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Explain HCR-6: Approves the contract for the printing of the Session Laws. × Sponsored by: No sponsors Delivered To Secretary Of State On 03/03 on 03/04/2011
You have voted HCR-6: Approves the contract for the printing of the Session Laws..
Explain HB-2783: Educator health insurance; study committee × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2783: Educator health insurance; study committee.
Explain HB-2035: Appropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors. × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley House Read Second Time on 01/22/2020
You have voted HB-2035: Appropriation; veterans' services; benefits counselors..
Explain HB-2426: Medical services; purchase; study committee × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2426: Medical services; purchase; study committee.
Explain HB-2310: Appropriation; military installation projects × Sponsored by: Sen. Sine Kerr Senate Approp Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (8-1-0-0) on 03/03/2020
You have voted HB-2310: Appropriation; military installation projects.
Explain HB-2284: Appropriation; regional park; Yavapai county × Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Fann House Rules Committee Action: Constitutional And In Proper Form, Voting: (8-0-0-0-0-0) on 02/24/2020
You have voted HB-2284: Appropriation; regional park; Yavapai county.
Explain HB-2273: Appropriation; pretrial intervention programs × Sponsored by: Rep. Bob Thorpe House Read Second Time on 01/27/2020
You have voted HB-2273: Appropriation; pretrial intervention programs.
Explain HB-2266: Appropriations; extended bus routes × Sponsored by: Sen. Kelly Townsend Senate Approp Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (8-0-1-0) on 03/10/2020
You have voted HB-2266: Appropriations; extended bus routes.
Explain HB-2271: Appropriation; dual enrollment courses; eligibility × Sponsored by: Rep. Michelle Udall House Ed Committee Action: Held, Voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) on 01/27/2020
You have voted HB-2271: Appropriation; dual enrollment courses; eligibility.
Explain HB-2274: Appropriation; Lower Lake Mary × Sponsored by: Rep. Bob Thorpe House Read Second Time on 02/10/2020
You have voted HB-2274: Appropriation; Lower Lake Mary.
Explain HB-2243: Appropriation; Gila River bridge × Sponsored by: Rep. John Allen Senate Approp Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (7-1-1-0) on 03/03/2020
You have voted HB-2243: Appropriation; Gila River bridge.
Explain HB-2241: Appropriation; DOC; food service contract × Sponsored by: Sen. Anthony Kern Senate Approp Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (8-0-1-0) on 03/03/2020
You have voted HB-2241: Appropriation; DOC; food service contract.
Explain HB-2198: Appropriation; Ganado School Loop Road × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez House Minority Caucus: Do Pass on 02/18/2020
You have voted HB-2198: Appropriation; Ganado School Loop Road.
Explain HB-2188: Appropriation; school support personnel; salaries × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2188: Appropriation; school support personnel; salaries.
Explain HB-2197: Appropriation; Cove chapter; economic development × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez House Read Second Time on 01/30/2020
You have voted HB-2197: Appropriation; Cove chapter; economic development.
Explain HB-2202: Appropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez House Trans Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (8-1-0-0-0-0) on 02/05/2020
You have voted HB-2202: Appropriation; Navajo nation; bridge replacement.
Explain HB-2213: WQARF; appropriation × Sponsored by: Sen. Rosanna Gabaldon Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2213: WQARF; appropriation.
Explain HB-2196: Appropriation; Navajo nation; safety plan × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez House Read Second Time on 01/30/2020
You have voted HB-2196: Appropriation; Navajo nation; safety plan.