HCR-119: Urging the United States Congress to rewrite the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in order to lessen the burden of over-testing and teaching to the test.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Huberty
Referred To Federalism & Fiscal Responsibility, Select on 05/17/2013
You have voted HCR-119: Urging the United States Congress to rewrite the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in order to lessen the burden of over-testing and teaching to the test..
HCR-117: Expressing support for the Voting Rights Act and urging the United States Congress to protect every citizen's right to participate in the political process by making permanent the provisions of Section 5 of that legislation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles
Referred To Elections on 05/06/2013
You have voted HCR-117: Expressing support for the Voting Rights Act and urging the United States Congress to protect every citizen's right to participate in the political process by making permanent the provisions of Section 5 of that legislation..
HCR-106: Urging the United States Congress to enact legislation to provide sufficient manpower, infrastructure, and technology to ensure the security and efficiency of land ports of entry on the southwestern border.
Sponsored by: Rep. Poncho Nevarez
Received From The House on 05/20/2013
You have voted HCR-106: Urging the United States Congress to enact legislation to provide sufficient manpower, infrastructure, and technology to ensure the security and efficiency of land ports of entry on the southwestern border..
SCR-2: Urging the federal government to grant a conditional green card to certain noncitizens to allow them to enlist in the United States armed forces and urging the federal government to award citizenship to these immigrants upon the completion of four years of honorable military service.
Sponsored by: Sen. Leticia Van De Putte
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 06/14/2011
You have voted SCR-2: Urging the federal government to grant a conditional green card to certain noncitizens to allow them to enlist in the United States armed forces and urging the federal government to award citizenship to these immigrants upon the completion of four years of honorable military service..
HCR-5: Urging Congress to take appropriate action to ensure acceptable treatment of the public by personnel of the Transportation Security Administration.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Rules Suspended on 06/28/2011
You have voted HCR-5: Urging Congress to take appropriate action to ensure acceptable treatment of the public by personnel of the Transportation Security Administration..
HCR-11: Urging the federal government to grant a conditional green card to certain noncitizens to allow them to enlist in the United States armed forces and urging the federal government to award citizenship to these immigrants upon the completion of four years of honorable military service.
Sponsored by: Rep. Will Hartnett
Referred To State Affairs on 06/07/2011
You have voted HCR-11: Urging the federal government to grant a conditional green card to certain noncitizens to allow them to enlist in the United States armed forces and urging the federal government to award citizenship to these immigrants upon the completion of four years of honorable military service..
You have voted SR-740: Advocating that the United States Department of Defense name Lackland Air Force Base to the next list of the F-35 base locations..
SR-1050: Urging the nation's commander in chief, the executive branch of the federal government, and the United States Congress to assign top priority to alleviating the backlog of disability claims by United States veterans.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Whitmire
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 05/20/2011
You have voted SR-1050: Urging the nation's commander in chief, the executive branch of the federal government, and the United States Congress to assign top priority to alleviating the backlog of disability claims by United States veterans..
SJR-1: Urging the Congress of the United States to propose and submit to the states for ratification a federal balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States and, in the event that Congress does not submit such an amendment on or before December 31, 2011, applying to Congress to call a convention for the specific and exclusive purpose of proposing an amendment to that constitution to provide, in the absence of a national emergency and on a two-thirds vote of Congress, for a federal balanced budget and requesting that the legislatures of each of the several states that compose the United States apply to Congress to call a convention to propose such an amendment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols
Referred To State Sovereignty, Select on 03/08/2011
You have voted SJR-1: Urging the Congress of the United States to propose and submit to the states for ratification a federal balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States and, in the event that Congress does not submit such an amendment on or before December 31, 2011, applying to Congress to call a convention for the specific and exclusive purpose of proposing an amendment to that constitution to provide, in the absence of a national emergency and on a two-thirds vote of Congress, for a federal balanced budget and requesting that the legislatures of each of the several states that compose the United States apply to Congress to call a convention to propose such an amendment..
SCR-9: Urging the United States Congress to amend the list of allowable foods under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to eliminate sweetened drinks and snack foods of minimal nutritional value.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio
Read First Time on 02/14/2011
You have voted SCR-9: Urging the United States Congress to amend the list of allowable foods under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to eliminate sweetened drinks and snack foods of minimal nutritional value..
SCR-4: Urging the government of the Republic of Turkey to uphold and safeguard religious and human rights, cease discrimination against the Ecumenical Patriarchate and recognize its international status, grant the Ecumenical Patriarchate the authority to determine ecclesiastical succession and the right to train clergy of all nationalities, and respect the property rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the human rights of its personnel.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Huffman
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 01/03/2011
You have voted SCR-4: Urging the government of the Republic of Turkey to uphold and safeguard religious and human rights, cease discrimination against the Ecumenical Patriarchate and recognize its international status, grant the Ecumenical Patriarchate the authority to determine ecclesiastical succession and the right to train clergy of all nationalities, and respect the property rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the human rights of its personnel..
SCR-36: Urging the members of the Texas congressional delegation to provide to the legislature a cost analysis of the exact funding necessary for full enforcement of all immigration laws in Texas and to immediately report back to the legislature as to the status of that funding and directing the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house to send a delegation of members from both chambers to meet with members of Congress and members of the executive branch to discuss the border security crisis.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Referred To State Affairs on 05/02/2011
You have voted SCR-36: Urging the members of the Texas congressional delegation to provide to the legislature a cost analysis of the exact funding necessary for full enforcement of all immigration laws in Texas and to immediately report back to the legislature as to the status of that funding and directing the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house to send a delegation of members from both chambers to meet with members of Congress and members of the executive branch to discuss the border security crisis..
You have voted SCR-26: Urging Congress to ensure that Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits are adequate for the purchase of a healthy diet..
You have voted SCR-20: Urging the United States Congress to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases for stationary sources..
SCR-2: Urging Congress to reauthorize the Water Resources Development Act of 2007, Section 5056, and to appropriate sufficient funds so that efforts to solve the salt problem in the Amistad International Reservoir can continue.
Sponsored by: Sen. Carlos Uresti
Signed By The Governor on 06/17/2011
You have voted SCR-2: Urging Congress to reauthorize the Water Resources Development Act of 2007, Section 5056, and to appropriate sufficient funds so that efforts to solve the salt problem in the Amistad International Reservoir can continue..
SCR-14: Affirming the pride of all Texans in both our one and indivisible national union and our one and indivisible state, claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist from certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/12/2011
You have voted SCR-14: Affirming the pride of all Texans in both our one and indivisible national union and our one and indivisible state, claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist from certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed..