SR-9: Requests the governor to recall troops and other assets of the Louisiana National Guard from the United States-Mexico border until all children separated from their families at the border pursuant to the zero-toleralance memorandum are reunited with their families and the practice of systematically separating children from their families ceases.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jean-Paul Morrell
Read By Title And Returned To The Calendar, Subject To Call. on 06/23/2018
You have voted SR-9: Requests the governor to recall troops and other assets of the Louisiana National Guard from the United States-Mexico border until all children separated from their families at the border pursuant to the zero-toleralance memorandum are reunited with their families and the practice of systematically separating children from their families ceases..
You have voted HB-2377: Requiring an official declaration of war or an action to call forth the West Virginia National Guard by the United States Congress.
You have voted HB-2177: Exempting all veterans of the Armed Forces or any reserve component thereof from having to obtain a hunting, trapping fishing license.
Relating to educational benefits for dependents of deceased or disabled veterans [HB-2191]
The purpose of this bill is to require state institutions of higher education to waive tuition and fees for children and spouses of National Guard members and members of a Reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States or persons on federal or state active military duty who are residents of this state and who have suffered a hundred percent total and permanent service-connected disability.
HB-2191: Relating to educational benefits for dependents of deceased or disabled veterans
Sponsored by: Rep. Shawn Fluharty
Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2018
HB-2100: Recognizing those in active military service as residents for the purpose of obtaining concealed carry permits while stationed at a West Virginia military installation
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Pushkin
Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2018
You have voted HB-2100: Recognizing those in active military service as residents for the purpose of obtaining concealed carry permits while stationed at a West Virginia military installation.