State Finances

State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. [HB-994]
Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues.

Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Read First Time on 02/23/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requiring minority impact statements for state agency grant applications. [HB-931]
Relating to requiring minority impact statements for state agency grant applications.

Sponsored by: Rep. Harold Dutton Read First Time on 02/23/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to adoption of a temporary program for the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. [HB-911]
Relating to adoption of a temporary program for the operation and funding of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Sponsored by: Rep. John Smithee Read First Time on 03/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. [HB-84]
Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Read First Time on 02/12/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of public funds to print certain public documents in a language other than English and other bilingual requirements. [HB-81]
Relating to the use of public funds to print certain public documents in a language other than English and other bilingual requirements.

Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Flynn Read First Time on 02/12/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to prohibiting the investment of the permanent university fund in certain business entities doing business in Sudan. [HB-801]
Relating to prohibiting the investment of the permanent university fund in certain business entities doing business in Sudan.

Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Referred To Finance on 05/21/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the collateralization of certain public funds and to custodians with which certain pledged securities may be deposited; providing administrative penalties. [HB-77]
Relating to the collateralization of certain public funds and to custodians with which certain pledged securities may be deposited; providing administrative penalties.

Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Flynn Not Again Placed On Intent Calendar on 05/25/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. [HB-689]
Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

Sponsored by: Rep. Abel Herrero Read First Time on 02/18/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. [HB-686]
Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Read First Time on 02/18/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund. [HB-644]
Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund.

Sponsored by: Rep. Geanie Morrison Read First Time on 02/18/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to appropriations for damages and disruptions suffered by state agencies and institutions of higher education caused by natural disasters and to an appropriation for disaster relief generally. [HB-6]
Relating to appropriations for damages and disruptions suffered by state agencies and institutions of higher education caused by natural disasters and to an appropriation for disaster relief generally.

Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Considered In Calendars on 04/17/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to outsourcing a service performed by a state agency to a private commercial contractor. [HB-581]
Relating to outsourcing a service performed by a state agency to a private commercial contractor.

Sponsored by: Rep. Justin Rodriguez Read First Time on 02/18/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to measures to enhance and maintain the quality of state universities, including funding and incentives to support emerging public research universities, to the abolition of the higher education fund, to the institutional groupings under the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's accountability system, to the independent status of Lamar Institute of Technology, to research conducted by public universities and other state entities, and to the authorization of revenue bonds for certain institutions of higher education. [HB-51]
Relating to measures to enhance and maintain the quality of state universities, including funding and incentives to support emerging public research universities, to the abolition of the higher education fund, to the institutional groupings under the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's accountability system, to the independent status of Lamar Institute of Technology, to research conducted by public universities and other state entities, and to the authorization of revenue bonds for certain institutions of higher education.

Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner See Remarks For Effective Date on 06/17/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the preparation by the Legislative Budget Board of a dynamic fiscal impact statement for certain bills and joint resolutions affecting taxes and fees. [HB-464]
Relating to the preparation by the Legislative Budget Board of a dynamic fiscal impact statement for certain bills and joint resolutions affecting taxes and fees.

Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to financial support and incentives for the development of national research universities and high-quality comprehensive regional universities and a review of the institutional groupings under the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's accountability system. [HB-4616]
Relating to financial support and incentives for the development of national research universities and high-quality comprehensive regional universities and a review of the institutional groupings under the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's accountability system.

Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Branch Read First Time on 03/26/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to transfers from the permanent school fund to the available school fund. [HB-4590]
Relating to transfers from the permanent school fund to the available school fund.

Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Left Pending In Committee on 05/23/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requiring the Department of Family and Protective Services to apply for Medicaid for certain children in the conservatorship of the state. [HB-4588]
Relating to requiring the Department of Family and Protective Services to apply for Medicaid for certain children in the conservatorship of the state.

Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Read First Time on 03/26/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a state purchasing preference for certain pharmaceutical manufacturers. [HB-4589]
Relating to a state purchasing preference for certain pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/01/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to providing information to state employees regarding the availability of Medicaid and other health benefits coverage for their children. [HB-4587]
Relating to providing information to state employees regarding the availability of Medicaid and other health benefits coverage for their children.

Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Pitts Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/01/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority and prescribing limitations regarding appropriations. [HB-4586]
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority and prescribing limitations regarding appropriations.

Sponsored by: Sen. Larry Taylor Signed By The Governor on 06/19/2009

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