SB-242: Alabama Public Service, to regulate waste collection companies, Sec. 37-1-80.2 added
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Whatley
Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Commerce, Transportation, And Utilities on 02/21/2013
HB-507: Public officials, judges of courts of criminal appeals and civil appeals and Public Service Commission members, certain residency requirements removed, prohibition against electing or appointing more than one member of the Public Service Commission from the same congressional district deleted, Secs. 12-3-5, 36-2-4, 37-1-3, 37-1-9 am'd.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Carns
Figures Motion To Carry Over To The Call Of The Chair Adopted Voice Vote on 05/20/2013
You have voted HB-507: Public officials, judges of courts of criminal appeals and civil appeals and Public Service Commission members, certain residency requirements removed, prohibition against electing or appointing more than one member of the Public Service Commission from the same congressional district deleted, Secs. 12-3-5, 36-2-4, 37-1-3, 37-1-9 am'd..
HB-463: Public Service Commission, members, elected or appointed to fill unexpired term, requirement that no two members from same congressional district removed, Sec. 37-1-3 am'd.
Sponsored by: Rep. Todd Greeson
Indefinitely Postponed on 05/07/2013
You have voted HB-463: Public Service Commission, members, elected or appointed to fill unexpired term, requirement that no two members from same congressional district removed, Sec. 37-1-3 am'd..
Increasing PSC civil penalties for Gas Pipeline Safety Act violations [SB-412]
The purpose of this bill is to raise the civil penalties that the Public Service Commission can impose for violations of Gas Pipeline Safety Act from the existing $1,000 for each violation to $100,000 for each day of violation to a maximum of $1 million for any related series of violations. This change would mirror the federal regulations.
SB-412: Increasing PSC civil penalties for Gas Pipeline Safety Act violations
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
To House Government Organization on 02/29/2012
Requiring PSC report to Legislature on broadband markets [SB-143]
The purpose of this bill is to expand the charge of the Public Service Commission to include reporting to the Legislature on the rates, service and availability of broadband markets throughout the state.
SB-143: Requiring PSC report to Legislature on broadband markets
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Miller
Reported Do Pass, But First To Government Organization on 01/25/2012
Relating to alternative fuel initiatives [HB-4619]
The purpose of this bill is to require the Public Service Commission to authorize natural gas utility companies to invest in natural gas compression equipment to be installed in residential property for compressed natural gas fueling of automobiles. It further provides that the Public Service Commission may not make rates for the sale and use of compressed natural gas as an alternative fuel
HB-4619: Relating to alternative fuel initiatives
Sponsored by: Rep. Denny Canterbury
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2012
HB-4532: Exempting motor vehicles used by the Department of Health and Human Resources solely for transporting Medicaid patients from the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Don Perdue
Filed For Introduction on 02/15/2012
You have voted HB-4532: Exempting motor vehicles used by the Department of Health and Human Resources solely for transporting Medicaid patients from the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
HB-4530: Authorizing the Public Service Commission to consider and issue a financing order to certain regulated electric utilities to permit the recovery of expanded net energy costs
Sponsored by: Sen. Rupert Phillips
Chapter 156, Acts, 2012 on 04/19/2012
You have voted HB-4530: Authorizing the Public Service Commission to consider and issue a financing order to certain regulated electric utilities to permit the recovery of expanded net energy costs.
You have voted HB-2809: Stopping accelerated rate recovery because of adverse effects of constructing transmission facilities and revising the definition of need.
HB-2328: Providing for a Public Service Commission investigation for traffic accidents involving a motor carrier regulated by the Public Service Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2012
You have voted HB-2328: Providing for a Public Service Commission investigation for traffic accidents involving a motor carrier regulated by the Public Service Commission.
Electric Companies and Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service - Service [SB-974]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to study and make recommendations about the advisability of conducting specified auctions relating to the right of electric companies and electric cooperatives to provide electric service to customers using standard offer service in specified service territories and the manner in which the auctions should be conducted, including specified items; etc.
SB-974: Electric Companies and Electric Cooperatives - Standard Offer Service - Service
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel McFadden
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 04/04/2012
Electric Companies - Contact Voltage - Surveys and Mitigation - The Deanna [SB-929]
Requiring specified electric companies to file with the Public Service Commission for approval a specified list or voltage survey plan on or before a specified date; requiring an electric company to file a voltage survey plan for Commission approval within a specified period of time; requiring an electric company to conduct specified surveys of specified objects and surfaces within specified contact voltage risk zones at specified times and under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-929: Electric Companies - Contact Voltage - Surveys and Mitigation - The Deanna
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
Telephone Companies - Exemption from Prior Approval of Public Service [SB-813]
Exempting telephone companies from obtaining prior approval of the Public Service Commission before taking specified actions affecting a franchise or a right to a franchise; exempting telephone companies from obtaining prior approval before purchasing, acquiring, taking, or holding any part of the capital stock of another public service company; and exempting telephone companies from obtaining prior approval before taking specified actions relating to financing the telephone company.
SB-813: Telephone Companies - Exemption from Prior Approval of Public Service
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2012