Resolutions--constitutional Amendments

State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to authorizing an emergency services district to impose an ad valorem tax for the acquisition of land, equipment, or apparatus or the construction of capital improvements. [HB-4717]
Relating to authorizing an emergency services district to impose an ad valorem tax for the acquisition of land, equipment, or apparatus or the construction of capital improvements.


Sponsored by: Rep. Philip Cortez Read First Time on 03/22/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products as a finished good or used in the manufacturing or processing of medical or biomedical products. [HJR-184]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation certain tangible personal property held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products as a finished good or used in the manufacturing or processing of medical or biomedical products.


Sponsored by: Rep. Greg Bonnen Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/17/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under some circumstances to a person accused of a violent or sexual offense or of continuous trafficking of persons and requiring a judge or magistrate to impose the least restrictive conditions of bail that may be necessary to ensure the person's appearance in court as required and the safety of the community, law enforcement, and the victim of the alleged offense. [HJR-181]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under some circumstances to a person accused of a violent or sexual offense or of continuous trafficking of persons and requiring a judge or magistrate to impose the least restrictive conditions of bail that may be necessary to ensure the person's appearance in court as required and the safety of the community, law enforcement, and the victim of the alleged offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reggie Smith Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the Texas University Fund, which provides funding to certain institutions of higher education to achieve national prominence as major research universities and drive the state economy. [SJR-5]
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the Texas University Fund, which provides funding to certain institutions of higher education to achieve national prominence as major research universities and drive the state economy.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Referred To Higher Education on 04/14/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding public free schools and prohibiting certain state regulation regarding private educational settings. [HJR-182]
Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding public free schools and prohibiting certain state regulation regarding private educational settings.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Harris Considered In Public Hearing on 04/12/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit the owner of a parcel of real property that is located in more than one county to elect to have the property appraised for ad valorem taxation by the appraising entity for one of those counties. [HJR-173]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit the owner of a parcel of real property that is located in more than one county to elect to have the property appraised for ad valorem taxation by the appraising entity for one of those counties.


Sponsored by: Rep. Carl Tepper Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment recognizing the right of a person to purchase, to own, and to operate a motor vehicle that is powered by an internal-combustion engine. [HJR-174]
Proposing a constitutional amendment recognizing the right of a person to purchase, to own, and to operate a motor vehicle that is powered by an internal-combustion engine.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Dean Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the secretary of state to be elected by the qualified voters at a general election instead of appointed by the governor. [HJR-177]
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the secretary of state to be elected by the qualified voters at a general election instead of appointed by the governor.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bryan Slaton Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment recognizing the right of an individual to refuse a vaccination. [SJR-84]
Proposing a constitutional amendment recognizing the right of an individual to refuse a vaccination.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Hall Read First Time on 03/22/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the market value of a property that is the primary residence of an adult who has an intellectual or developmental disability and is related to the owner of the property within a certain degree by consanguinity. [SJR-83]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the market value of a property that is the primary residence of an adult who has an intellectual or developmental disability and is related to the owner of the property within a certain degree by consanguinity.


Sponsored by: Rep. Phil King Read First Time on 03/22/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes in a tax year of land designated for agricultural use or open-space land devoted to farm, ranch, or wildlife management purposes to a specified percentage of the appraised value of the land for the preceding tax year. [HJR-176]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes in a tax year of land designated for agricultural use or open-space land devoted to farm, ranch, or wildlife management purposes to a specified percentage of the appraised value of the land for the preceding tax year.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Murr Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation property used to control pollution, regardless of whether the property is used to meet or exceed rules or regulations adopted for that purpose. [HJR-175]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation property used to control pollution, regardless of whether the property is used to meet or exceed rules or regulations adopted for that purpose.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Paul Read First Time on 03/23/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the utilities reliability fund and the utilities reliability revenue fund to provide financial support for projects that enhance the reliability and resiliency of the power grid in this state. [SJR-80]
Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the utilities reliability fund and the utilities reliability revenue fund to provide financial support for projects that enhance the reliability and resiliency of the power grid in this state.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt Read First Time on 03/21/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment. [HJR-172]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to grant a commutation of punishment to certain individuals serving a term of imprisonment.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nicole Collier Referred To State Affairs on 05/15/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of funds to support the capital needs of educational programs offered by the Texas State Technical College System and certain component institutions of the Texas State University System and repealing the limitation on the allocation to the Texas State Technical College System and its campuses of the annual appropriation of certain constitutionally dedicated funding for public institutions of higher education. [SJR-81]
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of funds to support the capital needs of educational programs offered by the Texas State Technical College System and certain component institutions of the Texas State University System and repealing the limitation on the allocation to the Texas State Technical College System and its campuses of the annual appropriation of certain constitutionally dedicated funding for public institutions of higher education.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes House Appoints Conferees-reported on 05/26/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a county may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses. [HJR-171]
Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that a county may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/17/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas power resiliency fund to finance backup power sources. [SJR-82]
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas power resiliency fund to finance backup power sources.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Referred To State Affairs on 05/04/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy insurance fund and the authorization of other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities. [SJR-1]
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy insurance fund and the authorization of other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Referred To State Affairs on 04/17/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of a state sales or use tax. [HJR-168]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of a state sales or use tax.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Read First Time on 03/15/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the state school safety fund to provide financial support for projects that enhance the safety of public schools in this state. [HJR-170]
Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the state school safety fund to provide financial support for projects that enhance the safety of public schools in this state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ken King Referred To Education on 05/02/2023

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