AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation. [HB-503]
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt from state and local property taxes real property maintained as the permanent residence of an owner who is an active-duty member or honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the Kentucky National Guard; require the owner to file paperwork with the local assessor to receive the exemption; provide that the exemptions supersede contrary provisions of Sections 170, 171, 172, and 174 of the Constitution of Kentucky; apply
HB-503: AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Lawrence
To Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (h) on 02/21/2025
HB-2785: Relating to the display of certain information on the secretary of state's Internet website prior to the completion of an online voter registration application.
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Garcia
Read First Time on 03/19/2025
You have voted HB-2785: Relating to the display of certain information on the secretary of state's Internet website prior to the completion of an online voter registration application..
AN ACT relating to elections. [HB-472]
Amend KRS 118.125, relating to primary elections, to remove the requirement that two registered voters from a candidate's party and district or jurisdiction must sign the candidate's notification and declaration; amend KRS 118A.060 to remove the requirement that two registered voters from a judicial candidate's district or circuit must sign the candidate's petition for nomination; amend KRS 118A.100 to remove the requirement that two registered voters from a judicial candidate's district or circuit must sign the candidate's petition for nomination;
HB-472: AN ACT relating to elections.
Sponsored by: Rep. Josh Calloway
To Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (h) on 02/14/2025
AN ACT relating to local transient room taxes. [HB-490]
Amend KRS 91A.390 to require a quarterly filing of local transient room taxes for a person that facilitates the rental of the accommodations by brokering, coordinating, or in any other way arranging for the rental; create new section of KRS Chapter 91A.345 to 91A.394 to require local governing bodies who assess various local transient room taxes to provide information to the Secretary of State regarding those taxes and require the Secretary of State to develop a standard return, methods for electronic filing and payment, and publish contact information
HB-490: AN ACT relating to local transient room taxes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Flannery
Taken From Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/28/2025
AN ACT proposing to amend Section 1 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the environment. [HB-470]
Propose to amend Section 1 of the Constitution of Kentucky to establish a right of the people to have a healthy environment, including a right to clean air, pure water, and ecologically healthy habitats; declare the Commonwealth's natural resources, among them its air, water, flora, fauna, climate, and public lands, the common property of all people, including generations yet to come; establish that as trustee of the environment and its natural resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all people; provide ballot
HB-470: AN ACT proposing to amend Section 1 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the environment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Banta
To Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (h) on 02/14/2025
AN ACT relating to elections. [HB-455]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to establish the Office of Election Investigations and Security within the Office of the Attorney General; establish powers, duties, and procedures; require an annual report to the Legislative Research Commission.
HB-455: AN ACT relating to elections.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Henson Decker
Signed By Governor on 03/19/2025
AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly. [SB-146]
Propose to amend Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prevent members of the Senate from serving more than four terms of office, not including partial terms of two years or less, and to prevent members of the House of Representatives from serving more than eight terms of office, not including partial terms of two years or less, beginning with those elected in November 2028; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
SB-146: AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Yates
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/14/2025
You have voted SB-146: AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly..
SB-1192: Relating to a requirement that the ballot for an election to amend the state constitution include an estimate of the cost to the state of the proposed amendment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Read First Time on 02/28/2025
You have voted SB-1192: Relating to a requirement that the ballot for an election to amend the state constitution include an estimate of the cost to the state of the proposed amendment..
General Provisions - Full-Year Daylight Saving Time [HB-1290]
Altering the standard time in the State to be Eastern Daylight Time year-round; making the Act contingent on a change to federal law; and requiring the Secretary of State to monitor action by the federal government.
HB-1290: General Provisions - Full-Year Daylight Saving Time
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Stonko
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/24/2025
Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act) [HB-1407]
Establishing that each individual and a certain right holder have the right to authorize the use of the voice or visual likeness of the individual in a digital replica; providing that the right does not expire on the death of the individual and is transferable or licensable in a certain manner; providing that the right terminates after a certain period of time; requiring an online service to designate an agent for certain purposes; requiring the Secretary of State to maintain and make available certain information; etc.
HB-1407: Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Marlon Amprey
First Reading Economic Matters on 02/07/2025
You have voted HB-1407: Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act).
Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not On Our Dime Act) [HB-1394]
Prohibiting certain nonprofit organizations from aiding or abetting certain activity by the government of Israel or a citizen of Israel; authorizing the Attorney General or a certain person to bring a certain action against a nonprofit organization that violates the Act; and requiring the Secretary of State to remove a nonprofit organization from the Registry of Charitable Solicitation after receiving notice from the Attorney General or a prevailing plaintiff of a decision entered against a nonprofit organization.
HB-1394: Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not On Our Dime Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Diana Fennell
Hearing 3/05 At 3:00 P.m. on 03/05/2025
AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 29 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to citizen ballot initiatives. [SB-115]
Propose to amend Section 29 of the Constitution of Kentucky to establish the initiative power of the people to propose laws and to enact or reject proposed initiatives at an election; establish procedures for initiatives, effect of adopted initiatives, and parameters for the subject of any initiative; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
SB-115: AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 29 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to citizen ballot initiatives.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Berg
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/11/2025
AN ACT relating to digital assets. [HB-377]
Amend KRS 41.070 and 45.345 and create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to prohibit state and local governments from requiring use or payment of central bank digital currency; establish KRS Chapter 355A and create new sections thereof to define terms, establish property classifications for digital assets, and prohibit KRS Chapter 355A from applying to central bank digital currency; supplement and modify provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code, KRS Chapter 355, relating to the classification, perfection, and priority of digital assets; allow debtors
HB-377: AN ACT relating to digital assets.
Sponsored by: Rep. T.J. Roberts
To Banking & Insurance (h) on 02/12/2025
You have voted HB-394: AN ACT proposing to amend Section 77 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons..