Emergency Services - Funding [HB-1439]
Increasing the motor vehicle registration emergency medical system surcharge for certain motor vehicles; providing for the distribution of revenues derived from the surcharge; altering certain provisions of law related to the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund; increasing the fines for certain violations related to driving while impaired; requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include an annual appropriation to the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund of at least $16,500,000; etc.
HB-1439: Emergency Services - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 718 on 05/16/2024
Vehicle Laws – Interstate Highways – Interstate Speed Monitoring Systems [HB-1186]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to install and use at least one interstate speed monitoring system on each interstate highway; establishing procedures for implementing and using an interstate speed monitoring system; requiring the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission, in consultation with the State Highway Administration to develop a training program on the oversight and administration of an interstate speed monitoring program, including a curriculum of best practices in the State; etc.
Emergency Services - Funding [SB-1092]
Increasing the motor vehicle registration emergency medical system surcharge to $40.00 per year for certain motor vehicles; altering certain provisions of law related to the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund, including provisions related to the contents and sources of the funding and the determination of eligibility for disbursements; requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include an annual appropriation of at least $16,500,000 to the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund; etc.
SB-1092: Emergency Services - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 719 on 05/16/2024
Motor Vehicles - Specially Designed Vintage Reproduction Registration Plates [SB-1004]
Repealing the time limitation within which the Motor Vehicle Administration is required to make available specially designed vintage reproduction registration plates; and requiring the Administration to charge a fee of $100 for the initial issuance and $25 for the renewal of a specially designed vintage reproduction registration plate.
SB-1004: Motor Vehicles - Specially Designed Vintage Reproduction Registration Plates
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
Hearing 4/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024
Motor Vehicles - Registration - Annual Surcharge [SB-1065]
Requiring the owners of zero-emission vehicles and plug-in electric drive vehicles that are not zero-emission vehicles to pay an annual surcharge of $150 and $122.50, respectively; authorizing the surcharge to be paid in installment payments; requiring the proceeds collected from the surcharge to be deposited into the Transportation Trust Fund; and requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to refuse to register or renew or transfer the registration of a motor vehicle for failure to pay the surcharge or installments.
SB-1065: Motor Vehicles - Registration - Annual Surcharge
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024
Department of Natural Resources - Issuance of Salvage Title for Abandoned or Sunken Vessels - Authorization [HB-936]
Authorizing a person to apply for a salvage title for an abandoned or sunken vessel; and authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to issue a salvage title for an abandoned or sunken vessel if the abandoned or sunken vessel is in such a condition of disrepair that the Department cannot remove the vessel intact or if the Department determines that the vessel is a total loss.
HB-936: Department of Natural Resources - Issuance of Salvage Title for Abandoned or Sunken Vessels - Authorization
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Long
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Motor Vehicles – Registration – Annual Surcharge [HB-913]
Requiring the owner of a motor vehicle to pay a certain annual surcharge in addition to the annual registration fee; authorizing the surcharge to be paid in installment payments; requiring the proceeds collected from the surcharge to be deposited into the Transportation Trust Fund and, under certain circumstances, used for certain purposes; and requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to refuse to register or renew or transfer the registration of a motor vehicle for failure to pay the surcharge or installments.
HB-913: Motor Vehicles – Registration – Annual Surcharge
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Motor Vehicles - Off-Highway Vehicles - Clarifications and Revisions [HB-972]
Clarifying and harmonizing certain provisions of law governing off-highway recreational vehicles and other similar off-highway motor vehicles; repealing the exception for certain off-highway recreational vehicles to the requirement to obtain a motor vehicle certificate of title; requiring a motor vehicle dealer that sells off-highway recreational vehicles to provide certain electronic motor vehicle titling services; authorizing a local jurisdiction to enforce the Maryland Vehicle Law for violations within its jurisdiction; etc.
HB-972: Motor Vehicles - Off-Highway Vehicles - Clarifications and Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Regina Boyce
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2024
Vehicle Laws - Obscured or Modified Registration Plates [HB-750]
Prohibiting a person from obscuring or modifying a vehicle registration plate in a manner that may prevent identification; and authorizing a police office to enforce the Act only as a secondary action.
HB-750: Vehicle Laws - Obscured or Modified Registration Plates
Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Allen
Third Reading Passed (136-0) on 03/18/2024
Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program [HB-689]
Repealing the electric vehicle excise tax credit; establishing the Electric Vehicle Rebate Program; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to establish a website to administer the rebate program; requiring a participating dealer to provide a rebate to an eligible buyer at the time the buyer purchases an eligible vehicle; requiring the Administration to reimburse a dealer for rebates provided by the dealer; providing that the "total purchase price" of the vehicle may not be reduced by the amount of the rebate; etc.
HB-689: Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Favorable With Amendments {653825/1 Adopted on 04/08/2024
St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts [HB-653]
Establishing an exception to motor vehicle registration requirements under certain circumstances for golf carts in certain areas in St. Mary's County; authorizing the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners to designate certain county highways where the maximum posted speed limit does not exceed 30 miles per hour on which a person may operate a golf cart; and requiring a person who operates a golf card to have a valid driver's license, drive only between dawn and dusk, and equip the vehicle with certain lighting devices.
HB-653: St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Third Reading Passed (122-0) on 03/18/2024
Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Tolls (Maryland Toll Relief and Accountability Act) [HB-551]
Requiring the Office of Legislative Audits to perform a performance audit of the Maryland Transportation Authority's toll operations; increasing the number of days within which a person alleged to be liable for a video toll must pay the toll; prohibiting the imposition of a late payment fee for a video toll that exceeds 500% of the video toll; requiring the Authority to offer an installment payment plan to certain persons alleged to be liable for payment of unpaid video tolls and any associated civil penalties; etc.
HB-551: Maryland Transportation Authority - Video Tolls (Maryland Toll Relief and Accountability Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/07/2024
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Cobb Island [HB-440]
Establishing exceptions to motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts on Cobb Island in Charles County; requiring an operator of a golf cart on a highway on Cobb Island without a certain registration to operate the golf cart only on a highway with a maximum posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour and between dawn and dusk; requiring the vehicle to be equipped with certain lighting devices and to be kept to the far right of the roadway; and requiring the operator to possess a valid driver's license.
HB-440: Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Cobb Island
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2024
Relating To Motor Vehicles. [HB-2120]
Provides Hawaii residents with the option of paying for the registration of their motor vehicles and associated taxes and fees on a biannual basis. Restricts the amount of delinquency tax due to the current tax due plus one year. Removes language allowing storage costs and costs incident to seizure of a vehicle from inclusion in the amount the owner of a vehicle must pay in order to redeem the vehicle after seizure.
HB-2120: Relating To Motor Vehicles.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cedric Gates
Referred To Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 2 on 01/24/2024