Trs Contr Rate; Pers Soc Security Or Sbs [SB-200]
An Act relating to employer contributions in the teachers' retirement system; relating to supplemental employee benefits; and providing for an effective date.
SB-200: Trs Contr Rate; Pers Soc Security Or Sbs
Sponsored by: Sen. Lyman Hoffman
Cosponsor(s): Shower on 05/11/2024
Relating To Legislative Employees. [SB-2760]
Specifies that the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each have one vote if they have employees in a particular bargaining unit for the purposes of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement. Repeals staff of the legislative branch of the State from the list of individuals not included in any appropriate bargaining unit.
SB-2760: Relating To Legislative Employees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Lbt, Jdc/wam. on 01/24/2024
Relating To Public Employees. [SB-2665]
Require the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to convene a Four-Day Workweek Task Force. Requires the taskforce to submit a report to the Legislature. Dissolves the taskforce on 6/30/25.
SB-2665: Relating To Public Employees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Referred To Lbt, Wam. on 01/24/2024
Relating To The Employees' Retirement System. [HB-1947]
Reduces the minimum number of years of credited service from ten years to five years qualified Tier 2 employee's retirement system members must have to be eligible for vested benefit status for service retirement allowance purposes. Appropriates funds. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
HB-1947: Relating To The Employees' Retirement System.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Reported From Lgo (stand. Com. Rep. No. 102-24) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Fin. on 02/06/2024
Relating To Health Insurance. [SB-2321]
Establishes the public employee health benefits working group to investigate the feasibility of establishing and offering a fully self-insured health benefits plan with no deductible or monthly premium cost to state and county public employees. Requires a report to the Legislature.
SB-2321: Relating To Health Insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Introduced. on 01/19/2024
Relating To Family Leave. [HB-1713]
Establishes a paid family leave program for state and county employees. Authorizes a qualifying employee to take up to twelve weeks of paid leave for the birth or placement of a child or to care for a family member who has a serious health condition.
HB-1713: Relating To Family Leave.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lauren Matsumoto
Referred To Lgo, Cpc, Fin, Referral Sheet 1 on 01/24/2024
Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act) [HB-409]
Finding that local governments pay electric companies large sums to light streets and are limited in how this public safety resource can be managed, the Act authorizes certain counties or municipalities to acquire certain street lighting equipment by purchase or condemnation, convert its street lighting service to a customer-owned street lighting tariff, enter into an agreement to purchase electricity, and contract with an electric company for the maintenance of the street lighting equipment; etc.
HB-409: Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/12/2024
You have voted HB-409: Public Utilities - Street Lighting Equipment - Acquisitions and Reporting (County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act).
Public Information Act – Surveillance Images – Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City [HB-387]
Altering a requirement that a custodian deny inspection of certain surveillance images of illegal dumping in Baltimore City to allow inspection by an employee or agent of the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development; and authorizing the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development to publicly disseminate a surveillance image as part of an investigation.
HB-387: Public Information Act – Surveillance Images – Illegal Dumping in Baltimore City
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 203 on 04/25/2024
Relating To Transportation. [HB-1419]
Requires the Department of Accounting and General Services to enable parking stall sharing among public employees, accommodate more electric vehicle charging stations, and provide bicycle storage lockers at facilities where parking is made available to public employees. Requires new public housing developments' parking stalls to accommodate electric vehicle charging stations and bicycle storage lockers.
HB-1419: Relating To Transportation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Todd
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Relating To Health Insurance. [HB-1583]
Establishes the public employee health benefits working group to investigate the feasibility of establishing and offering a fully self-insured health benefits plan with no deductible or monthly premium cost to state and county public employees. Requires a report to the Legislature.
HB-1583: Relating To Health Insurance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Amy Perruso
Referred To Lgo, Fin, Referral Sheet 1 on 01/24/2024
Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp; Am [HB-268]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; repealing appropriations; amending appropriations; making supplemental appropriations and reappropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-268: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp; Am
Sponsored by: Rep.
Cc Report: Ccs Hb 268 Received 5/14 9:21 A.m. on 05/15/2024
Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp; Am [SB-186]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making capital appropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making reappropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-186: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp; Am
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/16/2024
Office of the Correctional Ombudsman - Establishment and Funding [HB-297]
Establishing the Office of the Correctional Ombudsman; authorizing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board to make a recommendation for the distribution of money from the Performance Incentive Grant Fund to the Office; requiring the Office to conduct investigations, reviews, and assessments of administrative acts taken by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, by the Department of Juvenile Services, or in relation to individuals confined by either department; providing for the confidentiality of certain communications; etc.
HB-297: Office of the Correctional Ombudsman - Establishment and Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Charlotte Crutchfield
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/05/2024
Criminal Procedure - Disclosure of Expunged Records - Alterations [HB-269]
Clarifying that refusal by a person to disclose information about criminal charges that have been expunged may not be the sole reason for a unit, an official, or an employee of the State or political subdivision of the State to deny the person's application for a license, permit, registration, or governmental service or for an educational institution to expel or refuse to admit the person.
HB-269: Criminal Procedure - Disclosure of Expunged Records - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2024
Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation. [SB-374]
Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation. Repeals the existing prohibition on collective bargaining by public employees. The bill creates the Public Employee Relations Board, which shall determine appropriate bargaining units and provide for certification and decertification elections for exclusive bargaining representatives of state employees and local government employees. The bill requires public employers and employee organizations that are exclusive bargaining representatives to meet at reasonable times to
SB-374: Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mamie Locke
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 02/14/2024
Collective bargaining by public employees; public transportation providers. [HB-780]
Collective bargaining by public employees; public transportation providers. Permits the governing body of a public transportation provider, as defined in the bill, to adopt a resolution authorizing such public transportation provider to (i) recognize a labor union or other employee association as a bargaining agent of public officers and employees and (ii) collectively bargain or enter into a collective bargaining contract with such union or association or its agents with respect to any matter relating to such transportation district or its employees.
HB-780: Collective bargaining by public employees; public transportation providers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
Incorporated By Labor And Commerce on 01/30/2024
Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation. [HB-1001]
Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation. Repeals the existing prohibition on collective bargaining by public employees. The bill creates the Public Employee Relations Board, which shall determine appropriate bargaining units and provide for certification and decertification elections for exclusive bargaining representatives of state employees and local government employees. The bill requires public employers and employee organizations that are exclusive bargaining representatives to meet at reasonable times to
HB-1001: Collective bargaining by public employees; labor organization representation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
Left In Appropriations on 02/13/2024