SB-1343: Relating to the composition of the Texas Board of Nursing and procedures applicable to complaints against advanced practice registered nurses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Moody
Effective On 9/1/23 on 05/23/2023
You have voted SB-1343: Relating to the composition of the Texas Board of Nursing and procedures applicable to complaints against advanced practice registered nurses..
HB-2978: Relating to continuing education requirements for certain health care practitioners regarding ectopic pregnancy and pregnancy-related medical emergencies.
Sponsored by: Rep. Caroline Harris Davila
Read First Time on 03/14/2023
You have voted HB-2978: Relating to continuing education requirements for certain health care practitioners regarding ectopic pregnancy and pregnancy-related medical emergencies..
HB-2635: Relating to the composition of the Texas Board of Nursing and procedures applicable to complaints against advanced practice registered nurses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Moody
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/24/2023
You have voted HB-2635: Relating to the composition of the Texas Board of Nursing and procedures applicable to complaints against advanced practice registered nurses..
HB-2651: Relating to required training and continuing education requirements for persons who provide medical care or other support to survivors of sexual assault.
Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard
Removed From Local & Uncontested Calendar on 05/24/2023
You have voted HB-2651: Relating to required training and continuing education requirements for persons who provide medical care or other support to survivors of sexual assault..
HB-1873: Relating to patients' rights, consumer protection, and directives for the provision of health care services; providing an administrative penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Elizabeth Campos
Read First Time on 03/07/2023
You have voted HB-1873: Relating to patients' rights, consumer protection, and directives for the provision of health care services; providing an administrative penalty..
HB-1847: Relating to an exception to certain reporting requirements for health care providers reviewing information on maternal mortality and morbidity for the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard
Referred To Health & Human Services on 05/05/2023
You have voted HB-1847: Relating to an exception to certain reporting requirements for health care providers reviewing information on maternal mortality and morbidity for the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee..
You have voted HB-1770: Relating to nurse profiles and certain information concerning nurses maintained on the Texas Board of Nursing's Internet website..
SB-458: Relating to the authorization for and approval of certain nursing programs offered by private postsecondary educational institutions or for-profit entities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Left Pending In Committee on 05/15/2023
You have voted SB-458: Relating to the authorization for and approval of certain nursing programs offered by private postsecondary educational institutions or for-profit entities..