SB-255: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Read First Time on 01/31/2011
You have voted SB-255: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties..
SB-1634: Relating to the sealing of the records of juveniles who are the victims of human trafficking and have been adjudicated to have engaged in certain delinquent conduct.
Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis
Read First Time on 03/23/2011
You have voted SB-1634: Relating to the sealing of the records of juveniles who are the victims of human trafficking and have been adjudicated to have engaged in certain delinquent conduct..
SB-1617: Relating to the discretionary transfer from a juvenile court to a criminal court of certain alleged offenses arising out of a single criminal transaction.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jose Aliseda
Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011
You have voted SB-1617: Relating to the discretionary transfer from a juvenile court to a criminal court of certain alleged offenses arising out of a single criminal transaction..
SB-1548: Relating to the creation of DNA records for the DNA database system and to an offense involving the release of a DNA sample to an unauthorized recipient.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Patrick
Read First Time on 03/23/2011
You have voted SB-1548: Relating to the creation of DNA records for the DNA database system and to an offense involving the release of a DNA sample to an unauthorized recipient..
SB-1116: Relating to the enforcement and punishment of certain prohibited conduct that occurs on a public school campus or on a vehicle owned by a county or school district.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Whitmire
Placed On General State Calendar on 05/24/2011
You have voted SB-1116: Relating to the enforcement and punishment of certain prohibited conduct that occurs on a public school campus or on a vehicle owned by a county or school district..
HB-945: Relating to the disproportionality of certain groups in the juvenile justice, child welfare, health, and mental health systems and the disproportionality of the delivery of certain services in the education system.
Sponsored by: Rep. Garnet Coleman
Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/03/2011
You have voted HB-945: Relating to the disproportionality of certain groups in the juvenile justice, child welfare, health, and mental health systems and the disproportionality of the delivery of certain services in the education system..
HB-734: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Effective On 9/1/11 on 05/28/2011
You have voted HB-734: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties..
HB-619: Relating to the provision of courses in behavioral modification by disciplinary alternative education programs and juvenile justice alternative education programs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Harold Dutton
Read First Time on 02/18/2011
You have voted HB-619: Relating to the provision of courses in behavioral modification by disciplinary alternative education programs and juvenile justice alternative education programs..