Gas and Electricity - Smart Meters - Customer Rights [HB-1274]
Requiring a utility company to give prior written notice to certain customers prior to deploying smart meters throughout all or a portion of the utility company's service territory; prohibiting a utility company from imposing any additional fee or charge on a certain customer that refuses installation of a smart meter or requests removal of a smart meter; requiring the Public Service Commission and the Maryland Department of Health to make certain reports regarding smart meters; etc.
HB-1274: Gas and Electricity - Smart Meters - Customer Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2018
Department of Information Technology - Remote Access Information Program - Establishment [HB-1206]
Establishing the Remote Access Information Program in the Department of Information Technology to connect an individual who is deaf-blind with a human assistant using certain remote assistive technology; establishing certain requirements for certain remote assistive technology provided under the Program; requiring the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Disabilities to adopt certain regulations to implement the Program; etc.
HB-1206: Department of Information Technology - Remote Access Information Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2018
Renewable Energy - Offshore Wind Projects - Distance Requirements [HB-1135]
Altering from between 10 to 30 to not less than 26 nautical miles the distances required of certain qualified offshore wind projects from the State shoreline; prohibiting the Public Service Commission from approving certain offshore wind projects unless certain wind turbines are installed; requiring certain wind turbines to be installed in a certain manner for certain purposes; excluding from the calculation of certain ORECs the generation or capacity of certain wind turbines; requiring the Commission to enter a certain order; etc.
HB-1135: Renewable Energy - Offshore Wind Projects - Distance Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2018
Public Service Commission - Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Criteria to Consider [HB-1126]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to take final action on a certain application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity only after due consideration of the effect of a generating station, an overhead transmission line, or a qualified generator lead line on air quality and water pollution, rather than the effect of the generating station, overhead transmission line, or qualified generator lead line on air and water pollution when applicable; etc.
HB-1126: Public Service Commission - Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Criteria to Consider
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 283 on 04/24/2018
West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program [HB-144]
The purpose of this bill is to create the Business Ready Sites Program, which would provide for the Development Office to designate industrial sites for installation of utilities to make them more attractive for businesses to locate within West Virginia.
HB-144: West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley
Approved By Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal on 07/23/2019
You have voted HB-2974: Exempting businesses relating to transporting certain used tires to storage, disposal, or recycling locations from provisions of chapter.
Clarifying Public Service Commission jurisdiction over water and sewer utilities owned by political subdivisions [HB-2946]
The purpose of this bill is to clarify PublicService Commission jurisdiction over water and sewer utilities owned by political subdivisions; establish uniformity in the Class of publications required by municipalities and public service districts for the revision in rates; to provide a time period for the filing of and resolution of complaints filed at the public service commission regarding actions of municipalities; to clean up language in Code §24-2-4b regarding reference to other sections of the code regarding notice requirements for municipal
HB-2946: Clarifying Public Service Commission jurisdiction over water and sewer utilities owned by political subdivisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Brent Boggs
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2019
Relating to the Public Service Commission [HB-2928]
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate the Public Service Commission’s exemption from provisions of Chapter 29A and to make all Public Service Commission rules subject to the Legislature’s review and approval.
HB-2928: Relating to the Public Service Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrian Criss
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2019
Establishing Next Generation 911 services in this state [HB-2830]
The purpose of this bill is to establish a commission to study the costs and potential changes needed to implement NG911. The bill provides for legislative findings; establishes commission membership; establishes the commission’s duties; requires a preliminary report; requires a final report; provides for travel reimbursement; and provides an effective and termination date.
HB-2830: Establishing Next Generation 911 services in this state
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Miller
To Government Organization on 02/26/2019