HB-922: As enacted, requires the local education insurance committee, in regard to a group insurance plan for eligible employees of local education agencies (LEAs), to provide claims data for the purpose of underwriting and premium rating, in certain circumstances; such data must be provided within 30 days of receipt of a written request for such claims data from an LEA. - Amends TCA Title 8.
Sponsored by: Rep. Debra Moody
Pub. Ch. 238 on 05/11/2017
You have voted HB-922: As enacted, requires the local education insurance committee, in regard to a group insurance plan for eligible employees of local education agencies (LEAs), to provide claims data for the purpose of underwriting and premium rating, in certain circumstances; such data must be provided within 30 days of receipt of a written request for such claims data from an LEA. - Amends TCA Title 8..
HB-765: As introduced, provides for payment of $25,000 to the estates of certain first responders killed in the line of duty; creates a special account in the general fund and directs the commissioner of finance and administration to administer the payments to decedents' estates. - Amends TCA Title 7 and Title 58.
Sponsored by: Rep. Curtis Halford
Withdrawn. on 03/30/2017
You have voted HB-765: As introduced, provides for payment of $25,000 to the estates of certain first responders killed in the line of duty; creates a special account in the general fund and directs the commissioner of finance and administration to administer the payments to decedents' estates. - Amends TCA Title 7 and Title 58..
SB-761: As introduced, provides for payment of $25,000 to the estates of certain first responders killed in the line of duty; creates a special account in the general fund and directs the commissioner of finance and administration to administer the payments to decedents' estates. - Amends TCA Title 7 and Title 58.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Stevens
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate State And Local Government Committee on 02/13/2017
You have voted SB-761: As introduced, provides for payment of $25,000 to the estates of certain first responders killed in the line of duty; creates a special account in the general fund and directs the commissioner of finance and administration to administer the payments to decedents' estates. - Amends TCA Title 7 and Title 58..
SB-725: As introduced, clarifies that the date of the qualifying deadline for candidates for sheriff is determined by state election laws. - Amends TCA Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 38.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Kelsey
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate State & Local Government Committee on 03/15/2017
You have voted SB-725: As introduced, clarifies that the date of the qualifying deadline for candidates for sheriff is determined by state election laws. - Amends TCA Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 38..
HB-709: As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Public Safety Behavioral Health Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 50; Title 58; Title 63 and Title 68.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Pody
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Finance, Ways & Means Subcommittee Of Finance, Ways & Means Committee on 05/08/2017
You have voted HB-709: As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Public Safety Behavioral Health Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 50; Title 58; Title 63 and Title 68..
HB-685: As introduced, clarifies that the date of the qualifying deadline for candidates for sheriff is determined by state election laws. - Amends TCA Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 38.
Sponsored by: Rep. G.A. Hardaway
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Local Government Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee on 04/11/2017
You have voted HB-685: As introduced, clarifies that the date of the qualifying deadline for candidates for sheriff is determined by state election laws. - Amends TCA Title 6; Title 7; Title 8 and Title 38..
HB-466: As enacted, authorizes the state and local governments to provide health insurance benefits to the immediate family members of first responders killed in the line of duty for a period of two years after the death of the first responder; requires the state to reimburse local governments that provide such benefits. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 27.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Byrd
Pub. Ch. 476 on 06/14/2017
You have voted HB-466: As enacted, authorizes the state and local governments to provide health insurance benefits to the immediate family members of first responders killed in the line of duty for a period of two years after the death of the first responder; requires the state to reimburse local governments that provide such benefits. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 27..
SB-211: As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Public Safety Behavioral Health Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 50; Title 58; Title 63 and Title 68.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Briggs
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Finance, Ways, And Means Committee on 05/09/2017
You have voted SB-211: As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Public Safety Behavioral Health Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 50; Title 58; Title 63 and Title 68..
Reducing personnel employed by the West Virginia Department of Education [HB-2194]
The purpose of this bill is to establish a maximum ratio of the number of employees of the West Virginia Department of Education to the number of students enrolled in the state after June 30, 2019 at not greater than one employee to two thousand students; and to require the state superintendent to establish a policy to attain the ratio.
HB-2194: Reducing personnel employed by the West Virginia Department of Education
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Baldwin
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
HB-2174: Granting all public employees, all teachers, all service employees, all public employee retirees, all teacher retirees and all service employee retirees a $1,000 per year permanent pay increase
Sponsored by: Rep. Kenneth Hicks
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
You have voted HB-2174: Granting all public employees, all teachers, all service employees, all public employee retirees, all teacher retirees and all service employee retirees a $1,000 per year permanent pay increase.
You have voted HB-2051: Authorizing insurance to married workers without children at reduced rates under the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Act.