Police Training And Standards Commission

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts and Mailing of Citations [SB-450]
Establishing that certain provisions of law authorizing the use of speed monitoring systems in certain residential districts apply in Baltimore County; requiring the fines collected by Baltimore County as a result of the use of speed monitoring systems to be used to assist in covering the costs of traffic calming devices in the county; altering a certain reporting requirement of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to include certain information on a speed monitoring system program in Baltimore County; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks Hearing 4/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Prince George's County - Law Enforcement - Sound Level Meters PG 305-24 [HB-388]
Requiring the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to develop and publish online a policy for the issuance and use of a sound level meter for measuring the intensity of noise and other sounds by a law enforcement officer that addresses certain matters; requiring the Prince George's County Police Department to require the use of sound level meters, subject to a certain policy, by certain law enforcement officers on or before January 1, 2025; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors First Reading Judiciary And Health And Government Operations on 01/17/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Public Safety Volunteers [SB-323]
Increasing, from $7,000 to $10,000, the amount of a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for an individual who is a qualifying public safety volunteer for a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2024; requiring each police agency to maintain certain records of the activities of each member of a police auxiliary or reserve, provide each member with a certain report on the preceding calendar year, and provide a certain report and certification that an individual qualified for the subtraction modification; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson Hearing 1/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/13/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility [SB-48]
Altering the eligibility requirements for an individual to be certified by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as a police officer to remove certain citizenship requirements for an individual who is a permanent legal resident of the United States and an honorably discharged veteran; and providing that an individual who is a permanent legal resident and honorably discharged veteran or current member of the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, or a reserve component is eligible to be certified as a police officer.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing 1/24 At 2:30 P.m. on 01/15/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility [HB-8]
Altering the eligibility requirements for an individual to be certified by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as a police officer to remove certain citizenship requirements for an individual who is a permanent legal resident of the United States and an honorably discharged veteran; and providing that an individual who is a permanent legal resident and honorably discharged veteran or current member of the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, or a reserve component is eligible to be certified as a police officer.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo First Reading Judiciary on 01/10/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Public Safety - Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Revisions [SB-256]
Altering the membership and duties of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission; providing that a law enforcement agency may employ an individual as a police officer for a certain period only if the individual is certified or provisionally certified by the Commission; and altering provisions of law relating to the certification and recertification of police officers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/15/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Positive Community Feedback [SB-7]
Adding positive community feedback that was not solicited by the police officer who is the subject of the feedback to the list of records that are not considered personnel records for certain purposes; requiring the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to develop a process for citizens to submit positive community feedback; requiring each law enforcement agency to adopt the uniform citizen positive community feedback process; requiring a law enforcement agency to maintain a certain record; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Bailey Approved By The Governor - Chapter 549 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety – Special Police Officer Training – Bailiff Exemption [HB-1218]
Exempting an applicant for an initial commission or renewal of a commission as a special police officer for employment as a bailiff from certain training requirements.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tomlinson Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/20/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety - Use of Force Incident Reports [HB-585]
Altering the reporting requirement applicable to a law enforcement officer or police officer involved in a use of force incident in the line of duty to include the law enforcement officer's justification for the use of force; and requiring a local law enforcement agency to publish on its website by January 1, 2024 and every 3 months thereafter, certain information regarding the use of force incidents reported for the preceding 3 months.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety - Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Notification of Action Filed Against Police Officer [HB-430]
Requiring a court to notify the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission of the filing of a civil action against a police officer involving allegations that the police officer wrongfully caused the death of or serious bodily injury to an individual; and requiring the court to make the required notification within 10 days after the filing of the civil action.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins Third Reading Passed (101-36) on 04/07/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety - Law Enforcement - Body-Worn Cameras (Body-Worn Camera Appropriation and Financing Act of 2023) [SB-330]
Requiring the Department of General Services, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology, to negotiate certain contracts with third parties for the acquisition or maintenance of body-worn cameras, equipment, or technology for certain law enforcement agencies; requiring the Department of Information Technology, in coordination with the Department of General Services, to study the cost and feasibility of implementing a statewide uniform storage and access system for law enforcement body-worn camera data; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Justin Ready Approved By The Governor - Chapter 743 on 05/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety – Law Enforcement – Body–Worn Cameras (Body–Worn Camera Appropriation and Financing Act of 2023) [HB-332]
Requiring the Department of General Services, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology, to negotiate certain contracts with third parties for the acquisition or maintenance of body-worn cameras, equipment, or technology for certain law enforcement agencies; and requiring the Department of Information Technology, in coordination with the Department of General Services, to study the cost and feasibility of implementing a statewide uniform storage and access system for law enforcement body-worn camera data.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey Referred Rules on 04/07/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility [HB-145]
Altering the eligibility requirements for an individual to be certified by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as a police officer to remove a certain requirement for an individual who is a permanent legal resident of the United States and an honorably discharged veteran; and providing that an individual who is a permanent legal resident and honorably discharged veteran or current member of the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, or a reserve component is eligible to be certified as a police officer.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/06/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices [SB-40]
Establishing certain requirements for a custodian of records related to certain recordings from a certain body-worn digital recording device worn by a law enforcement officer; and requiring the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission, in consultation with certain other entities and stakeholders, to develop certain uniform standards and policies.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor Hearing 4/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety – Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission – Prohibition Against Certain Affiliation or Support by Police Officers [HB-88]
Requiring the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to prohibit police officers from affiliating with, supporting, or advocating for White supremacist groups, ideologies, or causes or participating in or actively promoting a certain extremist group.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gabriel Acevero Hearing 1/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/17/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission - Police Officer Certification - Eligibility [SB-126]
Altering the eligibility requirements for an individual to be certified by the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as a police officer to remove a requirement that an individual who is a permanent legal resident of the United States and an honorably discharged veteran of the United States armed forces.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing Canceled on 01/30/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - State Law Enforcement Officers [SB-70]
Altering a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for the first $5,000 of income earned by certain law enforcement officers to include State law enforcement officers who reside in a political subdivision in which the crime rate exceeds the State's crime rate; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Public Safety – Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission [SB-110]
Altering the membership and duties of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission; providing that a law enforcement agency may employ an individual as a police officer for a period exceeding 1 year only if the individual is certified by the Commission or for a period not to exceed 1 year if the individual is provisionally certified by the Commission; and altering provisions of law relating to the certification and recertification of police officers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/27/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Scholarships and Police Officer Recruitment [SB-949]
Requiring law enforcement agencies to develop and implement certain recruitment policies; expanding the Edward T. Conroy and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program and the Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Program to include certain postsecondary institutions outside the State as eligible institutions that may award scholarships under the programs; and establishing the Police Officers Educational Benefit Scholarship I and the Police Officers Educational Benefit Scholarship II.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth Referred Rules And Executive Nominations on 04/05/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Suicide Treatment Improvement Act [HB-1329]
Establishing requirements and prohibitions related to the treatment of and response efforts to individuals who are suicidal or who have attempted suicide, including provisions related to the provision of and access to counseling, the discharge and transfer of patients, cost-sharing requirements for insurance, and standards for police response.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jalisi Hearing 3/07 At 2:00 P.m. on 02/17/2022

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