State Government - Information Technology and Cybersecurity-Related Infrastructure (Modernize Maryland Act of 2022) [SB-811]
Requiring a public or private water or sewer system that serves 10,000 or more users and receives financial assistance from the State to assess its vulnerability to a cyber attack; authorizing the Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration to provide financial assistance to a public water or wastewater system to assess system cybersecurity vulnerabilities and develop a cybersecurity plan; establishing the Local Cybersecurity Support Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; altering the duties of the Secretary of Information Technology; etc.
SB-811: State Government - Information Technology and Cybersecurity-Related Infrastructure (Modernize Maryland Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Rereferred To Health And Government Operations And Appropriations on 04/11/2022
Maryland Stadium Authority - Increase of Bond Authorization - Camden Yards [HB-896]
Altering the amount of taxable or tax exempt bonds that the Maryland Stadium Authority may issue for certain sports facilities at Camden Yards and the purposes for which the proceeds from those bonds may be utilized; specifying the maximum amount of bonds that may be issued for certain facilities; altering the amount that the Comptroller is required to distribute from the State Lottery Fund to the Maryland Stadium Facilities Fund; etc.
HB-896: Maryland Stadium Authority - Increase of Bond Authorization - Camden Yards
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 60 on 04/12/2022
You have voted HB-897: Economic Development - Sports Entertainment Facilities and Events, Prince George's County Blue Line Corridor Facilities, and Racing Facilities.
Economic Development - Maryland Stadium Authority - Charles County Multicultural Recreational and Amphitheatre Facilities [SB-685]
Authorizing the Maryland Stadium Authority to review certain matters and make certain recommendations relating to the Charles County Multicultural Recreational and Amphitheatre Facilities; authorizing the Authority to acquire and finance by certain means a Charles County Multicultural Recreational and Amphitheatre Facilities site or an interest in the site; and establishing the Charles County Multicultural Recreational and Amphitheatre Facilities Fund as a continuing, nonlapsing fund.
SB-685: Economic Development - Maryland Stadium Authority - Charles County Multicultural Recreational and Amphitheatre Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Ellis
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2022
Fair Hill Improvement Fund – Special Event Area and Operations [SB-679]
Requiring that certain funds credited to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund be used exclusively for the grounds and facilities within the special event area at Fair Hill; authorizing the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $1,800,000 to the Fund; and authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to use certain funds for certain grants to certain entities for certain purposes.
SB-679: Fair Hill Improvement Fund – Special Event Area and Operations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 269 on 05/12/2022
Fair Hill Improvement Fund - Special Event Area and Operations [HB-658]
Requiring that certain funds credited to the Fair Hill Improvement Fund be used exclusively for the grounds and facilities within the special event area at Fair Hill; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $1,800,000 to the Fund; and authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to use certain funds for certain grants to certain entities for certain purposes.
HB-658: Fair Hill Improvement Fund - Special Event Area and Operations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
First Reading Ways And Means on 01/31/2022
Relating To Government Operations. [HB-2470]
Establishes the director of business, economic development, and tourism, or a designee of the director, as an ex-officio, voting member of the Hawaii tourism authority and the school facilities authority board. Transfers the stadium authority from the department of accounting and general services to the department of business, economic development, and tourism. On July 1, 2023, transfers the school facilities authority from the department of education to the department of business, economic development, and tourism. Amends the composition of the
HB-2470: Relating To Government Operations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
The Committee On Eet Deferred The Measure. on 03/18/2022
Relating To Government Operations. [SB-3334]
Establishes the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, or a designee of the director, as an ex-officio voting member of the Hawaii Tourism Authority and Stadium Authority boards. Transfers the Stadium Authority from the Department of Accounting and General Services to the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Amends the composition of the Stadium Authority. Amends the development guidance policies of the Stadium Authority. Reduces the amount of general obligation bonds that may be issued for the stadium development
SB-3334: Relating To Government Operations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gil Keith-agaran
Act 220, On 06/27/2022 (gov. Msg. No. 1321). on 06/27/2022
State Government - Quasi-Governmental Units - Oversight and Governance [SB-399]
Establishing certain entities as "quasi-governmental units"; establishing the intent of the General Assembly to weigh certain factors when considering the creation of a new quasi-governmental unit; requiring a board of directors of a quasi-governmental unit to conduct a certain annual performance appraisal of the head of the quasi-governmental unit; requiring a quasi-governmental unit to submit annually a certain budget to the Department of Budget and Management in a certain manner; etc.
SB-399: State Government - Quasi-Governmental Units - Oversight and Governance
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2022
State Government - Quasi-Governmental Units - Oversight and Governance [HB-416]
Establishing certain entities as "quasi-governmental units"; establishing the intent of the General Assembly to weigh certain factors when considering the creation of a new quasi-governmental unit; requiring a board of directors of a quasi-governmental unit to conduct a certain annual performance appraisal of the head of the quasi-governmental unit; requiring a quasi-governmental unit to submit annually a certain budget to the Department of Budget and Management in a certain manner; etc.
HB-416: State Government - Quasi-Governmental Units - Oversight and Governance
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2022
Maryland Stadium Authority - Membership [HB-20]
Increasing the membership of the Maryland Stadium Authority from seven to nine; and altering the number of members of the Authority needed to constitute a quorum and the number of affirmative votes of the Authority needed to take certain actions.
HB-20: Maryland Stadium Authority - Membership
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 17 on 04/09/2022
Relating To The Stadium Development District. [SB-1423]
Establishes the stadium development district special fund. Provides for the sunset of the stadium special fund. Revises the general development guidance policies for the stadium development district and clarifies the respective roles of the stadium authority and Hawaii community development authority in the development of the stadium development district. Broadens the powers and duties of the stadium authority, including authorizing the stadium authority to acquire and hold title to real property. Exempts land to which the stadium authority holds
SB-1423: Relating To The Stadium Development District.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donovan Cruz
Carried Over To 2022 Regular Session. on 12/10/2021
Relating To The Aloha Stadium. [HB-1347]
Provides development guidance policies for the stadium authority. Tasks the authority with seeking to promote the safety and reliability of harbor infrastructure by identifying and developing appropriate areas within the stadium development district, including stadium parking lots as appropriate, that are fortified to withstand the structural requirements of a permanent shipping container storage and lay down facility for emergency use by Pearl Harbor.
HB-1347: Relating To The Aloha Stadium.
Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Lopresti
Carried Over To 2022 Regular Session. on 12/10/2021
Relating To The Aloha Stadium. [SB-1336]
Provides development guidance policies for the stadium authority. Tasks the authority with seeking to promote the safety and reliability of harbor infrastructure by identifying and developing appropriate areas within the stadium development district, including stadium parking lots as appropriate, that are fortified to withstand the structural requirements of a permanent shipping container storage and lay down facility for emergency use by Pearl Harbor.
SB-1336: Relating To The Aloha Stadium.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Carried Over To 2022 Regular Session. on 12/10/2021
SCR-110: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Referred To Eet/psm. on 03/16/2021
You have voted SCR-110: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable..
SR-87: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Referred To Eet/psm. on 03/16/2021
You have voted SR-87: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable..
HCR-72: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
The Committee(s) On Wal Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 03/18/2021
You have voted HCR-72: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable..
HR-61: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
The Committee(s) On Wal Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 03/18/2021
You have voted HR-61: Requesting The Stadium Authority To Identify And Develop Appropriate Areas Within The Stadium Development District To Withstand The Structural Requirements Of A Permanent Shipping Container Storage And Lay Down Facility For Use By Pearl Harbor When Serving As A Backup In An Emergency That Renders Honolulu Harbor Unusable..
Economic Development – Maryland Stadium Authority – Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility [SB-926]
Authorizing the Maryland Stadium Authority to review and make recommendations on the Hagerstown Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility; authorizing the Authority to acquire a site or an interest in a site for the Facility; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation of $3,750,000 for the Hagerstown Multi-Use Sports and Events Facility Fund; requiring the Hagerstown-Washington County Industrial Foundation to report to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 31 each year; etc.
SB-926: Economic Development – Maryland Stadium Authority – Hagerstown Multi–Use Sports and Events Facility
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 353 on 05/18/2021