Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program - Enforcement [SB-268]
Altering the enforcement and after-the-fact application approval procedures required as minimum elements of a local jurisdiction's Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program to apply to all critical area violations; repealing the 30-day waiting period with which the Chair of the Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays must comply before referring certain enforcement matters to the Attorney General; and expanding the authority of the Attorney General to take certain equitable actions.
SB-268: Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program - Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 80 on 04/09/2024
Natural Resources - State Boat Act - Alterations [HB-239]
Altering and repealing certain definitions for purposes of the State Boat Act; repealing certain advertising and public hearing requirements for proposed regulations implementing provisions of the State Boat Act; altering the fees for manufacturer and dealer licenses, certificates of number, Maryland use stickers, and the issuance of certificates of title, transfers of title, or duplicate or corrected certificates of title; etc.
HB-239: Natural Resources - State Boat Act - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep.
Referred Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/08/2024
Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements [SB-281]
Authorizing certain persons to alter certain submerged aquatic vegetation in a certain manner and in accordance with certain requirements; authorizing a public utility company or telecommunications carrier to alter certain submerged aquatic vegetation in a certain manner and in accordance with certain requirements; and altering certain requirements related to the alteration or removal of certain submerged aquatic vegetation.
Natural Resources - Removal of Trees or Shrubs - Notice and Objection [HB-219]
Authorizing a utility or local government to remove a tree or shrub on certain private property under certain circumstances, including requiring the utility or local government to provide certain notice to the owner of the property on which the tree or shrub is located; establishing a process for a private property owner who receives certain notice to file an objection with the Department of Natural Resources in accordance with certain requirements; etc.
HB-219: Natural Resources - Removal of Trees or Shrubs - Notice and Objection
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/12/2024
Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions [SB-306]
Authorizing the Critical Area Commission to adopt regulations governing the transfer of development rights, fee in lieu payments, the assessment of and adaption to climate change relevant to the critical area, enhancing resilience in the critical area, and environmental justice and equity initiatives; establishing certain considerations of climate change, resiliency, and equity as general principles and minimum elements of local programs; etc.
SB-306: Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program - Climate, Equity, and Administrative Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 1/31 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024
Department of Planning - Inventory Responsibilities [SB-295]
Repealing a requirement that the Department of Planning prepare and periodically revise inventory lists of the natural resources of the State and certain public works and facilities.
SB-295: Department of Planning - Inventory Responsibilities
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 93 on 04/09/2024
Environment - Tidal Wetlands - Pier Platforms [HB-1299]
Prohibiting the total area of fixed pier platforms and floating pier platforms from exceeding 400 square feet per pier; prohibiting the Department of the Environment from requiring a person to obtain a license or permit for the construction or installation of a floating pier platform under certain circumstances; prohibiting a floating pier platform from exceeding 200 square feet or being located in a certain area; etc.
Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment [SB-923]
Establishing the Greenspace Equity Program in the Department of Natural Resources to provide grants to eligible applicants for enhancing the public health and livability of overburdened communities and underserved communities by implementing projects to preserve, create, and enhance community greenspace; requiring the Department to submit certain grant applications to the Maryland State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance; establishing the Greenspace Equity Advisory Board in the Department; etc.
SB-923: Natural Resources - Greenspace Equity Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Third Reading Passed (40-7) on 04/10/2023
Department of Natural Resources - Documents - Digital or Electronic Issuance [HB-1238]
Expanding the requirement that the Department of Natural Resources make available and issue certain licenses and stamps in a digital or electronic format; and providing that, if the Department cannot issue certain licenses, stamps, permits, registrations, or certificates in a digital or electronic format because of federal restrictions, it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Department issue certain licenses, stamps, permits, registrations, or certificates in a digital or electronic format whenever the federal restrictions are eliminated.
HB-1238: Department of Natural Resources - Documents - Digital or Electronic Issuance
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Hornberger
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/15/2023
Port of Deposit State Historical Park - Planning [HB-1140]
Altering the composition of the stakeholder advisory committee to advise the Department of Natural Resources on the scope and management of Port of Deposit State Historical Park; requiring the Department to submit a report to the General Assembly by September 1, 2024, on property suitable for inclusion in the State Park, funding needed to establish and promote Port of Deposit State Historical Park, and the manner of preserving certain related properties; altering the deadline for the transfer of certain property to the Department; etc.
HB-1140: Port of Deposit State Historical Park - Planning
Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Reilly
Referred Rules on 04/10/2023
Office of the Attorney General - Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit - Establishment [HB-874]
Establishing the Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit of the Office of the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute cases against persons that violate State criminal environmental and natural resources laws; and requiring the Attorney General, by November 30 each year, to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on all the activities of the Unit and any actions taken by the Department of the Environment or the Department of Natural Resources in response to the findings and recommendations of the Unit.
HB-874: Office of the Attorney General - Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 690 on 05/16/2023
Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Protection Zones - Aerial Surveys [SB-638]
Altering the definition of "aerial survey" for purposes of certain provisions of law relating to submerged aquatic vegetation protection zones to mean an aerial survey compiled by an entity approved by the Department of Natural Resources, rather than the annual survey compiled by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences for the annual Bay-wide Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Program; and requiring the Department to update the delineations of submerged aquatic vegetation zones annually.
Natural Resources – Licensed Tree Experts – Alterations [SB-586]
Prohibiting a person from engaging in the work of the treatment, care, or removal of certain trees for compensation under a tree expert's license unless the person is employed by the licensed tree expert; increasing a certain penalty for operating a tree expert business without a license; requiring a licensed tree expert to carry, show proof of, and maintain valid workers' compensation insurance for the period the license is in effect; etc.
SB-586: Natural Resources – Licensed Tree Experts – Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 02/26/2023
Natural Resources – Forest Preservation and Retention [HB-723]
Altering the definition of "qualified conservation" for purposes of provisions of law related to forest mitigation banks; altering certain methods of calculating forest afforestation, reforestation, and preservation requirements; authorizing local jurisdictions to adopt certain alternative afforestation, reforestation, and preservation requirements; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to establish a workgroup to evaluate and recommend incentives for private landowners to conserve forest; etc.
HB-723: Natural Resources – Forest Preservation and Retention
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 541 on 05/08/2023
Office of the Attorney General - Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit - Establishment [SB-611]
Establishing the Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit of the Office of the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute cases against persons that violate State criminal environmental and natural resources laws; requiring, on or before November 30 each year, the Attorney General to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on all the activities of the Unit and any actions taken by the Department of the Environment or the Department of Natural Resources in response to the findings and recommendations of the Unit; etc.
SB-611: Office of the Attorney General - Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 689 on 05/16/2023