Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Nursing Services - Skills Checklist [SB-895]
Requiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to specify in regulations the skills checklist used as part of the process of determining the competency of nurses, certified nursing assistants, and home health aides to render nursing services through a residential service agency or a home health agency that is participating in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program.
SB-895: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Nursing Services - Skills Checklist
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/02/2016
Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Nursing Services - Skills Checklist [HB-1235]
Requiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to specify in regulations the skills checklist used as part of the process of determining the competency of nurses, certified nursing assistants, and home health aides to render nursing services through a residential service agency or a home health agency that is participating in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program.
HB-1235: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Nursing Services - Skills Checklist
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/18/2016
SB-849: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, and Electrologists - Licensing, Certification, Regulation, Violations, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 559 on 05/15/2014
You have voted SB-849: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, and Electrologists - Licensing, Certification, Regulation, Violations, and Penalties.
HB-908: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, and Electrologists - Licensing, Certification, Regulation, Violations, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 560 on 05/15/2014
You have voted HB-908: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, and Electrologists - Licensing, Certification, Regulation, Violations, and Penalties.
State Board of Nursing - Sunset Extension and Revisions [SB-921]
Continuing the State Board of Nursing by extending to July 1, 2023, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the Board; requiring that an evaluation of the Board and the statutes and regulations that relate to the Board be performed on or before July 1, 2022; requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with the Department of Budget and Management, to contract with an independent entity for a specified management and personnel study with costs paid from the Board of Nursing Fund;
SB-921: State Board of Nursing - Sunset Extension and Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, [SB-337]
Exempting individuals who provide gratuitous care for specified individuals from the requirement that an individual must be licensed or certified before practicing specified health occupations; exempting individuals who respond to a disaster situation in the State from the requirement that an individual must be licensed before practicing registered nursing or licensed practical nursing under specified circumstances; authorizing the Board to grant specified licenses by endorsement; etc.
SB-337: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians,
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
State Board of Nursing - Sunset Extension and Revisions [HB-395]
Continuing the State Board of Nursing by extending to July 1, 2023, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the Board; requiring that an evaluation of the Board and the statutes and regulations that relate to the Board be performed on or before July 1, 2022; requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with the Department of Budget and Management, to contract with an independent entity for a specified management and personnel study with costs paid from the Board of Nursing Fund;
HB-395: State Board of Nursing - Sunset Extension and Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Peter Hammen
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/22/2012
State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians, [HB-238]
Exempting individuals who provide gratuitous care for specified individuals from the requirement that an individual must be licensed or certified before practicing specified health occupations; exempting individuals who respond to a disaster situation in the State from the requirement that an individual must be licensed before practicing registered nursing or licensed practical nursing under specified circumstances; authorizing the Board to issue specified licenses by endorsement; etc.
HB-238: State Board of Nursing - Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Medication Technicians,
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Assistants, and [SB-632]
Requiring that if the State Board of Nursing has reason to believe and objective evidence that an applicant, licensee, or certificate holder may cause harm to individuals, the Board require the applicant, licensee, or certificate holder to submit to a specified examination; adding specified individuals who have applied for a license and have passed a specified examination, but are awaiting completion of a criminal history records check to those individuals who are exempt from specified licensure requirements; etc.
SB-632: Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Assistants, and
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
State Board of Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee - [SB-266]
Adding a member to the State Board of Nursing; adding specified degrees that qualify an individual for the nurse administrator member of the Board; requiring a specified registered nurse member of the Board to rotate with each vacancy among specialties; authorizing specified professional nursing organizations to submit specified lists from which the Governor can appoint Board members; authorizing specified licensed nurses to submit petitions from which the Governor can appoint Board members; etc.
SB-266: State Board of Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee -
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Assistants, and [HB-624]
Requiring that if the State Board of Nursing has reason to believe and objective evidence that an applicant, licensee, or certificate holder may cause harm to individuals, the Board require the applicant, licensee, or certificate holder to submit to a specified examination; adding specified individuals who have applied for a license and have passed a specified examination, but are awaiting completion of a criminal history records check to those individuals who are exempt from specified licensure requirements; etc.
HB-624: Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Assistants, and
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
State Board of Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee - [HB-302]
Adding a member to the State Board of Nursing; adding specified degrees that qualify an individual for the nurse administrator member of the Board; requiring a specified registered nurse member of the Board to rotate with each vacancy among specialties; authorizing specified professional nursing organizations to submit specified lists from which the Governor can appoint Board members; authorizing specified licensed nurses to submit petitions from which the Governor can appoint Board members; etc.
HB-302: State Board of Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant Advisory Committee -
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Maryland Department of Health and Motor Vehicle Administration - Medical, Nursing, and Security Personnel [HB-1525]
Requiring the pay scale for a certain physician position in a certain facility to be the same as the pay scale for a certain psychiatrist position; requiring certain nursing positions to receive a certain upward adjustment in their pay scales when there is an upward adjustment to the pay scales for initial appointments to certain positions; requiring the pay scale for security attendants at a certain facility to be at least equal to the pay scale for correctional officers; etc.
HB-1525: Maryland Department of Health and Motor Vehicle Administration - Medical, Nursing, and Security Personnel
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol Krimm
Hearing Canceled on 02/24/2020
Labor and Employment - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program [SB-449]
Establishing the Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program in the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning within the Maryland Department of Labor; requiring the Division to provide certain matching grants to certain entities to create and expand on successful recruitment and retention strategies that address certain barriers to increasing the population of direct care workers; requiring the Division to issue a request for certain applications from certain entities for certain matching grants each year; etc.
SB-449: Labor and Employment - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters) on 03/15/2020
State Board of Nursing - Disciplinary Process and Authority - Revisions [SB-151]
Authorizing a disciplinary committee of the State Board of Nursing to grant and deny licenses and certificates and take specified disciplinary action against licensees and certificate holders; authorizing the Board to establish one or more disciplinary committees to conduct specified hearings and issue final decisions or orders under specified provisions of law; authorizing the Board to delegate authority to conduct a hearing and issue a final decision or order to a disciplinary committee; etc.
SB-151: State Board of Nursing - Disciplinary Process and Authority - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 2/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2017
State Board of Nursing - Disciplinary Process and Authority - Revisions [HB-70]
Authorizing a disciplinary committee of the State Board of Nursing to grant and deny licenses and certificates and take specified disciplinary action against licensees and certificate holders; authorizing the Board to establish one or more disciplinary committees to conduct specified hearings and issue final decisions or orders under specified provisions of law; authorizing the Board to delegate authority to conduct a hearing and issue a final decision or order to a disciplinary committee; etc.
HB-70: State Board of Nursing - Disciplinary Process and Authority - Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Bonnie Cullison
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 02/07/2017