You have voted SB-178: Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes..
HB-32: Relating to limitations on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and single-family residences other than residence homesteads.
Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione
Read First Time on 02/23/2023
You have voted HB-32: Relating to limitations on increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and single-family residences other than residence homesteads..
HJR-10: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 103.5 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut
Read First Time on 02/28/2023
You have voted HJR-10: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 103.5 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year..
HB-287: Relating to payment of the replacement cost of lost or damaged property under a homeowner's, renter's, or condominium owner's insurance policy.
Sponsored by: Rep. Todd Hunter
Received From The House on 05/15/2023
You have voted HB-287: Relating to payment of the replacement cost of lost or damaged property under a homeowner's, renter's, or condominium owner's insurance policy..
HB-581: Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by a charitable organization for the purpose of renting the property at below-market rates to low-income and moderate-income households.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond
Left Pending In Committee on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-581: Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by a charitable organization for the purpose of renting the property at below-market rates to low-income and moderate-income households..
HJR-42: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exclude from the market value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes the value of any improvement, or any feature incorporated in an improvement, made to the property if the primary purpose of the improvement or feature is compliance with the requirements of standards that address accessible design of buildings or other facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond
Read First Time on 02/28/2023
You have voted HJR-42: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exclude from the market value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes the value of any improvement, or any feature incorporated in an improvement, made to the property if the primary purpose of the improvement or feature is compliance with the requirements of standards that address accessible design of buildings or other facilities..
You have voted HB-121: Relating to prohibiting the imposition of municipal ad valorem taxes on property that does not receive full municipal services..
HJR-6: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 103.5 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Read First Time on 10/06/2021
You have voted HJR-6: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 103.5 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year..