HJR-21: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid to certain individuals under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Bucy
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-21: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid to certain individuals under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act..
SJR-23: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes and to postpone the expiration of the limit.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Read First Time on 02/03/2025
You have voted SJR-23: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes and to postpone the expiration of the limit..
HJR-35: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of and use of money in the Grow Texas fund and allocating certain general revenues to that fund, the economic stabilization fund, and the state highway fund.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Craddick
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-35: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of and use of money in the Grow Texas fund and allocating certain general revenues to that fund, the economic stabilization fund, and the state highway fund..
HJR-84: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to set a minimum amount of monetary bond for persons charged with certain felony offenses involving violence and requiring the denial of bail to a person accused of committing a felony while released on bail for a prior felony under most circumstances.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Cunningham
Read First Time on 03/07/2025
You have voted HJR-84: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to set a minimum amount of monetary bond for persons charged with certain felony offenses involving violence and requiring the denial of bail to a person accused of committing a felony while released on bail for a prior felony under most circumstances..
HJR-43: Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total market value of the residence homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cecil Bell
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-43: Proposing a constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total market value of the residence homesteads of certain elderly persons and their surviving spouses..
HJR-29: Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing certain requirements applicable to the impeachment of an officer by the house of representatives and repealing the requirement that an officer against whom articles of impeachment have been preferred be suspended from the exercise of the duties of office during the pendency of the impeachment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-29: Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing certain requirements applicable to the impeachment of an officer by the house of representatives and repealing the requirement that an officer against whom articles of impeachment have been preferred be suspended from the exercise of the duties of office during the pendency of the impeachment..
HJR-38: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the governor to call the legislature into special session on petition of at least two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-38: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the governor to call the legislature into special session on petition of at least two-thirds of the members of each house of the legislature..
HJR-45: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-45: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes..
HJR-37: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to terminate the sentence of a person who has successfully served the required number of years on parole.
Sponsored by: Rep. Senfronia Thompson
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-37: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to enact laws providing for a court to terminate the sentence of a person who has successfully served the required number of years on parole..
HJR-31: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to define certain terms for purposes of the exemption from ad valorem taxation of farm products in the hands of the producer.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/10/2025
You have voted HJR-31: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to define certain terms for purposes of the exemption from ad valorem taxation of farm products in the hands of the producer..
HJR-26: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to make permanent the limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Metcalf
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-26: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to make permanent the limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes..
HJR-85: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of funds to support the capital needs of educational programs offered by the Texas State Technical College System and certain component institutions of the Texas State University System and repealing the limitation on the allocation to the Texas State Technical College System and its campuses of the annual appropriation of certain constitutionally dedicated funding for public institutions of higher education.
Sponsored by: Rep. Stan Lambert
Read First Time on 03/07/2025
You have voted HJR-85: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of funds to support the capital needs of educational programs offered by the Texas State Technical College System and certain component institutions of the Texas State University System and repealing the limitation on the allocation to the Texas State Technical College System and its campuses of the annual appropriation of certain constitutionally dedicated funding for public institutions of higher education..
SJR-18: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a tax on the realized or unrealized capital gains of an individual, family, estate, or trust.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Placed On Intent Calendar on 03/12/2025
You have voted SJR-18: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a tax on the realized or unrealized capital gains of an individual, family, estate, or trust..
HJR-39: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Metcalf
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-39: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation..
HJR-55: Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school district.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christina Morales
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HJR-55: Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school district..
HJR-69: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid to certain individuals under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Bernal
Read First Time on 03/04/2025
You have voted HJR-69: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the state to expand eligibility for Medicaid to certain individuals under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act..