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Explain HB-848: Set Pay Schedules/Juvenile Justice Positions × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 04/26/2023
You have voted HB-848: Set Pay Schedules/Juvenile Justice Positions.
Explain HB-850: Licensing Board/Contractors & Inspectors × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Ref To Com On Rules And Operations Of The Senate on 06/29/2023
You have voted HB-850: Licensing Board/Contractors & Inspectors.
Explain HB-833: Increase Teacher Diversity/Study × Sponsored by: Rep. Becky Carney Reptd Fav Com Substitute on 05/30/2023
You have voted HB-833: Increase Teacher Diversity/Study.
Explain HB-819: Medical Ethics Defense (MED) Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Donna White Reptd Fav on 04/27/2023
You have voted HB-819: Medical Ethics Defense (MED) Act.
Explain HB-765: Public School Medical Assistants × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Reptd Fav on 05/02/2023
You have voted HB-765: Public School Medical Assistants.
Explain HB-726: CE Credit Acceptance Study × Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Hardister Special Message Received From House on 05/04/2023
You have voted HB-726: CE Credit Acceptance Study.
Explain HB-782: Movie Sets/Radon/Licensee Experience × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ch. Sl 2023-91 on 07/10/2023
You have voted HB-782: Movie Sets/Radon/Licensee Experience.
Explain HB-824: Teacher Licensure Changes × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Special Message Received From House on 05/04/2023
You have voted HB-824: Teacher Licensure Changes.
Explain HB-751: Accessing Midwives Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-751: Accessing Midwives Act.
Explain HB-764: Montessori License × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-764: Montessori License.
Explain HB-759: Barber/Electrolysis Board/Disciplinary Costs × Sponsored by: Rep. Rosa Gill Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-759: Barber/Electrolysis Board/Disciplinary Costs.
Explain HB-736: Joel H. Crisp SUDEP Awareness Law × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Special Message Sent To Senate on 05/03/2023
You have voted HB-736: Joel H. Crisp SUDEP Awareness Law.
Explain HB-727: Breakthrough Therapies Research/Advisory Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Reptd Fav on 05/16/2023
You have voted HB-727: Breakthrough Therapies Research/Advisory Act.
Explain HB-762: School Social Workers/Master's Pay × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Reptd Fav on 05/30/2023
You have voted HB-762: School Social Workers/Master's Pay.
Explain HB-808: Gender Transition/Minors × Sponsored by: Rep. Hugh Blackwell Ch. Sl 2023-111 on 08/16/2023
You have voted HB-808: Gender Transition/Minors.
Explain HB-753: Modify Laws Relating to Bail Bonds/Bondsmen × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-753: Modify Laws Relating to Bail Bonds/Bondsmen.
Explain HB-681: Healthcare Flexibility Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Re-ref Com On Finance on 05/22/2024
You have voted HB-681: Healthcare Flexibility Act.
Explain HB-707: Assaults on First Responders & Social Workers × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Special Message Received From House on 05/04/2023
You have voted HB-707: Assaults on First Responders & Social Workers.
Explain HB-712: PREP Act/Pharmacists × Sponsored by: Rep. Rosa Gill Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-712: PREP Act/Pharmacists.
Explain HB-705: Build Safer Communities and Schools Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-705: Build Safer Communities and Schools Act.