State Government - Human Trafficking Address Confidentiality Program [HB-1427]
Requiring the Secretary of State to establish the Human Trafficking Address Confidentiality Program for victims of human trafficking; stating the purpose of the Program; establishing eligibility requirements of the Program; establishing application and participation requirements of the Program; requiring an applicant to provide a specified release and waiver of future claims against the State; prohibiting false statements in an application; establishing penalties for a violation of specified provisions of the Act; etc.
HB-1427: State Government - Human Trafficking Address Confidentiality Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2013
Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Baltimore City Sheriff and Fees for Filing and Service of Process [HB-1340]
Altering the type and the number of positions the Baltimore City Sheriff may appoint; increasing from $200 to $400 an annual expense allowance for a deputy sheriff; altering specified surcharges on filing fees in the District Court in Baltimore City; requiring the revenue generated from the surcharge to be remitted quarterly to the Baltimore City Director of Finance and used to fund the enhancement of sheriff benefits and the increase in sheriff personnel to enhance the service of domestic violence orders; etc.
HB-1340: Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Baltimore City Sheriff and Fees for Filing and Service of Process
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Senators Gladden, Muse, And Getty on 04/05/2013
Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification [HB-1291]
Requiring the licensure as a private process service agency of any person who provides specified private process service; providing for the terms and renewals of the licenses, qualifications for and duties of licensees, display of licenses, and required records of a licensee; establishing specified administrative, financial, and surety bond requirements for a licensed private process service agency; establishing qualifications for and duties of certified private process servers; etc.
HB-1291: Business Occupations and Professions - Private Process Service - Licensing and Certification
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Hucker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/19/2013
Real Property - Foreclosures and Mediation [SB-786]
Establishing a prefile mediation process between a secured party and a mortgagor or grantor before the commencement of a specified foreclosure action under specified circumstances; providing that a specified mortgagor or grantor is not entitled to participate in a specified postfile mediation except under specified circumstances; establishing procedures and notices for participation in a specified prefile mediation; altering procedures relating to foreclosure and postfile mediation; etc.
SB-786: Real Property - Foreclosures and Mediation
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Re-referred Environmental Matters on 04/09/2012
Courts - Service of Process - Increase in Sheriff's Fees - Distribution to [SB-413]
Increasing fees for service of process of papers by a sheriff; requiring that $10 of the fees be distributed to a fund established for the Rental Allowance Program of the Department of Housing and Community Development; establishing the Rental Allowance Program Fund; specifying that the Fund is a special, nonlapsing fund; providing that the money in the Fund may be used only for specified purposes; adding the Fund to the list of funds the interest earnings of which are exempt from accruing to the General Fund of the State; etc.
SB-413: Courts - Service of Process - Increase in Sheriff's Fees - Distribution to
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Madaleno
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/09/2012
Civil Actions - Service of Process [HB-704]
Requiring a proof of service of process filed with the court to include specified information if service is effected by leaving copies of the summons and complaint with a person of suitable age and discretion residing at the defendant's dwelling house or usual place of abode; requiring an individual other than a sheriff, clerk, or attorney making service of process in a civil action to file proof of service under affidavit that includes specified information; etc.
HB-704: Civil Actions - Service of Process
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/08/2012
Real Property - Foreclosures and Mediation [HB-1374]
Establishing a prefile mediation process between a secured party and a mortgagor or grantor before the commencement of foreclosure actions under specified circumstances; providing that a mortgagor or grantor is not entitled to participate in mediation after the filing of foreclosure actions except under specified circumstances; establishing procedures and notices for participation in a prefile mediation; authorizing a county or municipal corporation to charge a specified fee to issue a specified certificate; etc.
HB-1374: Real Property - Foreclosures and Mediation
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors - Special Fund [SB-658]
Requiring specified persons to register as appraisal management companies with the State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors; requiring an appraisal management company's registration to include specified information in a specified form; establishing that a registration is valid for a specified period of time; requiring the Commission to collect a specified national registry fee from appraisal management companies; etc.
SB-658: State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors - Special Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration and Insurer as Agent [SB-586]
Expanding provisions of law designating the Motor Vehicle Administration as an agent with respect to service of process in an action related to a motor vehicle accident or collision to include resident drivers under specified circumstances; requiring the Administration to serve as an agent for service of process under specified circumstances, take specified actions, and report annually to the General Assembly; requiring a motor vehicle insurer to act as the agent for a resident driver under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-586: Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration and Insurer as Agent
Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez
Re-referred Judiciary on 04/09/2011
Civil Actions - Cases Challenging Constitutionality of Statutes [SB-363]
Providing that if a party to a specified civil action alleges that a State statute or a county or municipal law, ordinance, or resolution is unconstitutional, the party shall immediately serve the Attorney General, in the case of a State statute, and both the Attorney General and the chief legal officer of the county or municipality, in the case of a county or municipal law, ordinance, or resolution, with a copy of the pleading, motion, or other paper containing the allegation; etc.
SB-363: Civil Actions - Cases Challenging Constitutionality of Statutes
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn on 03/21/2011
Civil Action - Disclosure of Information - Modification of Requirements for [SB-142]
Repealing the requirement that a plaintiff set forth in detail, in a specified certification, specified efforts by the plaintiff to locate a defendant before a specified insurer or person with a self-insurance plan is required to provide the plaintiff with information on the last known home and business addresses of the defendant; and applying the Act prospectively.
SB-142: Civil Action - Disclosure of Information - Modification of Requirements for
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for [SB-140]
Expanding provisions of law designating the Motor Vehicle Administration as the agent for a nonresident driver with respect to a specified subpoena, summons, or other process to apply to any person driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle in the State; requiring the Administration to serve as an agent for service of process, take specified actions, and report specified information annually to the General Assembly; authorizing the Administration to establish and collect a specified fee; etc.
SB-140: Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn on 03/21/2011
Residential Property - Foreclosure - Required Documents - Timing of Mediation [HB-728]
Requiring a notice of intent to foreclose for an owner-occupied residential property to be accompanied by an envelope addressed to a specified person; altering the documents that must accompany an order to docket or complaint to foreclose on residential property; clarifying the documents that must be served on a mortgagor or grantor in a residential foreclosure action; etc.
Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for Driver [HB-388]
Expanding provisions of law designating the Motor Vehicle Administration as an agent with respect to service of process in an action related to a motor vehicle accident or collision to include specified resident drivers under specified circumstances; requiring the Administration to serve as an agent for service of process under specified circumstances, take specified actions, and report specified information annually to the General Assembly; etc.
HB-388: Courts - Service of Process - Motor Vehicle Administration as Agent for Driver
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2011
Courts - Attorneys - Subpoena Procedures and Forms for Circuit Courts [HB-22]
Authorizing an attorney or other officer of the court entitled to the issuance of a subpoena by a clerk of a court to obtain from the clerk of the court a subpoena that is signed and sealed by the clerk of court; authorizing the attorney or other officer of the court to photocopy or otherwise copy and use a specified subpoena for service; etc.
HB-22: Courts - Attorneys - Subpoena Procedures and Forms for Circuit Courts
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Smigiel
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/18/2011
Family Law - Protective Orders - Notification of Service [HB-136]
Requiring that the electronic system used to notify the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services of the service of a temporary protective order on a specified respondent be approved and provided by the Department; and extending to the end of December 31, 2013, the termination date of provisions of law that provide for notice of service on a respondent or specified protective orders.
HB-136: Family Law - Protective Orders - Notification of Service
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors - Special Fund [HB-1181]
Requiring specified persons to register as appraisal management companies with the State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors; requiring an appraisal management company's registration to include specified information in a specified form; establishing that a registration is valid for a specified period of time; requiring the Commission to collect a specified national registry fee from appraisal management companies; etc.
HB-1181: State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors - Special Fund
Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Stifler
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Maryland Statutory Trust Act [SB-784]
Clarifying and revising the Maryland Business Trust Act and renaming it to be the Maryland Statutory Trust Act; providing that a use of a specified designation or statement in a specified certificate of trust or governing instrument does not create a specified presumption or inference; clarifying that a statutory trust has specified general powers; etc.
SB-784: Maryland Statutory Trust Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Maryland False Claims Act [SB-187]
Prohibiting specified actions constituting false claims against a governmental entity; providing specified penalties for making false claims against a governmental entity; requiring specified counsel to investigate specified violations; authorizing a person other than the governmental entity to file a civil action on behalf of the governmental entity against a person who makes a false claim against the governmental entity; providing for the procedures to be followed in a civil action; etc.
SB-187: Maryland False Claims Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Lenett
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/17/2010
Maryland Statutory Trust Act [HB-971]
Clarifying and revising the Maryland Business Trust Act and renaming it to be the Maryland Statutory Trust Act; providing that a use of a specified designation or statement in a specified certificate of trust or governing instrument does not create a specified presumption or inference; clarifying that a statutory trust has specified general powers; etc.
HB-971: Maryland Statutory Trust Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/20/2010