Public Works

State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Transportation Infrastructure Fund [SB-37]
An Act relating to the transportation infrastructure fund, to local public transportation, to motor fuel taxes, and to the motor vehicle registration fee; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joe Thomas Tra Rpt 4dp 1nr on 03/09/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Use American-made In Public Construction [SB-213]
An Act requiring certain products used in public agency construction contracts to be made in the United States.


Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Ellis Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/21/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [SB-184]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Governor's Early Supplemental Request Letter on 02/27/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Naturally Occurring Asbestos In Gravel [SB-180]
An Act directing the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to develop and implement standards and operating procedures allowing for the use in the construction and maintenance of transportation projects and public facilities and in the construction of projects by public and private entities of gravel or aggregate materials that contain a limited amount of naturally occurring asbestos, and authorizing use on an interim basis of those materials for certain transportation projects and public facilities; relating to certain claims arising (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Donald Olson Jud Rpt Cs 3nr New Title on 04/06/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

G.o. Bonds For Ports [SB-163]
An Act providing for and relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of municipal port projects; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Tra Rpt Cs 4dp 1nr Same Title on 02/15/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Child Care Ctrs: State Employees & Others [SB-129]
An Act relating to the approval and administration of child care services by the Department of Administration primarily for the benefit of state officers and employees; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lesil McGuire Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/15/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Suspend Uniform Rules For Sb 95 [HCR-17]
Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 95, naming the ferry terminal located at Auke Bay in Juneau the Frank Palmer Ferry Terminal.


Sponsored by: Rep. Carl Gatto Permanently Filed 7/19 Legis Resolve 24 on 08/24/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Child Care Ctrs: State Employees & Others [HB-51]
An Act relating to the approval and administration of child care services by the Department of Administration primarily for the benefit of state officers and employees; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Beth Kerttula Prefile Released 1/7/11 on 01/18/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

No Public Funds/facilities For Abortion [HB-363]
An Act prohibiting the use of public funds for abortion.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/12/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [HB-307]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Effective Date(s) Of Law See Chapter on 03/26/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Dedicated Transport Fund/pub Transport [HB-30]
An Act relating to the transportation infrastructure fund, to local public transportation, to the municipal harbor facility grant fund, to motor fuel taxes, to the motor vehicle registration fee, to driver's license fees, to identification card fees, to the studded tire tax, and to the vehicle rental tax; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Thompson Cosponsor(s): Lynn on 02/08/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

G.o. Bonds: Transportation Projects [HB-286]
An Act providing for and relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of state transportation projects; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Effective Date(s) Of Law 5/15/12 on 05/15/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Passenger Security: Transport. Facility [HB-262]
An Act relating to the offense of interference with access to public buildings or transportation facilities, when a person conditions access to a public building or transportation facility on consent to certain physical contact or to an electronic process that produces a picture of the private exposure of the person.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sharon Cissna Prefile Released 1/13/12 on 01/17/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Naturally Occurring Asbestos [HB-258]
An Act directing the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to develop and implement standards and operating procedures, to evaluate site-specific use plans, and to designate project areas concerning gravel or other aggregate material containing naturally occurring asbestos; authorizing use on an interim basis of gravel or other aggregate material containing naturally occurring asbestos for certain transportation projects and public facilities; providing immunity for the state and for landowners, extractors, suppliers, transporters, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Tammie Wilson Effective Date(s) Of Law 5/5/12 on 05/07/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Naming Certain Bridges/airports/road [HB-246]
An Act naming a certain bypass road and certain bridges and airports.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bert Stedman Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/30/12 on 05/02/2012

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Walter L. Kubley Ketchikan Ferry Terminal [HB-214]
An Act naming the Ketchikan ferry terminal the Walter L. Kubley Ketchikan Ferry Terminal.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Egan Effective Date(s) Of Law 9/6/11 on 06/24/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Extending Stayed Permits [HB-174]
An Act relating to the period in which a permit authorizing activities in the state related to mineral resources, oil or gas, or transportation projects is valid when activities authorized by the permit have been stayed by a court or administrative order.


Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Chenault Cosponsor(s): Fairclough, P.wilson on 03/07/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Public Construction Contracts [HB-155]
An Act relating to the applicability of prevailing wage rates to public construction contracts; and, with regard to public construction contracts, relating to notifications, bonding notifications, filings, notices, primary contractors, final payments, penalties, advertised specifications, required contract provisions, terminations, lists of violating contractors, and remedies.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Effective Date(s) Of Law 10/20/11 on 08/24/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [HB-137]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/02/2011

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 27th Legislature

Power Project; Alaska Energy Authority [HB-103]
An Act relating to the procurement of supplies, services, professional services, and construction for the Alaska Energy Authority; establishing the Alaska Railbelt energy fund and relating to the fund; relating to and repealing the Railbelt energy fund; relating to the quorum of the board of the Alaska Energy Authority; relating to the powers of the Alaska Energy Authority regarding employees and the transfer of certain employees of the Alaska Industrial Development Export Authority to the Alaska Energy Authority; relating to acquiring or constructing (continued...)


Sponsored by: No sponsors Referred To Rules on 04/12/2011

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