Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Celebrating Maryland Native Plants and Pollinators [HB-1102]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to develop and make available a specially designed registration plate celebrating Maryland native plants and pollinators; prescribing who may apply for and the classes of vehicles eligible for the registration plate; providing the manner in which fees will be established, collected, and distributed in connection with the registration plate; requiring the Administration to consult with the University of Maryland Extension Home & Garden Information Center on specified matters; etc.
HB-1102: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Celebrating Maryland Native Plants and Pollinators
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/19/2016
Motor Vehicles - Special Registration Plates - Confederate Battle Flag [HB-1]
Prohibiting the Motor Vehicle Administration from authorizing the display of an emblem or a logo that depicts the Confederate battle flag on special registration plates or a special registration plate; prohibiting the Administration from renewing the registration of a motor vehicle that displays an emblem or a logo that depicts the Confederate battle flag on its special registration plates or plate until the special registration plates or plate is returned to the Administration in exchange for substitute registration plates; etc.
HB-1: Motor Vehicles - Special Registration Plates - Confederate Battle Flag
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Hearing 3/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/24/2016
Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services and For-Hire Transportation [SB-868]
Authorizing the establishment of transportation network services in the State; requiring specified motor vehicle insurance to be issued by specified insurers under specified circumstances; prohibiting a person from operating a specified motor vehicle for hire under a specified permit unless the person holds a specified license issued by the Public Service Commission; authorizing the Commission to issue a permanent driver's license if the applicant submits a specified criminal background check; etc.
SB-868: Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services and For-Hire Transportation
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 204 on 05/12/2015
Vehicle Laws - Registration - Outstanding Arrest Warrants [SB-522]
Requiring rather than authorizing State and local law enforcement agencies in the State to meet specified criteria relating to notifying the Motor Vehicle Administration of specified individuals named in outstanding warrants for purposes relating to a requirement that the Administration refuse to register or transfer specified individuals' registrations.
Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Class L (Historic) Vehicles [SB-304]
Authorizing the owner of a Class L (historic) vehicle to apply to the Motor Vehicle Administration for a special, historic motor vehicle registration plate of the size and design determined by the Administration; requiring the Administration to issue a specified special registration plate for a historic vehicle at the option of the owner under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-304: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates - Class L (Historic) Vehicles
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/02/2015
Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Financing or Leasing Agreements [SB-298]
Requiring that a specified notice be provided to a buyer purchasing a vehicle though dealer-arranged financing or leasing before approval of a third-party financial institution has been received; requiring a dealer to notify a buyer in writing if the terms of a specified financing or lease agreement are not approved by a third party finance source within 4 days of delivery of the vehicle to the buyer; requiring a buyer to return a vehicle to a dealer within 2 days of receipt of the written notice under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-298: Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Financing or Leasing Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Wayne Norman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 156 on 05/12/2015
Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists [SB-124]
Authorizing a licensed physical therapist to certify specified medical conditions of an applicant for a special disability registration number and special disability registration plates and for specified parking placards; requiring the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners to be responsible for the development and maintenance of a database system with which the Motor Vehicle Administration can interface and verify licensure; etc.
SB-124: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists
Sponsored by: Sen. Lisa Gladden
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
You have voted SB-124: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists.
Vehicle Laws - Historic Motor Vehicles - Minimum Age [HB-811]
Increasing from 20 years to 30 years the age that a motor vehicle must attain in order to be eligible for registration as a historic motor vehicle; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
HB-811: Vehicle Laws - Historic Motor Vehicles - Minimum Age
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 03/24/2015
Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Financing or Leasing Agreements [HB-313]
Requiring that a specified notice be provided to a buyer purchasing a vehicle through dealer-arranged financing or leasing before approval of a third-party financial institution has been received; requiring a dealer to notify a buyer in writing if the terms of a specified financing or lease agreement are not approved by a third-party finance source within 4 days of delivery of the vehicle to the buyer; requiring a buyer to return a vehicle to a dealer within 2 days of receipt of the notice under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-313: Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Financing or Leasing Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 157 on 05/12/2015
Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists [HB-201]
Authorizing a licensed physical therapist to certify specified medical conditions of an applicant for a special disability registration number and special disability registration plates and for specified parking placards; requiring the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners to be responsible for the development and maintenance of a database system with which the Motor Vehicle Administration can interface and verify licensure; etc.
HB-201: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists
Sponsored by: Rep. Shane Robinson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 76 on 04/14/2015
You have voted HB-201: Vehicle Laws - Special Registration Plates and Parking Placards for Individuals With Disabilities - Licensed Physical Therapists.
Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services [HB-1231]
Authorizing the establishment of transportation network services in the State; authorizing an individual to submit an application for registration as a transportation network operator; requiring a transportation network company to conduct, or have a third party conduct, a specified criminal history records check using a specified database and obtain and review a driving record check for each applicant before approving an application for the applicant; etc.
HB-1231: Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 4/13 At 9:45 A.m. on 04/13/2015
Commercial Motor Vehicles - Denial, Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation of Registration [HB-1229]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to deny, cancel, suspend, or revoke the commercial motor vehicle registration of a vehicle if the motor carrier responsible for the safety of the vehicle is subject to an out-of-service order, under specified provisions of law, or other federal operating authority sanctions or determinations; requiring that a denial, cancellation, suspension, or revocation continue until the out-of-service order or other sanctions have been lifted and the carrier is allowed to resume operations; etc.
HB-1229: Commercial Motor Vehicles - Denial, Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation of Registration
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 304 on 05/12/2015
Motor Vehicles - Registration - Class S (Drivers' School) Vehicle [HB-1203]
Establishing a Class S motor vehicle registration classification for motor vehicles used by a drivers' school to give highway driving instruction; establishing specified annual registration fees for Class S (drivers' school) vehicles; providing for the issuance of special Class S (drivers' school) registration plates by the Motor Vehicle Administration; requiring licensed drivers' schools to use Class S (drivers' school) vehicles to give highway driving instruction; etc.
HB-1203: Motor Vehicles - Registration - Class S (Drivers' School) Vehicle
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/25/2015
Automated Motor Vehicles - Titling, Registration, and Rules of the Road [SB-773]
Prohibiting an individual from operating an automated motor vehicle in automated mode on a highway; establishing an exception to the prohibition by authorizing specified individuals to operate an automated motor vehicle in automated mode on a highway for research or testing purposes under specified circumstances; requiring an automated motor vehicle that is operated on a highway for research and testing purposes to have a specified individual present in the vehicle and to be properly titled and registered; etc.
SB-773: Automated Motor Vehicles - Titling, Registration, and Rules of the Road
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/10/2014