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Explain HB-599: Vets/Mil. Free Admission State Attractions × Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Potts Reptd Fav on 05/12/2021
You have voted HB-599: Vets/Mil. Free Admission State Attractions.
Explain HB-588: Establish NC Textile Museum × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Harrison Passed 1st Reading on 04/19/2021
You have voted HB-588: Establish NC Textile Museum.
Explain HB-562: Funds to Support the Arts × Sponsored by: Rep. Becky Carney Passed 1st Reading on 04/15/2021
You have voted HB-562: Funds to Support the Arts.
Explain HB-555: 2021 Governor's Budget × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Passed 1st Reading on 04/15/2021
You have voted HB-555: 2021 Governor's Budget.
Explain HB-530: Establish NC Textile Museum × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Harrison Withdrawn From Com on 11/04/2021
You have voted HB-530: Establish NC Textile Museum.
Explain HB-500: Disaster Relief and Mitigation Act of 2021 × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Reptd Fav Com Substitute on 06/01/2021
You have voted HB-500: Disaster Relief and Mitigation Act of 2021.
Explain SB-622: 2021 Governor's Budget × Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Hise Passed 1st Reading on 04/07/2021
You have voted SB-622: 2021 Governor's Budget.
Explain SB-492: Establish NC Textile Museum × Sponsored by: Sen. David Craven Withdrawn From Com on 04/07/2021
You have voted SB-492: Establish NC Textile Museum.
Explain HB-463: 250th Anniv. Am.Rev/Preserve Hist. Properties × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Passed 1st Reading on 04/01/2021
You have voted HB-463: 250th Anniv. Am.Rev/Preserve Hist. Properties.
Explain SB-410: Open Meetings/Various Bd. Adj/Public Records × Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Perry Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, And Operations Of The House on 06/29/2022
You have voted SB-410: Open Meetings/Various Bd. Adj/Public Records.
Explain SB-403: East Coast Greenway/State Trails × Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Lowe Passed 1st Reading on 03/31/2021
You have voted SB-403: East Coast Greenway/State Trails.
Explain SB-389: DEQ/DNCR Omnibus.-AB × Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Edwards Ch. Sl 2021-158 on 09/16/2021
You have voted SB-389: DEQ/DNCR Omnibus.-AB.
Explain HB-360: Authorize Dan River State Trail × Sponsored by: Rep. Donna White Ch. Sl 2021-55 on 06/25/2021
You have voted HB-360: Authorize Dan River State Trail.
Explain HB-332: State Nature and Historic Preserve Adds/Dels × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ch. Sl 2022-31 on 06/30/2022
You have voted HB-332: State Nature and Historic Preserve Adds/Dels.
Explain HB-323: Military Readiness and Rural Resilience Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Mitchell Setzer Passed 1st Reading on 03/18/2021
You have voted HB-323: Military Readiness and Rural Resilience Act.
Explain SB-295: 250th Anniv. Am.Rev/Preserve Hist. Properties × Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Corbin Withdrawn From Com on 03/17/2021
You have voted SB-295: 250th Anniv. Am.Rev/Preserve Hist. Properties.
Explain HB-243: Budget Technical Corrections × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Ch. Sl 2022-6 on 03/17/2022
You have voted HB-243: Budget Technical Corrections.
Explain HB-242: Funds to Acquire Shallow Ford of the Yadkin × Sponsored by: Rep. Donny Lambeth Passed 1st Reading on 03/10/2021
You have voted HB-242: Funds to Acquire Shallow Ford of the Yadkin.
Explain SB-168: Historic School Preservation Grant Funds × Sponsored by: Sen. Joyce Waddell Withdrawn From Com on 03/03/2021
You have voted SB-168: Historic School Preservation Grant Funds.
Explain HB-196: 2021 COVID-19 Response & Relief × Sponsored by: Rep. Donna White Ch. Sl 2021-3 on 03/11/2021
You have voted HB-196: 2021 COVID-19 Response & Relief.