You have voted HB-751: Relating to the prescription and pharmaceutical substitution of biological products; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty..
You have voted SB-316: Relating to continuing education for pharmacists regarding drug abuse and opioid drugs and an interim study regarding opioid abuse..
You have voted SB-1375: Relating to a study and report by the Sunset Advisory Commission of the self-directed semi-independent status of state agencies..
You have voted SB-1100: Relating to the licensing and inspection of certain out-of-state pharmacies by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing fees..
HB-3301: Relating to the regulation of controlled substances and the establishment of an electronic system for monitoring controlled substances; providing criminal penalties; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth McClendon
Read First Time on 03/19/2013
You have voted HB-3301: Relating to the regulation of controlled substances and the establishment of an electronic system for monitoring controlled substances; providing criminal penalties; authorizing a fee..