SB-2011: Relating to the authority of the Public Utility Commission of Texas to impose administrative penalties and enter into voluntary mitigation plans; increasing an administrative penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/18/2023
You have voted SB-2011: Relating to the authority of the Public Utility Commission of Texas to impose administrative penalties and enter into voluntary mitigation plans; increasing an administrative penalty..
SJR-1: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy insurance fund and the authorization of other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner
Referred To State Affairs on 04/17/2023
You have voted SJR-1: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy insurance fund and the authorization of other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities..
SB-2070: Relating to the funding of projects by the Public Utility Commission of Texas to promote the reliability and resiliency of the power grid in this state; authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt
Read First Time on 03/21/2023
You have voted SB-2070: Relating to the funding of projects by the Public Utility Commission of Texas to promote the reliability and resiliency of the power grid in this state; authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds..
SB-6: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Energy Insurance Program and other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Referred To State Affairs on 04/17/2023
You have voted SB-6: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Energy Insurance Program and other funding mechanisms to support the construction and operation of electric generating facilities..
You have voted HB-4284: Relating to the establishment of the On-Site Load Mitigation Grant Program to mitigate the demand for energy on the electric grid..
You have voted SB-2002: Relating to a limitation on the generation capacity provided for the ERCOT power grid from wind and solar generation facilities..
You have voted SB-1929: Relating to the registration of virtual currency mining facilities in the ERCOT power region that demand a large load of interruptible power..
SB-1975: Relating to the delegation of authority to issue permits for nuclear power reactor operators from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles
Read First Time on 03/21/2023
You have voted SB-1975: Relating to the delegation of authority to issue permits for nuclear power reactor operators from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Public Utility Commission of Texas..