Relating To Smoking. [HB-825]
Transfers regulation of electronic smoking devices from AG's office to DOTAX. Establishes procedures for licensing and permitting of electronic smoking device retailers. Increases tobacco licensing and permitting fees. Allocates $200,000 of new e-liquid excise tax to the Hawaii tobacco prevention and control trust fund.
HB-825: Relating To Smoking.
Sponsored by: Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi
Re-referred To Hlt, Cpc, Fin, Referral Sheet 10 on 02/01/2019
Relating To Condominiums. [HB-810]
Enables condominium associations to adopt rules and regulations that require unit owners to prohibit smoking inside a condominium unit as part of any lease agreement, on any lanai of a condominium unit, and in all common elements.
HB-810: Relating To Condominiums.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Nishimoto
Referred To Cpc, Referral Sheet 6 on 01/28/2019
Relating To County Authority On The Sale Of Tobacco Products. [HB-195]
Allows counties to adopt and enforce additional ordinances that regulate the sale or use of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices. Requires county ordinances to be no less protective of public health than state law. Repeals statute that preempts local smoking ordinances and regulations and voids any local law or regulation that conflicts with state smoking laws.
HB-195: Relating To County Authority On The Sale Of Tobacco Products.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Referred To Hlt, Cpc/jud, Fin, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/22/2019
Relating To Smoking. [HB-1395]
Establishes a $100 fine for persons over twenty-one who smoke on public school property or at public school functions. (HB1395 HD1)
HB-1395: Relating To Smoking.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadine Nakamura
The Committee(s) On Fin Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/26/2019
Relating To Public Health. [HB-1284]
Limits the State's preemption of local ordinances that regulate the sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, and electronic smoking devices to allow the counties to enact ordinances more protective of public health than state law. (HB1284 HD1)
HB-1284: Relating To Public Health.
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Takumi
Reported From Hlt (stand. Com. Rep. No. 151) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Lab. on 02/07/2019
Relating To Condominiums. [HB-1257]
Enables condominium associations to adopt rules and regulations that: require unit owners to prohibit smoking inside a condominium unit as part of a lease agreement; and prohibit smoking on a lanai of a condominium unit and in all common elements.
HB-1257: Relating To Condominiums.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
The Committee(s) On Cpc Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/07/2019
You have voted HB-900: Relating to the act of smoking tobacco in a vehicle with a child present; authorizing an additional fine for certain criminal offenses..
Criminal Law - Use and Possession of Marijuana [SB-891]
Increasing the amount of marijuana a person may use or possess and be subject to civil penalties; requiring a police officer to issue a citation under specified circumstances; establishing that specified violations involving the use or possession of a specified amount of marijuana is a Code violation; prohibiting a driver from consuming marijuana in a motor vehicle under specified circumstances; prohibiting an occupant from smoking marijuana in a motor vehicle under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-891: Criminal Law - Use and Possession of Marijuana
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/02/2016
Tobacco Taxes - Healthy Maryland Initiative [SB-514]
Requiring the Governor to include for fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter an additional $11,000,000 in annual appropriations for tobacco use prevention and cessation programs; altering the tobacco tax rates on cigarettes and other tobacco products; establishing the tobacco tax rates on cigarillos; clarifying that all cigarettes and other tobacco products used, possessed, or held in the State on or after July 1, 2016, are subject to the full tax enacted under the Act; etc.
Electronic Smoking Devices - E-Liquid Containers - Child-Resistant Packaging [SB-204]
Prohibiting a retailer from distributing to a consumer an e-liquid containers unless the container is distributed in child-resistant packaging; establishing specified civil penalties; providing that a sworn law enforcement officer, a county health officer, or a designee of a county health officer may issue a specified civil citation for a violation of the Act; etc.
Health - Prohibition on Distribution of Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices to Minors - Civil Enforcement [SB-114]
Prohibiting the distribution of a tobacco product, an electronic smoking device, cigarette rolling papers, or a coupon redeemable for a tobacco product to a minor, with specified exceptions; authorizing a county health officer or specified designees of a county health officer to issue a citation for a violation of the Act; establishing specified civil penalties for a violation of the Act; etc.
SB-114: Health - Prohibition on Distribution of Tobacco Products and Electronic Smoking Devices to Minors - Civil Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 2/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [SB-1005]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a risk and needs assessment on inmates as soon as feasible after sentencing and develop a case plan to guide an inmate's rehabilitation while in custody; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; authorizing expungement for convictions for specified misdemeanors after 10 years, or 15 years under specified conditions; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
SB-1005: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 515 on 05/19/2016
Electronic Smoking Devices - Regulation and Taxation [HB-861]
Altering specified definitions and defining specified terms for the purpose of applying specified provisions of law regulating the sale, manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of cigarettes and tobacco products and paraphernalia to electronic smoking devices; altering the definition of "cigarette" for the purpose of applying the provisions of law related to the tobacco tax to the sale of electronic smoking devices; repealing an obsolete provision of law; and making conforming changes.
HB-861: Electronic Smoking Devices - Regulation and Taxation
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/14/2016
Marijuana - Smoking or Consuming in a Vehicle or Vessel - Prohibition [HB-809]
Prohibiting a person from smoking or otherwise consuming marijuana while operating or attempting to operate a vessel; prohibiting a driver of a motor vehicle from smoking or otherwise consuming marijuana in the motor vehicle on a highway; prohibiting a passenger of a motor vehicle on a highway from smoking marijuana in a passenger area of the motor vehicle or consuming marijuana in an area of the motor vehicle that is readily accessible to the driver of the motor vehicle; etc.
HB-809: Marijuana - Smoking or Consuming in a Vehicle or Vessel - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/14/2016
Criminal Law - Smoking Marijuana in a Public Place - Prohibition [HB-777]
Prohibiting a person from smoking marijuana in a public place, in or on a public conveyance, or in any specified area otherwise accessible to the public; establishing a penalty of a fine not to exceed $500 for violation of the Act; providing that a conviction under the Act is a shieldable conviction for a specified purpose; providing for the expungement of a conviction under the Act; etc.
HB-777: Criminal Law - Smoking Marijuana in a Public Place - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2016
Public Schools - Electronic Smoking Devices - Policy and Disciplinary Standards [HB-750]
Requiring the State Department of Education, after consultation with each local school system, to develop, on or before April 1, 2017, a specified model policy prohibiting the use of specified electronic smoking devices on school property, on school buses, and at school-sponsored events; requiring that the model policy contain specified information; requiring specified county boards of education to establish specified policies prohibiting the use of electronic smoking devices at specified locations and specified events; etc.
HB-750: Public Schools - Electronic Smoking Devices - Policy and Disciplinary Standards
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheila Hixson
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) on 03/07/2016
Tobacco Taxes - Healthy Maryland Initiative [HB-71]
Requiring the Governor to include for fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter an additional $11,000,000 in annual appropriations for tobacco use prevention and cessation programs; altering the tobacco tax rates on cigarettes and other tobacco products; establishing the tobacco tax rates on cigarillos; clarifying that all cigarettes and other tobacco products used, possessed, or held in the State on or after July 1, 2016, are subject to the full tax enacted under the Act; etc.
Criminal Law - Marijuana Consumption in Public Place - Prohibition [HB-334]
Prohibiting a person from smoking or consuming marijuana in a public place or in a vehicle located on a highway, in a parking lot, or in an area accessible to the public; prohibiting a person from being impaired by marijuana and endangering the safety of the person, another person, or property; and establishing a specified penalty.
HB-334: Criminal Law - Marijuana Consumption in Public Place - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Brett Wilson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/14/2016
Vehicle Laws - Smoking Marijuana in Vehicles - Prohibition [HB-183]
Prohibiting a driver of a motor vehicle from smoking or consuming marijuana in the passenger area of the motor vehicle on a highway; prohibiting an occupant of a motor vehicle from smoking marijuana in the passenger area of the motor vehicle on a highway; and establishing specified penalties.
HB-183: Vehicle Laws - Smoking Marijuana in Vehicles - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/23/2016