Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act [SB-239]
Establishing the Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act; authorizing a user to direct a custodian of digital assets to disclose or not to disclose those assets under specified circumstances and in a specified manner; providing that the Act does not change, impair, or expand specified rights with respect to the digital assets of a user; authorizing a custodian to grant a specified fiduciary or designated recipient access to or a copy of specified records under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-239: Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 364 on 05/10/2016
Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices [HB-947]
Requiring a custodian of records to deny inspection of the part of a recording from a specified body-worn digital recording device worn by a law enforcement officer regarding specified individuals; requiring specified notification of specified individuals under specified circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to adopt specified regulations in consultation with specified groups; requiring a custodian of records to allow inspection of a recording under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-947: Public Information Act - Inspection of Records From Body-Worn Digital Recording Devices
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Third Reading Passed (130-8) on 03/21/2016
Real Property - Actions to Quiet Title [HB-920]
Authorizing a specified action to be brought to establish title against adverse claims to property; providing for venue and the application of the Maryland Rules in an action under the Act; establishing requirements for a complaint, an answer to a complaint, naming of defendants, joinder of parties, and service of process in an action under the Act; requiring the recording in the land records of the county in which any portion of the property is located of a judgement in an action under the Act; etc.
HB-920: Real Property - Actions to Quiet Title
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 396 on 05/10/2016
Maryland Trust Act - Representation [HB-887]
Providing that, if a minor, an incapacitated, unborn, or unknown individual, or an individual whose location is unknown and not reasonably ascertainable is not otherwise represented under a specified provision of law relating to specified trusts, a grandparent or more remote ancestor may represent and bind that individual in specified circumstances; etc.
HB-887: Maryland Trust Act - Representation
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 563 on 05/19/2016
Baltimore City - Landlord and Tenant Law - Actions for Repossession (Fairness and Integrity for Baltimore City Renters Act) [HB-796]
Repealing and adding specified provisions in the Public Local Laws of Baltimore City concerning landlord and tenant law and the repossession of premises; requiring a landlord to maintain specified records for payments of rent and other charges; establishing specified procedures for repossession by a landlord when a tenant fails to pay rent when due; requiring a sheriff to serve a specified summons in a specified manner; establishing a specified tenant legal assistance special fund and a $30 surcharge on the filing of an eviction complaint; etc.
HB-796: Baltimore City - Landlord and Tenant Law - Actions for Repossession (Fairness and Integrity for Baltimore City Renters Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/28/2016
Public Health - Provision of Life-Preserving Health Care Services (Vulnerable Protection Act) [HB-644]
Prohibiting health care practitioners and health care facilities from denying patients life-preserving health care services requested by a specified person on the basis of a specified view or disagreement; authorizing specified persons to file an action for an injunction in a specified court under specified circumstances; authorizing a health care practitioner, under specified circumstances, to provide specified reasons as a defense to an action filed under a specified provision of the Act; etc.
HB-644: Public Health - Provision of Life-Preserving Health Care Services (Vulnerable Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2016
Foreclosure - Responsibility for Maintenance of Residential Property and Registration Requirement [HB-524]
Establishing that, on and after the filing of an action to foreclose a mortgage or deed of trust on residential property, the secured party shall be responsible for maintenance of the property until the foreclosure sale occurs; requiring the secured party to submit a registration to the Foreclosed Property Registry within 30 days after the filing of a foreclosure action on residential property; requiring the registration to be in a specified form and contain specified information; establishing fees; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-524: Foreclosure - Responsibility for Maintenance of Residential Property and Registration Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/22/2016
Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act [HB-507]
Establishing the Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act; authorizing a user to direct a custodian of digital assets to disclose or not to disclose those assets under specified circumstances and in a specified manner; providing that the Act does not change, impair, or expand specified rights with respect to the digital assets of a user; authorizing a custodian to grant a specified fiduciary or designated recipient access to or a copy of specified records under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-507: Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 365 on 05/10/2016
Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act [HB-256]
Establishing the Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act; authorizing a user to direct a custodian of digital assets to disclose or not to disclose those assets under specified circumstances and in a specified manner; providing that the Act does not change, impair, or expand specified rights with respect to the digital assets of a user; authorizing a custodian to grant a specified fiduciary or designated recipient access to or a copy of specified records under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-256: Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 02/16/2016
Estates and Trusts - Notice Requirement - Method of Delivery [HB-1336]
Repealing specified exceptions to specified notice requirements for estate matters if specified laws or rules require a different method of delivery; repealing a specified provision of law that authorizes the orphans' court to require or the personal representative to elect specified delivery of notice at the expense of the estate; repealing a provision of law that requires specified proof of reasonable efforts to give notice under specified circumstances; and applying the Act to estates of decedents who die on or after October 1, 2016.
HB-1336: Estates and Trusts - Notice Requirement - Method of Delivery
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/31/2016
Estates and Trusts - Elective Share of Surviving Spouse [HB-1229]
Repealing specified provisions of law relating to a surviving spouse making an election to take a specified share of the net estate of the decedent instead of the property left to the surviving spouse under the will; providing that a surviving spouse may take a specified elective share amount of a specified augmented estate; establishing the priority to be used in determining the sources from which a specified elective share amount is payable; etc.
HB-1229: Estates and Trusts - Elective Share of Surviving Spouse
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 03/21/2016
Estates and Trusts - Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act [SB-429]
Establishing the Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act; authorizing specified fiduciaries to access specified digital assets under specified circumstances; authorizing a fiduciary to take specified actions concerning an asset under specified circumstances; providing that, for specified purposes, a fiduciary has the lawful consent of an account holder for the custodian to divulge the content of an electronic communication to the fiduciary and is, for the purpose of specified computer-related laws, an authorized user; etc.
SB-429: Estates and Trusts - Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/18/2015
Estates and Trusts - Funeral Expenses Allowance - Modified Administration [SB-420]
Increasing the maximum amount from $10,000 to $15,000 that a court may allow for specified funeral expenses; establishing that, if an estate is solvent, a personal representative is not required to obtain an allowance by the court for funeral expenses if the estate is under modified administration and the funeral expenses are included on a specified report; and applying the Act prospectively.
Estates - Modified Administration - Final Report and Distribution - Extension [SB-418]
Authorizing, under specified circumstances, a register of wills to extend the time periods for filing a final report and for making distribution of an estate in a modified administration of the estate for an additional specified period on the filing of a specified request; requiring a request for the extension to be signed by the personal representative and consented to by each interested person; requiring the request to be delivered to the register of wills no later than a specified date; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
SB-418: Estates - Modified Administration - Final Report and Distribution - Extension
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 30 on 04/14/2015
Estates - Closing - Statement of Compensation and Reporting of Income (Mike Cady Act) [SB-23]
Requiring a court or a register of wills, after an estate has been closed, to provide to the personal representative of the estate a document stating the amount of compensation received by the personal representative and informing the personal representative that the compensation is income that must be reported to the Internal Revenue Service; requiring a court or register of wills to send a copy of the document to the Internal Revenue Service and the Office of the Comptroller; applying the Act only prospectively; etc.
SB-23: Estates - Closing - Statement of Compensation and Reporting of Income (Mike Cady Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 02/16/2015
Estates and Trusts - Funeral Expenses Allowance - Modified Administration [HB-624]
Increasing the maximum amount from $10,000 to $15,000 that a court may allow for specified funeral expenses; establishing that, if an estate is solvent, a personal representative is not required to obtain an allowance by the court for funeral expenses if the estate is under modified administration and the personal representative includes the funeral expenses on the final report; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
Estates - Modified Administration - Final Report and Distribution - Extension [HB-623]
Authorizing, under specified circumstances, a register of wills to extend the time periods for filing a final report and for making distribution of an estate in a modified administration of the estate for an additional specified period on the filing of a specified request; requiring a request for the extension to be signed by the personal representative and consented to by each interested person; requiring the request to be delivered to the register of wills no later than a specified date; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-623: Estates - Modified Administration - Final Report and Distribution - Extension
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
Estates and Trusts - Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act [HB-531]
Establishing the Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act; authorizing specified fiduciaries to access specified digital assets under specified circumstances; authorizing a fiduciary to take specified actions concerning an asset under specified circumstances; providing that, for specified purposes, a fiduciary has the lawful consent of an account holder for the custodian to divulge the content of an electronic communication to the fiduciary and is, for the purpose of specified computer-related laws, an authorized user; etc.
HB-531: Estates and Trusts - Maryland Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations on 03/17/2015
Victims of Crime - Legal Representatives of Minors and Disabled and Elderly Persons [SB-940]
Authorizing a personal representative to request specified compensation, restitution, or financial property interest for a decedent who was a victim of a crime; providing that the rights, duties, and powers of a guardian of the person of a minor shall include serving as a victim's representative under specified circumstances; authorizing a court to order a guardian of the person of a specified person with a disability to serve as a victim's representative under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-940: Victims of Crime - Legal Representatives of Minors and Disabled and Elderly Persons
Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 207 on 04/14/2014