Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice [SB-1010]
Establishing a Maryland Code of Military Justice; providing for jurisdiction and applicability of the Act; providing for authority of certain judge advocates; establishing the rights of certain victims; providing for the apprehension and restraint of certain offenders; providing for certain non-judicial punishment; establishing the jurisdiction for certain courts-martial; providing for the appointment and composition of certain courts-martial; establishing certain pre-trial procedures; etc.
SB-1010: Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 592 on 05/08/2020
Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice [HB-1139]
Establishing a Maryland Code of Military Justice; providing for jurisdiction and applicability of the Act; providing for authority of certain judge advocates; establishing the rights of certain victims; providing for the apprehension and restraint of certain offenders; providing for certain non-judicial punishment; establishing the jurisdiction for certain courts-martial; providing for the appointment and composition of certain courts-martial; establishing certain pre-trial procedures; etc.
HB-1139: Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020
Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice [HB-1139]
Establishing a Maryland Code of Military Justice; providing for jurisdiction and applicability of the Act; providing for authority of certain judge advocates; establishing the rights of certain victims; providing for the apprehension and restraint of certain offenders; providing for certain non-judicial punishment; establishing the jurisdiction for certain courts-martial; providing for the appointment and composition of certain courts-martial; establishing certain pre-trial procedures; etc.
HB-1139: Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020
Emergency Management - Chief Resilience Officer - Appointment and Duties [SB-721]
Requiring the Director of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to appoint a Chief Resilience Officer to be responsible for coordinating State and local efforts to build resilience to risks identified in the Maryland Hazard Mitigation Plan; providing that the Chief Resilience Officer serves at the pleasure of the Director; establishing additional duties of the Chief Resilience Officer as identification of funding streams and technical assistance and working with leaders of vulnerable industries; requiring a certain report; etc.
Public Safety - Maryland Cyber Reserve - Established [SB-5]
Establishing the Maryland Cyber Reserve within the Military Department; providing that the organized militia of the State includes the Reserve; providing the Governor is the commander-in-chief of the Reserve; establishing the mission of the Reserve to prevent and resolve certain cyber attacks; establishing qualifications for an individual to enlist in the Reserve; authorizing the Governor to requisition certain arms and equipment from the United States Secretary of Defense; etc.
SB-5: Public Safety - Maryland Cyber Reserve - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 03/09/2020
State Government - Emergency Management - Continuity Planning [SB-81]
Requiring certain principal departments of the Executive Branch to develop, annually update, and submit to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) continuity of operations plans to address the impact of a certain emergency or crisis; requiring certain continuity of operations plans to include certain information; requiring MEMA to develop certain guidelines and to serve as a coordinating agency; stating the intent of the General Assembly that MEMA implement certain provisions of law with existing personnel and resources; etc.
SB-81: State Government - Emergency Management - Continuity Planning
Sponsored by: Sen.
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 516 on 05/08/2020
Collective Bargaining - Firefighters - Martin State Airport [SB-515]
Making specified provisions of law that relate to collective bargaining for State employees apply to firefighters for the Martin State Airport at the rank of captain or below who are employed by the Military Department; and altering specified provisions of law that relate to collective bargaining for specified firefighters for the Martin State Airport
SB-515: Collective Bargaining - Firefighters - Martin State Airport
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 182 on 04/18/2017
Public Safety - State Militia [SB-13]
Clarifying that service in the Maryland Defense Force is voluntary and a member may be dismissed with cause at any time; altering the classes of State militia; repealing the requirement that a specified individual take a specified oath; repealing specified authorization and requirements relating to organizational commanders; prohibiting the Maryland Defense Force or its members from accepting gifts, donations, gratuities, or anything of value in exchange for a service rendered; etc.
SB-13: Public Safety - State Militia
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2017