HB-1281: As introduced, revises the procedures for selling the state-owned property where the Lakeshore Mental Health Institute was operated prior to its closure. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 12, Chapter 2 and Title 33.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stacey Campfield
Assigned To S/c State Government Subcommittee on 02/26/2013
You have voted HB-1281: As introduced, revises the procedures for selling the state-owned property where the Lakeshore Mental Health Institute was operated prior to its closure. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 12, Chapter 2 and Title 33..
SB-127: Authorizes the transfer of certain state property. (gov sig)
Sponsored by: Sen. William McPherson
Introduced In The Senate; Read By Title. Rules Suspended. Read Second Time And Referred To The Committee On Natural Resources. on 04/25/2011
HB-188: Amends existing law relating to public lands to revise the powers and duties of the State Board of Land Commissioners to provide that, except where land is used by a public entity for a public purpose, all nonagricultural improvements shall be leased to private persons and all business operations shall be sold to private persons; to revise provisions relating to the deposit of proceeds from the sale of state endowment lands; to provide for the allocation and deposit of such proceeds and earnings thereon in specified permanent endowment funds and to remove provisions relating to authorization for the State Board of Land Commissioners to hold proceeds from the sale of land for a specified time.
You have voted HB-188: Amends existing law relating to public lands to revise the powers and duties of the State Board of Land Commissioners to provide that, except where land is used by a public entity for a public purpose, all nonagricultural improvements shall be leased to private persons and all business operations shall be sold to private persons; to revise provisions relating to the deposit of proceeds from the sale of state endowment lands; to provide for the allocation and deposit of such proceeds and earnings thereon in specified permanent endowment funds and to remove provisions relating to authorization for the State Board of Land Commissioners to hold proceeds from the sale of land for a specified time..
SB-68: Authorizes the commissioner of administration as secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals to transfer certain state property in Rapides Parish. (8/15/10)
Sponsored by: Sen. William McPherson
Effective Date 8/15/10. on 06/08/2010
You have voted SB-68: Authorizes the commissioner of administration as secretary of the Department of Health and Hospitals to transfer certain state property in Rapides Parish. (8/15/10).