
Expanding the application of provisions of law governing grievance procedures for certain employees in the State Personnel Management System; requiring a grievant to complete certain forms in sufficient detail that will allow for the expeditious resolution of the grievance; and applying a certain definition of "grievance" to a certain requirement that the Department of Transportation adopt certain regulations relating to employee grievance procedures.
SB-289: State Personnel - Grievance Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2019
Labor and Employment – Payment of Wages – Minimum Wage (Fight for Fifteen) [SB-280]
Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for certain time periods and for certain employers except under certain circumstances; authorizing the Board of Public Works to temporarily suspend an increase to the minimum wage rate if the seasonally adjusted total employment is negative, subject to certain limitations; requiring the Governor's proposed budget for certain fiscal years to include certain rate increases for certain community service providers over the funding provided in certain legislative appropriations; etc.
SB-280: Labor and Employment – Payment of Wages – Minimum Wage (Fight for Fifteen)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Gubernatorial Veto Override - Chapter 11 on 03/28/2019
State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan [SB-193]
Requiring the State to continue providing a certain prescription drug benefit plan to certain retirees by repealing the January 1, 2019, termination of a certain State prescription drug benefit plan for certain retirees, spouses, and dependent children under certain circumstances; authorizing certain retirees who participate in a certain prescription drug benefit plan with a spouse or dependent child to elect to have the spouse or dependent child covered under a certain State prescription drug benefit plan; etc.
SB-193: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 3/05 At 1:45 P.m. on 03/01/2019
You have voted SB-193: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan.
State Personnel Recruitment Modernization Act of 2019 [SB-169]
Altering the recruitment and appointment process for certain positions in the skilled service or professional service in the State Personnel Management System under certain circumstances; requiring an appointing authority initiating a certain recruitment and appointment to notify the Department of Budget and Management of the recruitment; repealing certain time frames for the preparation of certain job announcements by certain appointing authorities for a certain position in State government; etc.
SB-169: State Personnel Recruitment Modernization Act of 2019
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/15/2019
Office of Personnel Services and Benefits - Study of Diversity of Employees in State Agencies [SB-1046]
Requiring the Office of Personnel Services and Benefits within the Department of Budget and Management to study the number and salaries of certain employees employed by certain State agencies in a position of grade 19 or above who are African American, Hispanic, or any other racial minority and report its findings to the Governor and a certain committee of the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020; etc.
SB-1046: Office of Personnel Services and Benefits - Study of Diversity of Employees in State Agencies
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2019
State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan [HB-98]
Requiring the State to continue providing a certain prescription drug benefit plan to certain retirees by repealing the January 1, 2019, termination of a certain State prescription drug benefit plan for certain retirees, spouses, and dependent children under certain circumstances; authorizing certain retirees who participate in a certain prescription drug benefit plan with a spouse or dependent child to elect to have the spouse or dependent child covered under a certain State prescription drug benefit plan; etc.
HB-98: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing Canceled on 02/25/2019
You have voted HB-98: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan.
State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan [HB-979]
Requiring the State to continue providing the State prescription drug benefit plan to certain retirees by repealing the termination of the State prescription drug benefit for certain retirees, spouses, and dependent children; authorizing certain retirees who participate in the State prescription drug benefit plan with a certain spouse or dependent child to elect to have the spouse or dependent child covered under the State prescription drug benefit plan; etc.
HB-979: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan
Sponsored by: Rep. Barrie Ciliberti
Hearing Canceled on 02/14/2019
You have voted HB-979: State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Retiree Participation in the State Prescription Drug Benefit Plan.
State Personnel - Grievance Procedures [HB-891]
Expanding the application of provisions of law governing grievance procedures for certain employees; requiring a grievant to complete certain forms in sufficient detail that will allow for the expeditious resolution of the grievance; applying a certain definition of "grievance" to a certain requirement that the Department of Transportation adopt certain regulations relating to employee grievance procedures; etc.
HB-891: State Personnel - Grievance Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol Krimm
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/24/2019
University System of Maryland - Regular Employees - Grievance Procedures and Disciplinary Actions [HB-822]
Authorizing a constituent institution of the University System of Maryland to remove, suspend, or demote a regular full-time or part-time employee who is not on probation only for cause, on written charges and in accordance with certain provisions of law; and clarifying that the University System of Maryland may not remove, suspend, or demote a regular full-time or part-time employee for any reason prohibited by State antidiscrimination law.
HB-822: University System of Maryland - Regular Employees - Grievance Procedures and Disciplinary Actions
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 697 on 05/25/2019
HB-794: Labor and Employment - Discrimination Against Medical Cannabis Patients and Caregivers - Prohibition (Medical Cannabis Patient and Caregiver Antidiscrimination Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/15/2019
You have voted HB-794: Labor and Employment - Discrimination Against Medical Cannabis Patients and Caregivers - Prohibition (Medical Cannabis Patient and Caregiver Antidiscrimination Act).
Collective Bargaining - Chancellor of the University System of Maryland - Negotiations [HB-767]
Requiring the Chancellor of the University System of Maryland to act on behalf of the University System of Maryland and certain system institutions for the purpose of collective bargaining; providing for the negotiation of a certain consolidated memorandum of understanding under certain circumstances; repealing a provision of law authorizing certain presidents of certain system institutions to cooperate for the purpose of collective bargaining; etc.
HB-767: Collective Bargaining - Chancellor of the University System of Maryland - Negotiations
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 03/15/2019
State Government - Legislative and Executive Branches - Workplace Bullying [HB-57]
Requiring each manager and supervisor in the Legislative and Executive branches of State government to immediately report to the appointing authority or head of the principal unit certain incidents of workplace bullying; providing that it is the intent of the General Assembly to educate all employees about bullying, ensure that bullying is not tolerated, and deal appropriately with bullying in the workplace; requiring certain human resources departments to collect and share data on complaints and reports; etc.
HB-57: State Government - Legislative and Executive Branches - Workplace Bullying
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Unfavorable Report By House Rules And Executive Nominations; Withdrawn on 03/05/2019
Collective Bargaining - Student Athletes [HB-548]
Requiring the State Higher Education Labor Relations Board to adopt regulations authorizing and establishing the process for collective bargaining for student athletes on or before July 1, 2020.
HB-548: Collective Bargaining - Student Athletes
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations; Withdrawn on 03/15/2019
State Personnel - Payment of State Employee Wages - Repeal of Sunset Provision [HB-531]
Repealing the termination date for certain provisions of law requiring the Central Payroll Bureau of the Office of the State Comptroller to establish certain pay periods and pay certain employees at certain intervals, requiring appointing authorities to report certain payroll information to the Bureau in a certain manner, requiring the Bureau and the appointing authorities to provide certain information to each employee, establishing a certain grievance procedure, and allowing certain damages.
HB-531: State Personnel - Payment of State Employee Wages - Repeal of Sunset Provision
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 664 on 05/25/2019