You have voted SB-1488: Relating to truancy and the offense of a parent contributing to nonattendance; creating an offense; increasing a criminal penalty..
HB-3186: Relating to youth diversion strategies and procedures for children accused of certain fine-only offenses in municipal and justice courts and related criminal justice matters; authorizing fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Effective On 1/1/24 on 06/10/2023
You have voted HB-3186: Relating to youth diversion strategies and procedures for children accused of certain fine-only offenses in municipal and justice courts and related criminal justice matters; authorizing fees..
SB-1385: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
Sponsored by: Sen. Borris Miles
Read First Time on 03/16/2023
You have voted SB-1385: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility..
SB-1330: Relating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Read First Time on 03/16/2023
You have voted SB-1330: Relating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency..
You have voted HB-2959: Relating to providing children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department with certain documents on discharge or release..
You have voted HB-2946: Relating to the required number of minutes of instructional time to be provided by a juvenile justice alternative education program..
You have voted HB-2919: Relating to the appointment of guardians ad litem for persons younger than 18 years of age in criminal and juvenile court proceedings..
HB-2952: Relating to procedures for the suspension, expulsion, or placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program of a public school student enrolled in a school district.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Cunningham
Read First Time on 03/14/2023
You have voted HB-2952: Relating to procedures for the suspension, expulsion, or placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program of a public school student enrolled in a school district..
SB-1184: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Hall
Read First Time on 03/09/2023
You have voted SB-1184: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check..
HB-2780: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Leach
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/21/2023
You have voted HB-2780: Relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual disability information with respect to certain children for purposes of a federal firearm background check..
You have voted HB-2687: Relating to the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility..