SJR-32: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the authority of the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Moody
Filed With The Secretary Of State on 04/26/2023
You have voted SJR-32: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the authority of the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities..
HJR-79: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the authority of the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Moody
Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 04/25/2023
You have voted HJR-79: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the authority of the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities..
SB-665: Relating to the authority of coastal counties to adopt certain rules for island parks, beach parks, and public beaches; creating a criminal offense.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Co-author Authorized on 04/17/2019
You have voted SB-665: Relating to the authority of coastal counties to adopt certain rules for island parks, beach parks, and public beaches; creating a criminal offense..
SB-318: Relating to credits to certain accounts of the Parks and Wildlife Department resulting from the allocation of the proceeds from taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of sporting goods.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Read First Time on 02/07/2019
You have voted SB-318: Relating to credits to certain accounts of the Parks and Wildlife Department resulting from the allocation of the proceeds from taxes imposed on the sale, storage, or use of sporting goods..