Renewable Energy Surcharge - Retail Residential Electric Customers [SB-304]
Establishing a specified renewable energy surcharge on electricity consumption above a specified amount by residential retail electric customers; requiring the Public Service Commission to authorize electric companies to add the full amount of the surcharge to the customers' bills; requiring electric companies to collect the surcharge and provide a specified rebate; establishing a Renewable Energy Benefit Fund; requiring the Comptroller to collect the revenue from the surcharge and place it in the Fund; etc.
SB-304: Renewable Energy Surcharge - Retail Residential Electric Customers
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/11/2011
Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice [SB-244]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to educate consumers about customer choice in accordance with a specified provision of law; requiring the Commission to host a section on its Web site related to customer choice; requiring the Web site to comply with specified standards and to include specified information; requiring specified electricity suppliers to provide specified information to the Commission at specified intervals for specified purposes; etc.
SB-244: Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Electric Companies - Pilot Program for Charging Electric Vehicles [SB-179]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a pilot program for charging electric vehicles by June 30, 2013; authorizing an electric company to request to participate in the pilot program; requiring the pilot program to include incentives for residential, commercial, and governmental customers to recharge electric vehicles in ways that will accomplish specified goals; requiring the Commission to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the program by February 1, 2015; permitting specified additional pilot programs; etc.
SB-179: Electric Companies - Pilot Program for Charging Electric Vehicles
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Electric Industry - Local Aggregation [HB-987]
Repealing a prohibition of a county or municipal corporation from acting as an aggregator unless the Public Service Commission makes a specified determination.
HB-987: Electric Industry - Local Aggregation
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/15/2011
Street Lighting - Purchase of Equipment by Local Government and Tariff [HB-905]
Requiring a local government to pay a specified electric company the fair market value of specified street lighting equipment as determined by an agreement between the local government and the electric company or as determined in a condemnation proceeding under specified circumstances; authorizing a local government to include all street lighting equipment that the local government seeks to acquire in its jurisdiction that is owned by one electric company in a single petition of condemnation under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-905: Street Lighting - Purchase of Equipment by Local Government and Tariff
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheila Hixson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/06/2011
Electricity - Net Energy Metering [HB-860]
Altering the period during which an eligible customer-generator may accrue specified net excess generation; requiring a specified electric company to carry forward net excess generation until a specified consumption eliminates the net excess generation or a specified accrual period expires; altering how the dollar value of a specified net excess generation is calculated; repealing a requirement that specified generation credit appear on the eligible customer- generator's bill in a dollar amount; etc.
HB-860: Electricity - Net Energy Metering
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Gas Companies - Infrastructure Replacement - Surcharge [HB-856]
Authorizing a gas company to file a specified plan with the Public Service Commission to recover specified costs associated with specified gas infrastructure replacement projects through a surcharge on customers' bills; stating the intent of the General Assembly; requiring a plan to include specified elements; prohibiting a specified schedule for the recovery of specified costs from including a monthly surcharge that exceeds specified amounts for residential and nonresidential retail gas customers; etc.
HB-856: Gas Companies - Infrastructure Replacement - Surcharge
Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/26/2011
Public Service Commission - Telephone Companies - Line Assessment [HB-708]
Authorizing the Public Service Commission to require a telephone company to conduct an assessment of specified lines for specified purposes; requiring specified telephone companies to submit a specified report containing specified information to the Commission by a specified deadline; requiring the Commission, by order or regulation, to establish a specified reporting deadline and specified information required in the report; etc.
HB-708: Public Service Commission - Telephone Companies - Line Assessment
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/18/2011
Renewable Energy Surcharge - Retail Electric Customers [HB-662]
Establishing a specified renewable energy surcharge on electricity consumption by retail electric customers; requiring the Public Service Commission to establish the amounts of the surcharge and a specified rebate; requiring electric companies to collect the surcharge and provide a specified rebate; requiring the Comptroller to collect the revenue from the surcharge and place it in the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund for specified purposes; etc.
HB-662: Renewable Energy Surcharge - Retail Electric Customers
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/22/2011
Public Service Commission - Sustainable Energy Utilities [HB-658]
Authorizing the Public Service Commission, with specified exceptions, to charter specified sustainable energy utilities for a specified purpose in accordance with specified provisions; stating the intent of the General Assembly; prohibiting the Commission from granting a specified authorization unless the Commission makes specified determinations; requiring the Commission to authorize specified authorized sustainable energy utilities to enter into qualified contracts with specified individuals; etc.
HB-658: Public Service Commission - Sustainable Energy Utilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/25/2011
Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice [HB-597]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to educate consumers about customer choice in accordance with a specified provision of law; requiring the Commission to host a section on its Web site related to customer choice; requiring the Web site to comply with specified standards and to include specified information; requiring specified electricity suppliers to provide specified information to the Commission at specified intervals for specified purposes; etc.
HB-597: Public Service Commission - Customer Education on Customer Choice
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Electric Companies and Gas Companies - Customer Account Information [HB-596]
Requiring an electric or gas distribution utility, on written request of a specified competitive supplier, to provide specified information about customer accounts to the supplier, subject to specified restrictions; requiring the distribution utility to provide the information in a specified form and to update it periodically; authorizing a customer to refuse authorization to share specified information; requiring a distribution utility to notify a specified supplier when specified authorization is withdrawn; etc.
HB-596: Electric Companies and Gas Companies - Customer Account Information
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2011
Public Service Commission - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - [HB-590]
Requiring a person to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity prior to beginning construction in the State of a qualified generator lead line; prohibiting a person from applying for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for specified construction; requiring the Public Service Commission to provide an opportunity for public comment and hold a public hearing on a specified application; requiring the Commission to take a final action on an application only under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-590: Public Service Commission - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity -
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Telephone Companies - Distribution of Telephone Directories [HB-529]
Providing that a telephone company may not be required to distribute a specified telephone directory to an address in the State unless the property owner or an occupant requests the directory; requiring a telephone company to provide notice to a customer if the telephone company elects not to deliver a print telephone directory to the customer at an address in the State; requiring a telephone company to deliver a print telephone directory to a customer at no cost to the customer under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-529: Telephone Companies - Distribution of Telephone Directories
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Maryland Electricity Service Quality and Reliability Act - Safety Violations [HB-391]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt regulations on or before July 1, 2012, that implement specified service quality and reliability standards relating to the delivery of electricity to retail customers by electric companies through their distribution systems; requiring regulations to include service quality and reliability standards, account for major outages, and require an electric company to file a corrective action plan if it fails to meet service quality and reliability standards; etc.
HB-391: Maryland Electricity Service Quality and Reliability Act - Safety Violations
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund - Small Rural Electric Cooperative - [HB-281]
Specifying that a provision of law relating to the use of proceeds received by the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and credited to a specified account does not apply to residential customers of a small rural electric cooperative; and requiring small rural electric cooperatives to distribute in a specified way money held as of June 1, 2011, in a specified escrow account.
HB-281: Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund - Small Rural Electric Cooperative -
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Beitzel
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Electric Companies - Pilot Program for Charging Electric Vehicles [HB-164]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a pilot program for charging electric vehicles by June 30, 2013; authorizing an electric company to request to participate in the pilot program; requiring the pilot program to include incentives for residential, commercial, and governmental customers to recharge electric vehicles in ways that will accomplish specified goals; requiring the Commission to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the program by February 1, 2015; permitting specified additional pilot programs; etc.
HB-164: Electric Companies - Pilot Program for Charging Electric Vehicles
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Electric Companies and Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service - Service [HB-1322]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to study and make recommendations about the advisability of conducting specified auctions relating to the right of electric companies and electric cooperatives to provide electric service to customers using standard offer service in specified service territories and the manner in which the auctions should be conducted, including specified items; etc.
HB-1322: Electric Companies and Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service - Service
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/25/2011
Electric Companies - Rates - Decoupling Revenue and Sales [HB-1278]
Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from authorizing an electric company to calculate the rate charged by the electric company using a formula that decouples revenue from sales of electricity per kilowatt- hour unless the formula includes a specified provision related to extended service disruptions; providing for the application of a specified provision of the Act; requiring the Commission to take specified actions under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1278: Electric Companies - Rates - Decoupling Revenue and Sales
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/29/2011
Electric Companies - Electrical Service Restoration Plan [HB-1171]
Requiring, on or before July 1 each year, an electric company to submit an electrical service restoration plan to the Public Service Commission for a specified purpose; requiring the plan to address specified matters; requiring the Commission to review the plan and take specified actions; requiring, on or before a December 1 each year, the Commission to issue final approval of the plan; and requiring the Commission to use all powers and authority to enforce the Act.
HB-1171: Electric Companies - Electrical Service Restoration Plan
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 04/06/2011