Pharmacist Prescription Authority [SB-147]
An Act relating to the prescription and administration of drugs and devices by pharmacists; relating to reciprocity for pharmacists; and providing for an effective date.
SB-147: Pharmacist Prescription Authority
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Giessel
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/26/2025
Health Insurance & Pharmacy Benefits Mgrs [SB-142]
An Act relating to municipal and state group health insurance plans and policies, including self-insured plans and policies, and the administration and management of pharmacy benefits; and providing for an effective date.
SB-142: Health Insurance & Pharmacy Benefits Mgrs
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Giessel
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/24/2025
AN ACT relating to reproductive health services. [HB-793]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to define terms; provide rights related to access to contraception; create private right of action; create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to provide coverage for contraception; amend KRS 304.17A-099 to exclude contraception from cost defrayal requirements; require health benefit plans to provide coverage for long-acting reversible contraception administered during a postpartum hospital stay; amend KRS 164.2871, 205.522, 205.6485, and 18A.225 to require self-insured
HB-793: AN ACT relating to reproductive health services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Stalker
To Banking & Insurance (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to liability shield products and declaring an emergency. [HB-648]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; require a manufacturer of a liability shield product to subject the product to a placebo-controlled study before it is manufactured, marketed, distributed, or administered in Kentucky; establish requirements for the placebo-controlled study; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to monitor and track adverse outcomes of liability shield products; require manufacturers of liability shield products to submit documentation to the cabinet of the placebo-controlled study and results
HB-648: AN ACT relating to liability shield products and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox
To Health Services (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to health care. [HB-688]
Amend KRS 314.041, relating to registered nurse licensure, and KRS 314.051, relating to licensed practical nurse licensure, to permit rather than require the board to issue credentials; amend KRS 314.042 to require physicians collaborating with an advanced practice registered nurse to have an active and unrestricted license in Kentucky; amend KRS 314.109 to reduce the time from 90 to 30 days for a person under the jurisdiction of the board to notify the board of a conviction of certain misdemeanors or felonies; amend KRS 209.032, relating to employees
HB-688: AN ACT relating to health care.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
2nd Reading, To Rules on 03/12/2025
AN ACT relating to human gene therapy products and declaring an emergency. [HB-469]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to establish legislative intent; define terms; establish that a person in the Commonwealth shall not administer, by any route or modality, any human gene therapy product for any infectious disease indication, regardless of whether the administration is termed an immunization, vaccine, or any other term; exempt human gene therapy products used to treat cancer or genetic disorders; sunset the provisions on July 1, 2035, unless extended by the General Assembly; EMERGENCY.
HB-469: AN ACT relating to human gene therapy products and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Hart
To Health Services (h) on 02/14/2025
AN ACT relating to the recruitment and retention of health care professionals and declaring an emergency. [SB-132]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 344 to ensure federal law relating to emergency medical treatment and the collection of evidence is not overridden; define terms; prohibit discrimination against health care professionals who decline to perform procedures that violate their conscience; grant health care professionals the right not to participate in services that violate their conscience; exempt health care professionals from liability for exercising these rights; prohibit hiring or licensing authorities from reprimanding health care professionals;
SB-132: AN ACT relating to the recruitment and retention of health care professionals and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donald Douglas
2nd Reading, To Rules on 03/13/2025
AN ACT relating to patient-directed care at the end of life. [HB-408]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms; establish a qualified terminally ill patient's right to voluntarily request medication to self-administer to cause death; establish conditions required to make request; permit patient to rescind request at any time; permit an attending physician to provide medication; establish requirements for attending physician to inform patients and document request; require disposal of unused medications; establish residency requirements for qualified patients; require report by the Cabinet for Health
HB-408: AN ACT relating to patient-directed care at the end of life.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Marzian
To Health Services (h) on 02/12/2025
AN ACT relating to prescription drugs. [HB-413]
Amend KRS 304.17A-164 to establish cost-sharing requirements for prescription drugs; require rebates to be passed through; establish confidentiality requirements for the rebate information; create a new section of KRS 365.880 to 365.900 to provide that the actual amount of rebates received is a trade secret; provide that compliance with prescription drug cost-sharing and rebate requirements shall not be in violation of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act; amend KRS 304.17C-125, 304.38A-115, 18A.225, and 164.2871 to apply the cost-sharing and rebate requirements
HB-413: AN ACT relating to prescription drugs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
To Banking & Insurance (h) on 02/12/2025
AN ACT relating to prescription drugs. [HB-389]
Amend KRS 205.529, 218A.172, 218A.205, and 304.17A.165 to remove references to a Schedule III controlled substance containing hydrocodone; amend KRS 218A.010 to add optometrist and physician assistant to the definition of "practitioner" licensed in other states; amend KRS 218A.182 to exempt charitable health care practitioners from electronic prescription requirement; amend KRS 218A.202 to require an active account with the electronic monitoring system be maintained by practitioners or pharmacists prescribing or dispensing Schedule II, III, IV,
HB-389: AN ACT relating to prescription drugs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
2nd Reading, To Rules on 03/13/2025