Middle East

US Congress 116th Congress

No War Against Iran Act [HB-5543]
Prohibits the obligation or expenditure of federal funds for any use of military force in or against Iran unless Congress has either declared war or enacted specific statutory authorization for such use. An exception is made for a presidential exercise of power to introduce Armed Forces into hostilities (or situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated) when there is a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States. The bill further states that no prior authorizations of military force (e.g., against Iraq) (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran that have not been authorized by Congress. [HJR-82]
This joint resolution directs the President to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities against Iran unless explicitly authorized by a congressional declaration of war or a specific authorization for use of military force.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ilhan Omar Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran that have not been authorized by Congress. [SJR-63]
This joint resolution directs the President to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities against Iran unless explicitly authorized by a congressional declaration of war or a specific authorization for use of military force.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey S.amdt.1279 Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 01/14/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Supporting the rights of the people of Iran to free expression, condemning the Iranian regime for its crackdown on legitimate protests, and for other purposes. [HR-752]
This resolution states that the House of Representatives stands with the people in Iran engaged in legitimate and peaceful protests against an oppressive and corrupt regime. The resolution also condemns the Iranian regime's serious human rights abuses and destabilizing activities abroad and calls on all democratic governments and institutions to clearly support the Iranian people's right to live in a free society.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu Mr. Phillips Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution, As Amended. on 01/28/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Iraq Human Rights and Accountability Act of 2019 [HB-5276]
Requires the Department of State to submit a report to Congress that includes (1) a statement of whether specified persons meet certain criteria to be sanctioned for violating human rights in Iraq; (2) a list of any Iraqi Security Forces units that have committed human rights violations in Iraq; and (3) a certification that such units will not receive training, equipment, or assistance from the United States.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Wilson Introduced In House on 11/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Refugee Protection Act of 2019 [S.2936]
A bill to provide for the admission and protection of refugees, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable individuals, to provide for the processing of refugees and asylum seekers in the Western Hemisphere, and to modify certain special immigrant visa programs, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 11/21/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2019 Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2020 [S.2950]
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to concede exposure to airborne hazards and toxins from burn pits under certain circumstances, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Committee On Veterans' Affairs. Reported By Senator Moran With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. Without Written Report. on 09/15/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Syrian Arab Republic that have not been authorized by Congress. [HCR-77]
This resolution directs the President to remove the Armed Forces from hostilities in Syria, except for those engaged in operations against al Qaeda or associated forces, unless a declaration of war or specific authorization has been enacted.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Rule H. Res. 739 Passed House. on 12/04/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Refugee Protection Act of 2019 [HB-5210]
To provide for the admission and protection of refugees, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable individuals, to provide for the processing of refugees and asylum seekers in the Western Hemisphere, and to modify certain special immigrant visa programs, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 12/19/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Libya Stabilization Act [S.2934]
Provides for sanctions and aid related to the conflict in Libya. The bill provides statutory authority for an April 19, 2016, executive order imposing property- and visa-blocking sanctions on persons contributing to the violence in Libya. The President shall impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on any foreign person that (1) knowingly supports or engages in a significant transaction with a foreign person knowingly operating in Libya on behalf of Russia in a military capacity, (2) engages in significant actions threatening peace or stability (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Marco Rubio Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 11/21/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Affirming United States support for the State of Israel's right to defend itself from terrorist attacks. [HR-727]
This resolution reaffirms the commitment of the United States to Israel's security and expresses support for Israel's right to defend itself against terrorist groups. The resolution also expresses concern for the humanitarian situation in Gaza.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 11/21/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Saudi Fugitive Declassification Act of 2019 [HB-5128]
Directs the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in coordination with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, to declassify information relating to whether Saudi Arabia assisted a citizen or national of Saudi Arabia in departing the United States while the citizen or national was awaiting a trial or sentencing for a criminal offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jerrold Nadler Introduced In House on 11/15/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

To terminate certain waivers of sanctions with respect to Iran issued in connection with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and for other purposes. [HB-5086]
Revokes certain waivers of sanctions for nuclear activity in or with Iran, including for (1) the Arak reactor redesign, (2) the transfer into Iran of enriched uranium for the Tehran Research Reactor, and (3) the modification of centrifuge cascades at the Fordow facility.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 12/18/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Recognizing the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. [HR-705]
This resolution lauds the contributions of the partner nations and institutions that have participated in the Global Coalition to Defeat the Islamic State (ISIS). The resolution reaffirms the U.S. commitment to combating ISIS and recognizes the critical importance of alliances.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Langevin Introduced In House on 11/14/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

A bill to terminate certain waivers of sanctions with respect to Iran issued in connection with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and for other purposes. [S.2874]
Revokes certain waivers of sanctions for nuclear activity in or with Iran, including for (1) the Arak reactor redesign, (2) the transfer into Iran of enriched uranium for the Tehran Research Reactor, and (3) the modification of centrifuge cascades at the Fordow facility.


Sponsored by: Sen. Martha McSally Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 11/14/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

War Powers Reform Resolution [SJR-60]
This joint resolution repeals certain authorizations for the use of military force and provides specific requirements for any future such authorization to receive expedited consideration. Specifically, the bill repeals the authorizations for the use of miltary force enacted in 2002 against Iraq and in 2001 in response to the September 11 terror attacks. To receive expedited consideration, a bill or resolution that is authorizing, narrowing, or repealing the use of military force must provide a specific strategic objective for military action; a (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 11/13/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

U.S.-Israel Anti-Killer Drone Act United States-Israel Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems Cooperation Enhancement Act [HB-5063]
Expands the Department of Defense's authority to carry out activities in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Israel to research, develop, test, and evaluate capabilities for countering unmanned aerial systems (i.e., drones).


Sponsored by: Rep. Josh Gottheimer Introduced In House on 11/13/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Essential National Security Authorities Act for Fiscal Year 2020 [S.2840]
A bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Inhofe Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 305. on 11/13/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Government of Turkey's crackdown on dissent related to its incursion into northeast Syria, and broader human rights violations. [SR-418]
This resolution (1) reaffirms U.S. support of peaceful dissent in Turkey; (2) calls on Turkey to lift restrictions on freedom of expression and uphold democratic standards; and (3) encourages the United States to raise the issue of suppressed free speech in Turkey, both bilaterally and multilaterally.


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 11/12/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

A resolution requesting information on Turkey's human rights practices in Syria pursuant to section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. [SR-409]
This resolution requires the Department of State to transmit a statement on Turkey's human rights practices in Syria. The resolution calls for specific elements to be included in the statement, including a description of the steps that the United States has taken to promote human rights in Turkey and an assessment of the extent to which security assistance to Turkey should be continued.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Menendez Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 11/06/2019

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