Property Interests

State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a limitation on the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year. [HB-44]
Relating to a limitation on the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.


Sponsored by: Rep. Briscoe Cain Read First Time on 02/13/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to mandatory sales price disclosure in real property sales; providing a civil penalty. [HB-379]
Relating to mandatory sales price disclosure in real property sales; providing a civil penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Bernal Read First Time on 02/23/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property leased to and used by certain schools. [HB-382]
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property leased to and used by certain schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 04/26/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or less of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year and to permit the voters of a county to establish a higher limitation not to exceed 110 percent on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead in the county. [SJR-19]
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or less of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year and to permit the voters of a county to establish a higher limitation not to exceed 110 percent on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead in the county.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols Read First Time on 01/30/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the appraised value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead. [SB-240]
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the appraised value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Creighton Read First Time on 01/30/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation real property leased to certain schools organized and operated primarily for the purpose of engaging in educational functions. [HJR-34]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation real property leased to certain schools organized and operated primarily for the purpose of engaging in educational functions.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Lang Comte Report Filed With Committee Coordinator on 04/25/2017

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