Social Services - Generally

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Income Tax - Earned Income Tax Credit - Eligibility Awareness Campaign Pilot Program [HB-762]
Requiring the Department of Human Resources, in consultation with the Comptroller, to implement and administer an earned income tax credit eligibility awareness pilot program in Baltimore City and Somerset County to encourage eligible individuals to claim the federal and State earned income tax credits; establishing the Earned Income Tax Credit Eligibility Awareness Campaign Fund; requiring the Department to request specified taxpayer information from the Comptroller; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Carolyn Howard Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Public Schools and Shelters - Homeless Girls and Women - Feminine Hygiene Products [SB-625]
Requiring the Department of Human Resources to make available to specified service providers, local administering agencies for specified service providers and county boards of education specified supplies of feminine hygiene products for female residents in shelters and specified homeless female students; requiring specified feminine hygiene products to be made available free; requiring each county board of education to make available, in a specified manner, feminine hygiene products to homeless female students; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson Approved By The Governor - Chapter 642 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Department of Human Resources - Public Assistance Eligibility - Financial Records [SB-671]
Requiring the Department of Human Resources, on a showing by an applicant for long-term Medicaid benefits that the applicant has been unable to obtain from a specified fiduciary institution financial records related to financial and real property assets necessary to establish the applicant's eligibility or ineligibility for public assistance, to request and obtain the records; requiring the Department to adopt regulations stating the requirements an applicant must satisfy for the Department to request financial records; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor - Chapter 202 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Transitional Supports for Ex-Offenders - Repeal of Restrictions (Maryland Equal Access to Food Act of 2017) [HB-860]
Repealing specified provisions of law subjecting individuals convicted of specified felonies involving a controlled dangerous substance who apply for temporary cash assistance or food stamps to specified testing and treatment requirements and sanctions; altering the criminal violations that make specified recipients ineligible for temporary cash assistance or food stamps for 1 year after conviction and subject to specified testing and treatment requirements and sanctions; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 793 on 05/27/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Department of Human Resources - Public Assistance Eligibility - Financial Records [HB-752]
Requiring the Department of Human Resources, on a showing by an applicant for long-term care Medicaid benefits that the applicant has been unable to obtain from a specified fiduciary institution financial records related to financial and real property assets necessary to establish the applicant's eligibility or ineligibility for Medicaid benefits, to request the records; requiring the Department to adopt regulations stating the requirements an applicant must satisfy for the Department to request financial records; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Ariana Kelly Approved By The Governor - Chapter 203 on 04/18/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Housing Navigator and Aftercare Program [SB-531]
Establishing the Housing Navigator and Aftercare Program to assist families and individuals who are experiencing, or who are in imminent danger of, a housing crisis in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing; requiring the Governor, subject to the limitations of the State budget, to include an appropriation for the Program of $516,828 in the annual budget each fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2019; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor - Chapter 638 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Food Stamp Program - Time Limit Waiver - Prohibition [HB-533]
Prohibiting the State from applying for or implementing a federal waiver of the time limit on the receipt of benefits under the food stamp program by an able-bodied adult without dependents who does not meet specified work requirements.


Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 02/20/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Veterans Affairs - Maryland Veterans Service Animal Program - Establishment [SB-441]
Establishing the Maryland Veterans Service Animal Program in the Department of Veterans Affairs to refer eligible veterans who inquire about participation in the Program to one or more nonprofit training entities and encourage successful Program participants to assist in outreach to potential participants; requiring the Department to select at least one nonprofit entity to implement a training protocol, select participants, and provide services to specified veterans; establishing the Maryland Veterans Service Animal Program Fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor - Chapter 416 on 05/04/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Housing Navigator and Aftercare Program [HB-269]
Establishing the Housing Navigator and Aftercare Program to assist families and individuals who are experiencing, or who are in imminent danger of, a housing crisis in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing; requiring the Governor, subject to limitations of the State budget, to include an appropriation for the Program of $516,828 in the annual budget each fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2019; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Approved By The Governor - Chapter 637 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Homelessness and Supportive Services - Transfer to Department of Housing and Community Development [HB-134]
Transferring specified responsibilities relating to the Interagency Council on Homelessness and the Homeless Women - Crisis Shelter Home Program from the Department of Human Resources to the Department of Housing and Community Development; providing for the transfer of the functions, powers, and duties of the Bureau of Homeless Services; requiring the Council to appoint a specified transition team; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 105 on 04/11/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Department of Human Resources and Child Support Enforcement Administration - Renaming [HB-103]
Renaming the Department of Human Resources to be the Department of Human Services; renaming the Secretary of Human Resources to be the Secretary of Human Services; providing that the Department of Human Services is the successor of the Department of Human Resources; renaming the Child Support Enforcement Administration to be the Child Support Administration; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 205 on 04/18/2017

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