Retirement Systems--municipal

State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to member contributions to the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [HB-3441]
Relating to member contributions to the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Rep. Todd Hunter Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/19/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the fiduciary responsibility of the governing body of the public retirement systems in this state and the investment managers and proxy advisors acting on behalf of those systems. [SB-1446]
Relating to the fiduciary responsibility of the governing body of the public retirement systems in this state and the investment managers and proxy advisors acting on behalf of those systems.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Placed On General State Calendar on 05/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the public retirement systems for employees of certain municipalities. [SB-1444]
Relating to the public retirement systems for employees of certain municipalities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini See Remarks For Effective Date on 05/29/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage. [SB-1258]
Relating to the eligibility of certain retired firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services providers to purchase continued health benefits coverage.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Creighton Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to optional annuity increases for certain retirees and beneficiaries of the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [HB-2464]
Relating to optional annuity increases for certain retirees and beneficiaries of the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Effective Immediately on 05/27/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to participation in, contributions to, and the benefits and administration of retirement systems for police officers in certain municipalities. [HB-4368]
Relating to participation in, contributions to, and the benefits and administration of retirement systems for police officers in certain municipalities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/15/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the eligibility of certain public retirement systems for police and fire fighters to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [HB-4068]
Relating to the eligibility of certain public retirement systems for police and fire fighters to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/15/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to municipal control of certain local public retirement systems. [SB-1619]
Relating to municipal control of certain local public retirement systems.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt Read First Time on 03/24/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to voter approval of the issuance of certain obligations by municipalities to pay their unfunded liabilities to a public pension fund. [SB-1620]
Relating to voter approval of the issuance of certain obligations by municipalities to pay their unfunded liabilities to a public pension fund.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt Read First Time on 03/24/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [HB-3902]
Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rafael Anchia Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/14/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the evaluation and reporting of the performance of certain public retirement systems. [SB-1372]
Relating to the evaluation and reporting of the performance of certain public retirement systems.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Placed On General State Calendar on 05/25/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to municipalities that adopt budgets that defund municipal police departments. [HB-1900]
Relating to municipalities that adopt budgets that defund municipal police departments.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond Sent To The Governor on 06/01/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [SB-1105]
Relating to the resumption of employment by certain retirees within the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Effective On 9/1/21 on 05/28/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain increases in benefits under the firefighters' relief and retirement fund in certain municipalities. [SB-803]
Relating to certain increases in benefits under the firefighters' relief and retirement fund in certain municipalities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Creighton Read First Time on 03/11/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer. [HB-2008]
Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Reynolds Read First Time on 03/15/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to participation of certain nongovernmental entities in the Texas County and District Retirement System and the Texas Municipal Retirement System. [HB-1648]
Relating to participation of certain nongovernmental entities in the Texas County and District Retirement System and the Texas Municipal Retirement System.


Sponsored by: Sen. David Middleton Read First Time on 03/09/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer. [SB-352]
Relating to the suspension of the license of a dishonorably discharged law enforcement officer.


Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles Read First Time on 03/09/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. [SJR-22]
Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Read First Time on 03/11/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain increases in benefits under the firefighters' relief and retirement fund in certain municipalities. [HB-805]
Relating to certain increases in benefits under the firefighters' relief and retirement fund in certain municipalities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond Referred To Finance on 05/14/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. [SJR-27]
Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Huffman Not Again Placed On Intent Calendar on 04/15/2019

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