Child Abuse and Neglect – Disclosure of Identifying Information [SB-490]
Requiring a court to provide the Secretary of Health with identifying information regarding an individual who has been convicted under certain provisions of law of the murder, attempted murder, or manslaughter of a child; requiring the Department of Human Services, in coordination with the Vital Statistics Administration, to contract with an independent organization to develop a data collection process in order to assess the effectiveness of certain required record sharing in predicting and preventing child abuse and neglect; etc.
SB-490: Child Abuse and Neglect – Disclosure of Identifying Information
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 497 on 05/08/2018
Task Force on Baltimore City Department of Social Services Oversight [SB-412]
Establishing the Task Force on Baltimore City Department of Social Services Oversight; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study certain matters, collect certain data, and make certain recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2019; etc.
SB-412: Task Force on Baltimore City Department of Social Services Oversight
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/15/2018
Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Reinstatement [SB-346]
Providing that a person who is convicted of first-degree murder may be sentenced to death under certain circumstances; establishing certain procedures relating to notice, trial, and sentencing in relation to the imposition of the death penalty; etc.
SB-346: Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Reinstatement
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly
Hearing 2/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2018
Correctional Services - Murder - Diminution Credits [SB-210]
Prohibiting the earning of diminution credits to reduce the term of confinement of an inmate who is serving a sentence for murder in the first degree or murder in the second degree in a State or local correctional facility; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
Criminal Law – Threat of Mass Violence [SB-1250]
Altering a certain prohibition relating to threatening to commit a certain crime of violence so as to prohibit a person from knowingly threatening to commit or threatening to cause to be committed a certain crime of violence that would place five or more minors at substantial risk of death or serious physical injury if the threat were carried out.
SB-1250: Criminal Law – Threat of Mass Violence
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 4/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/04/2018
Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Murder of Specific Individuals or Mass Murder [HB-887]
Providing that a person who is convicted of murder in the first degree may be sentenced to death under certain circumstances; providing that the murder of a law enforcement officer, a correctional officer, a certain first responder, or a certain witness, or a certain mass murder, under certain circumstances, is an aggravating circumstance that the court or jury must consider in making a determination as to the imposition of the death penalty; establishing procedures for the imposition of the death penalty; etc.
HB-887: Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Murder of Specific Individuals or Mass Murder
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/15/2018
Public Safety - Community Program Fund - Firearm Laws [HB-813]
Altering the purpose of the Community Program Fund to include a study of the enforcement and effects of State firearm laws; requiring that, in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, $100,000 from the Fund be used to provide grants for a comprehensive study of the enforcement and effects of certain firearm laws; requiring the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention to establish a process for the award of grant funds; etc.
HB-813: Public Safety - Community Program Fund - Firearm Laws
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2018
Crimes - Solicitation to Commit Murder - Penalty [HB-778]
Repealing the statute of limitations for the crime of solicitation to commit murder in the first degree; providing that a person who solicits another or conspires with another to commit murder in the first degree is guilty of a felony; establishing a certain penalty; and providing for the application of the Act.
HB-778: Crimes - Solicitation to Commit Murder - Penalty
Sponsored by: Rep. Geraldine Valentino-Smith
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/15/2018
Courts - Aggravated Murder Court [HB-761]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to authorize the General Assembly to create an Aggravated Murder Court that shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over all presentments or indictments for offenses previously punishable by death; vesting the judicial power of the State in the Aggravated Murder Court as the General Assembly may create by law; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
HB-761: Courts - Aggravated Murder Court
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/05/2018
Criminal Law – Homicide – Unborn Child [HB-748]
Expanding the application of certain provisions relating to a prosecution for murder or manslaughter of a viable fetus to a prosecution for murder or manslaughter of an unborn child.
HB-748: Criminal Law – Homicide – Unborn Child
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/20/2018
Correctional Services - Murder - Diminution Credits [HB-579]
Prohibiting the earning of diminution credits to reduce the term of confinement of an inmate who is serving a sentence for murder in the first degree or murder in the second degree in a State or local correctional facility; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
Child Abuse and Neglect – Disclosure of Identifying Information [HB-454]
Requiring a court to provide the Secretary of Health with identifying information regarding an individual who has been convicted under certain provisions of law of the murder, attempted murder, or manslaughter of a child; requiring the Department of Human Services, in coordination with the Vital Statistics Administration, to contract with an independent organization to develop a data collection process in order to assess the effectiveness of certain required record sharing in predicting and preventing child abuse and neglect; etc.
HB-454: Child Abuse and Neglect – Disclosure of Identifying Information
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/25/2018
Criminal Law - Threat of Mass Violence and Deadly Weapons on Public School Property [HB-1807]
Altering a certain prohibition relating to threatening to commit a certain crime of violence so as to prohibit a person from knowingly threatening to commit or threatening to cause to be committed a certain crime of violence that would place five or more minors at substantial risk of death or serious physical injury if the threat were carried out; altering and establishing certain penalties; etc.
HB-1807: Criminal Law - Threat of Mass Violence and Deadly Weapons on Public School Property
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2018
State Government - Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity and the Commission on Genocide Prevention [HB-1787]
Requiring the State Treasurer to ensure that any shares held by the State are voted in favor of shareholder resolutions that ask companies to adopt policies refusing to do business with governments engaging in genocide or crimes against humanity; requiring, when issuing an invitation for bids or a request for proposals, certain units of State government to require a certain bidder or offeror to disclose any company policy regarding a refusal to do business with governments that are engaged in genocide or crimes against humanity; etc.
HB-1787: State Government - Prevention of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity and the Commission on Genocide Prevention
Sponsored by: Rep. Bilal Ali
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/02/2018
Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Reinstatement [HB-1411]
Providing that a person who is convicted of first-degree murder may be sentenced to death under certain circumstances; establishing certain procedures relating to notice, trial, and sentencing in relation to the imposition of the death penalty; etc.
HB-1411: Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Reinstatement
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/15/2018
Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction [SB-626]
Altering the jurisdiction of the juvenile court over a child at least 14 years old alleged to have done an act which, if committed by an adult, would be a crime punishable by life imprisonment; and over a child at least 16 years old alleged to have committed certain crimes.
SB-626: Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 03/13/2019
Criminal Law – Crime of Violence Against Pregnant Person – Enhanced Penalty (Laura and Reid’s Law) [SB-561]
Prohibiting a person from committing a certain crime of violence against another person when the person knows or believes that the other person is pregnant; providing that a person who violates the Act is guilty of a felony and, in addition to any other penalty imposed for the underlying crime of violence, on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years; etc.
SB-561: Criminal Law – Crime of Violence Against Pregnant Person – Enhanced Penalty (Laura and Reid’s Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 388 on 05/13/2019
Public Information Act - 9-1-1 Communications - Denial of Part of a Public Record [SB-5]
Authorizing a custodian of records to grant inspection of part of a 9-1-1 communications record under certain circumstances after providing certain notice and considering certain information; requiring a custodian to grant or deny a certain application within a certain period of time; authorizing a custodian to redact certain information if a failure to do so would result in a constructive denial of the entire public record; requiring a custodian to allow inspection by the person in interest; etc.
SB-5: Public Information Act - 9-1-1 Communications - Denial of Part of a Public Record
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 297 on 04/30/2019
End-of-Life Option Act (Richard E. Israel and Roger "Pip" Moyer Act) [SB-311]
Authorizing an individual to request aid in dying by making specified requests; prohibiting another individual from requesting aid in dying on behalf of an individual; requiring a certain request to be made in a certain manner; requiring a written request for aid in dying to meet specified requirements; establishing specified requirements for witnesses to a written request for aid in dying; requiring a written request for aid in dying to be in a specified form; etc.
SB-311: End-of-Life Option Act (Richard E. Israel and Roger "Pip" Moyer Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Favorable With Amendments {468672/1 on 03/27/2019