Public Employees

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2025 [SB-321]
Establishing or altering certain administrative penalties; altering or repealing certain required appropriations; authorizing the use of certain funds for certain purposes; establishing certain funds; authorizing, requiring, or altering the distribution of certain revenue; altering the rates and rate brackets under the State income tax on certain income of individuals; requiring certain groups of corporations to file a combined income tax return reflecting the aggregate income tax liability of all members of the group; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Hearing Canceled on 02/14/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To Reimbursement Of Public Officers And Employees. [HB-163]
Requires the State or a county to reimburse an officer or employee within thirty calendar days after submitting an approved Statement of Completed Travel for work-related travel costs that the officer or employee loaned to the State or county. Requires the State or a county to pay a percentage of interest on the total amount owed to an officer or employee until the loan is fully reimbursed. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jackson Sayama Reported From Lab (stand. Com. Rep. No. 480) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Fin. on 02/12/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To Reimbursement Of Public Officers And Employees. [SB-341]
Requires the State or a county to reimburse an officer or employee within thirty calendar days of a request for reimbursement for travel costs that the officer or employee loaned to the State or a county. Requires the State or a county to pay a percentage of interest on the total amount owed to an officer or employee until the loan is fully reimbursed.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura Referred To Gvo/lbt, Wam. on 01/21/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To Hazard Pay. [SB-343]
Allows the Director of Human Resources Development and the Director's county counterparts, with the approval of the Civil Service Commission in the case of the county, to grant temporary hazard pay to public employees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Henry Aquino Referred To Lbt, Wam. on 01/21/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Teachers & Pub Employee Retirement Plans [SB-27]
An Act relating to restoration of tenure for certain disabled individuals; relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; providing certain employees an opportunity to choose between the defined benefit and defined contribution plans of the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jesse Kiehl Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

School/university Employee Health Insur [SB-5]
An Act relating to group insurance coverage and self-insurance coverage for school district employees, employees of the University of Alaska, and employees of other governmental units in the state; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

School/university Employee Health Insur [HB-29]
An Act relating to group insurance coverage and self-insurance coverage for school district employees, employees of the University of Alaska, and employees of other governmental units in the state; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Vance Prefile Released 1/10/25 on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Disabled Veterans: Retirement Benefits [HB-17]
An Act relating to retirement benefits and military service.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Rauscher Cosponsor(s): Eischeid on 03/03/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Big Game Commercial Services Board [SB-29]
An Act relating to an executive administrator for the Big Game Commercial Services Board.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jesse Bjorkman Res Rpt 5dp 2nr on 02/19/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Paid Family Leave/wage Replacement Insur. [SB-10]
An Act relating to family leave wage replacement coverage.


Sponsored by: Sen. Forrest Dunbar Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Teacher/state Employee Student Loan Prgrm [HB-28]
An Act establishing a student loan repayment pilot program; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Fields Edc Rpt 4dp 3dnp on 03/21/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Retirement Systems; Defined Benefit Opt. [SB-28]
An Act relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; providing certain employees an opportunity to choose between the defined benefit and defined contribution plans of the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Kawasaki Cosponsor(s): Wielechowski on 01/31/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Public Safety - 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System - 9-1-1 Technician [HB-316]
Altering the definition of "9-1-1 specialist" to include a 9-1-1 technician who is an employee of a public safety answering point or an employee working in a public safety answering point.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer First Reading Health And Government Operations on 01/10/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To Legislative Employees. [SB-105]
Repeals staff of the legislative branch of the State from the list of individuals not included in any appropriate bargaining unit. Specifies that the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each have one vote if they have employees in a particular bargaining unit for the purposes of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement.


Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang Referred To Lbt, Jdc/wam. on 01/16/2025

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State (Arizona)
Arizona Fifty-seventh Legislature - First Regular Session (2025)

Public entities; immunity [SB-1042]
Public entities; immunity


Sponsored by: Sen. John Kavanagh Senate Read Second Time on 01/15/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Department of Transportation - Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response (See Someone, Save Someone Act) [HB-1]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation to develop or identify and implement a training program for transportation sector employees on the identification and reporting of suspected human trafficking victims; requiring transportation sector employers to certify by January 1, 2027, and each year thereafter that certain employees have completed the training program; requiring new employees to receive training within 90 days of hiring; removing civil and criminal liability for reporting of suspected trafficking; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/26/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act [HB-176]
Requiring the Correctional Training Commission to adopt regulations for the training, issuance, and use of body-worn cameras by January 1, 2026; establishing the Public Employees' Safety and Health Unit in the Division of Labor and Industry to administer and enforce certain duties regarding the oversight of certain public bodies; establishing and applying certain civil and criminal penalties to public bodies and persons in government; requiring the Commissioner to submit a report by July 1 each year on safety and health in public bodies; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/18/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - Hypertension [HB-217]
Establishing that certain firefighters, fire fighting instructors, rescue squad members, advanced life support unit members, and members of the Office of the State Fire Marshal demonstrate disablement for purposes of workers' compensation and are deemed to have hypertension for purposes of an occupational disease presumption for hypertension if certain requirements are met.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Rogers Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Workers' Compensation - Occupational Disease Presumptions - Hypertension [SB-173]
Establishing that certain firefighters, fire fighting instructors, rescue squad members, advanced life support unit members, and members of the Office of the State Fire Marshal demonstrate disablement for purposes of workers' compensation and are deemed to have hypertension for purposes of an occupational disease presumption for hypertension if certain requirements are met.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Employment Standards – Firefighters – Payment of Wages and Payroll Information [HB-205]
Requiring governmental units that employ firefighters to compute overtime pay for each hour over 168 hours that a firefighter works during a 28-day work period; requiring an employer to include all regularly scheduled hours; requiring counties and municipalities to provide certain payroll information to each employed firefighter; and authorizing a firefighter or their exclusive representative to initiate a certain grievance if a county or municipality does not provide the payroll information as required or wages due.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon Referred Finance on 03/17/2025

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