Correctional Services - Child Pornography Offenders - Diminution Credits and Parole [HB-27]
Prohibiting an inmate who is serving a sentence in a State or local correctional facility for committing specified child pornography offenses from earning diminution credits to reduce the inmate's term of confinement, being released on parole in order to undergo specified treatment, being eligible for parole consideration, or receiving specified deductions from the inmate's term of confinement.
HB-27: Correctional Services - Child Pornography Offenders - Diminution Credits and Parole
Sponsored by: Rep. John Cluster
Hearing 1/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/22/2013
Transit Vehicles - Prohibited Acts - Use of Obscene Language [HB-1093]
Prohibiting individuals from using obscene language in transit vehicles and trains owned or controlled by the Maryland Transit Administration or operated by a railroad company under contract to the Administration; limiting the Act to the operator of and passengers in transit vehicles with a seating capacity of 20 or more individuals; etc.
HB-1093: Transit Vehicles - Prohibited Acts - Use of Obscene Language
Sponsored by: Rep. Curtis Anderson
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters on 03/20/2013
Education - Health and Safety of Students - Notification of Problematic Sexual Behavior [HB-1005]
Requiring public schools and nonpublic schools that receive State funds to notify parents or guardians of certain students involved in an incident of problematic sexual behavior by the close of business on the day of the incident; and requiring a county board to ensure that certain schools have a certain policy in place regarding a certain notification.
HB-1005: Education - Health and Safety of Students - Notification of Problematic Sexual Behavior
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2020
Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations (Hidden Predator Act of 2020) [HB-974]
Altering the definition of "sexual abuse"; altering the statute of limitations in certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse by providing that a certain action may be filed at any time; providing for the retroactive application of the Act to revive any action that was barred by the application of the period of limitations applicable before October 1, 2020, if the action is filed before October 1, 2022; and repealing a statute of repose for certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse.
HB-974: Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations (Hidden Predator Act of 2020)
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Third Reading Passed (127-0) on 03/14/2020
Crimes – Indecent Exposure – Definition [SB-515]
Defining the term "indecent exposure" to establish that the offense of indecent exposure prohibits a person from, in public, engaging in a certain act of masturbation; and providing that a person convicted of a violation of the Act is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to imprisonment of up to 3 years or a fine not to exceed $1,000 or both.
SB-515: Crimes – Indecent Exposure – Definition
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 03/12/2020
Criminal Law - Child Pornography and Exhibition and Display of Obscene Items to Minors [HB-501]
Establishing certain exceptions to provisions of law relating to the display and exhibition of a certain item to a minor, child pornography, and possession of a visual representation of a child under the age of 16 years; prohibiting a minor from engaging in certain conduct involving the display or exhibition of an item to another minor, child pornography, and possession of certain visual representations; etc.
HB-501: Criminal Law - Child Pornography and Exhibition and Display of Obscene Items to Minors
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020
Criminal Law - Child Pornography and Exhibition and Display of Obscene Items to Minors [SB-365]
Establishing certain exceptions to provisions of law relating to the display and exhibition of a certain item to a minor, child pornography, and possession of a visual representation of a child under the age of 16 years; prohibiting a minor from engaging in certain conduct involving the display or exhibition of an item to another minor, child pornography, and possession of certain visual representations; etc.
SB-365: Criminal Law - Child Pornography and Exhibition and Display of Obscene Items to Minors
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing Canceled on 01/29/2020
Juveniles – Sexting [HB-272]
Establishing a certain mitigating factor in a certain juvenile court proceeding against a child for a certain violation; requiring and authorizing the juvenile court to take certain actions in making a certain disposition on a certain finding; prohibiting the juvenile court from taking certain actions in making a certain disposition on a certain finding; establishing that a child who is found by the juvenile court to have violated a certain provision of law is not subject to certain sex offender registration; etc.
HB-272: Juveniles – Sexting
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger
Third Reading Passed (133-0) on 03/13/2020