Protective orders; workplace violence. [SB-486]
Workplace violence protective orders. Provides that an employer may petition the court for a preliminary protective order or a protective order to protect the health and safety of its employees. The bill provides that the venue for a workplace violence protective order is the jurisdiction where the workplace is located from which the petitioner seeks to have the respondent prohibited.
SB-486: Protective orders; workplace violence.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Left In Finance And Appropriations on 11/21/2022
Relating To Minors. [HB-1850]
Provides that a school counselor, domestic violence victim advocate, or other mental health professional licensed by the State may petition for a protective order on a minor's behalf when the minor's parent or guardian is unwilling or unable to submit a petition; provided that certain specified information is provided in support of the petition.
HB-1850: Relating To Minors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Referred To Hhh, Jha, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/26/2022
Relating To Minors. [SB-2394]
Provides that a school counselor, domestic violence victim advocate, or other mental health professional licensed by the State may petition for a protective order on a minor's behalf when the minor's parent or guardian is unwilling or unable to submit a petition; provided that certain specified information is provided in support of the petition.
SB-2394: Relating To Minors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karl Rhoads
Referred To Hms/edu, Jdc. on 01/24/2022
Emergency and preliminary protective orders; expungement of orders. [HB-1279]
Expungement of emergency and preliminary protective orders. Provides that a person against whom an emergency or preliminary protective order has been issued may petition to have police and court records relating to such order expunged if the order expires or is dissolved by the issuing court or if a hearing for the issuance of a permanent protective order is scheduled or held and such permanent protective order is subsequently not issued.
HB-1279: Emergency and preliminary protective orders; expungement of orders.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022
Protective orders; workplace violence. [SB-486]
Workplace violence protective orders. Provides that an employer may petition the court for a preliminary protective order or a protective order to protect the health and safety of its employees. The bill provides that the venue for a workplace violence protective order is the jurisdiction where the workplace is located from which the petitioner seeks to have the respondent prohibited.
SB-486: Protective orders; workplace violence.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Continued To 2023 In Finance And Appropriations (16-y 0-n) on 02/10/2022
Protective orders; possession of firearms. [HB-1051]
Protective orders; possession of firearms. Allows a person subject to a protective order to continue to possess any firearm while in his place of residence that was possessed by such person at the time of service, provided that he is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing a firearm. The bill removes the requirement that any person subject to a protective order must surrender his firearms within 24 hours of being served with a protective order.
HB-1051: Protective orders; possession of firearms.
Sponsored by: Rep. Phillip Scott
Left In Rules on 02/15/2022
Protective orders; workplace violence. [HB-1015]
Workplace violence protective orders. Provides that an employer may petition the court for a preliminary protective order or a protective order to protect the health and safety of its employees. The bill provides that the venue for a workplace violence protective order is the jurisdiction where the workplace is located from which the petitioner seeks to have the respondent prohibited.
HB-1015: Protective orders; workplace violence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Carrie Coyner
Subcommittee Recommends Continuing To 2023 By Voice Vote on 02/11/2022
Permanent protective orders; Hope Card Program created. [HB-671]
Permanent protective orders; Hope Card Program created. Requires the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia to develop and all district courts and circuit courts to implement the Hope Card Program (the Program) for the issuance of a Hope Card to any person who has been issued a permanent protective order by any district court or circuit court. The bill provides that a Hope Card issued pursuant to the Program shall be a durable, plastic, wallet-sized card containing, to the extent possible, essential information about
HB-671: Permanent protective orders; Hope Card Program created.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0374) on 04/11/2022
Protective orders; human trafficking and sex trafficking, penalty. [HB-475]
Protective orders; petition; human trafficking and sex trafficking; penalty. Adds to the definitions of "family abuse" and "act of violence, force, or threat" used in the protective order provisions that acts of violence, force, or threat include acts in furtherance of human trafficking or commercial sex trafficking. The bill also allows a minor to petition for a protective order on his own behalf without the consent of a parent or guardian and without doing so by next friend.
HB-475: Protective orders; human trafficking and sex trafficking, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022
Protective orders, permanent; contact between petitioner and respondent, violation of orders. [SB-174]
Permanent protective orders; contact between petitioner and respondent. Provides that when issuing a permanent protective order a court may impose certain conditions on the petitioner, including (i) prohibiting acts of violence, force, or threat or criminal offenses that may result in injury to person or property; (ii) prohibiting such contacts by the petitioner with the respondent or family or household members of the respondent as the court deems necessary for the health or safety of such persons; and (iii) any other relief necessary to prevent
SB-174: Protective orders, permanent; contact between petitioner and respondent, violation of orders.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Peake
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/08/2022
Relating To Protective Orders. [SB-300]
Establishes a Hawaii hope card program within the department of the attorney general to issue cards verifying a person's long-term protective order. Appropriates funds in an unspecified amount. Effective 5/1/2029. (SD1)
SB-300: Relating To Protective Orders.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karl Rhoads
Carried Over To 2022 Regular Session. on 12/10/2021