Polk County

State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems [HB-390]
School Calendar Flexibility/Certain Systems


Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Regular Message Sent To Senate on 05/06/2021

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

Students, Parents, Community Rights Act [SB-232]
Students, Parents, Community Rights Act


Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Hise Re-ref To The Com On Local Government, If Favorable, Rules, Calendar, And Operations Of The House on 06/08/2021

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

Budget Technical Corrections [HB-243]
Budget Technical Corrections


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Ch. Sl 2022-6 on 03/17/2022

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

Emer. Mgt./Powers/Rutherford/Polk County [HB-166]
Emer. Mgt./Powers/Rutherford/Polk County


Sponsored by: Rep. David Rogers Passed 1st Reading on 03/01/2021

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State (North Carolina)
North Carolina 2021-2022 Session

47th Senatorial District Local Act-1 [SB-57]
47th Senatorial District Local Act-1


Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Hise Passed 1st Reading on 02/08/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Congratulating the All-District honorees from the Polk County boys' high school basketball teams. [HR-1722]
Congratulating the All-District honorees from the Polk County boys' high school basketball teams.


Sponsored by: Rep. James White Reported Enrolled on 05/11/2015

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement; to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended. [SB-1467]
As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement; to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Bell Pr. Ch. 3 on 04/28/2011

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement; to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended. [HB-392]
As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement; to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Watson Comp. Became Pr. Ch. 3 on 04/28/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Transportation to Polk County. [SB-1670]
Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Transportation to Polk County.

Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols Effective Immediately on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Transportation to Polk County. [HB-2979]
Relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas Department of Transportation to Polk County.

Sponsored by: Rep. John Otto Read First Time on 03/17/2009

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement, to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended. [SB-2378]
As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement, to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dewayne Bunch Re-ref. To S. Cal. Comm. on 01/27/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, creates the position of county attorney. [SB-2370]
As introduced, subject to local approval, creates the position of county attorney.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dewayne Bunch Comp. Became Pr. Ch. 20 on 06/17/2009

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, authorizes the levy of a tax or amusement fee on the privilege of whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended. [HB-3998]
As introduced, subject to local approval, authorizes the levy of a tax or amusement fee on the privilege of whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Watson Held On Desk. on 06/03/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement, to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended. [HB-2411]
As introduced, subject to local approval, revises procedure for determining the tax on the privilege of participating in an amusement, to be determined annually by the county legislative body in accordance with established criteria, rather than imposing a set fee. - Amends Chapter 2 of the Private Acts of 1981; as amended.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Watson Re-ref. To Calendar & Rules Committee on 06/04/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, subject to local approval, creates the position of county attorney. [HB-2403]
As introduced, subject to local approval, creates the position of county attorney.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Watson Pr. Ch. 20 on 06/17/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the legislature to establish a state gaming commission and to authorize and provide for the regulation of gaming conducted at certain locations in this state, authorizing federally recognized Indian tribes to conduct gaming on certain Indian lands, and requiring the governor to call the legislature into special session to consider gaming legislation. [HJR-55]
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the legislature to establish a state gaming commission and to authorize and provide for the regulation of gaming conducted at certain locations in this state, authorizing federally recognized Indian tribes to conduct gaming on certain Indian lands, and requiring the governor to call the legislature into special session to consider gaming legislation.


Sponsored by: Sen. Carol Alvarado Read First Time on 03/22/2017

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