Mental Disability

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental health and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-44]
Amend KRS 210.365 to make firefighters eligible for crisis intervention team training along with law enforcement officers currently permitted such training; amend KRS 95A.220 with an appropriation of $1,250,000 each fiscal year for treatment of full-time and volunteer firefighters affected by post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI) and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); provide that legitimate personnel actions are not compensable; establish the reference for definitions of PTSD and PTSI; require diagnosis by psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 114) on 03/25/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. [HB-160]
Create a new section of KRS 210.005 to 210.366 to establish the rights of individuals with intellectual disabilities; cite as the Frank Huffman Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Hart Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION establishing the official Kentucky Mental Health Flag. [HR-13]
Designate the official mental health flag for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental illness. [HB-148]
Amend KRS 532.130, 532.135, and 532.140 to add a diagnosis of serious mental illness to the disabilities which prevent execution for persons convicted of capital offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Floor Amendment (1) Filed on 03/11/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental illness. [SB-17]
Amend KRS 532.130, 532.135, and 532.140 to add a diagnosis of serious mental illness to the disabilities which prevent execution for persons convicted of capital offenses.


Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal Recommitted To Judiciary (s) on 03/01/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION designating June 27, 2019, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day and designating June 2019 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Month. [HR-32]
Designate June 27, 2019, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day and June 2019 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Month.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Reed Adopted By Voice Vote on 02/26/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION proclaiming March 6, 2019, to be Disability Awareness Day in Kentucky. [HR-136]
Proclaiming March 6, 2019, to be Disability Awareness Day in Kentucky.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King To House Floor on 02/21/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote. [HB-91]
Propose to amend Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky to restructure the voting restrictions relating to felons and persons with mental disabilities; submit to the voters for ratification or rejection.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reginald Meeks To Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (h) on 01/10/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to services for persons with severe mental illness. [HB-447]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to submit an application for waiver or waiver amendment or request a plan amendment to the federal agency that approves waivers, waiver amendments, and plan amendments to provide supportive housing and supported employment services to persons with severe mental illness.


Sponsored by: Rep. McKenzie Cantrell To Health And Family Services (h) on 02/20/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT creating the Kentucky Golden Alert System. [HB-150]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 16 to require the Department of Kentucky State Police to operate a Kentucky Golden Alert System to provide public notification through the use of the news media and highway signs when an impaired person, as defined in KRS 39F.010, is determined to be missing.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King Reported Favorably, 2nd Reading, To Rules With Committee Substitute (1) on 03/07/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mentally ill and intellectually disabled defendants. [HB-579]
Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 504 regarding forensic psychiatric facilities to limit evaluation and treatment to persons charged or convicted of violent offenses, rather than for all felonies; specify that if there is no substantial probablity that the defendant will attain competency, charges are to be dismissed without prejudice prior to a hearing under KRS Chapter 202A or 202B; amend definitions in KRS 202A.011 and 202B.010 to conform.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cherlynn Stevenson To Judiciary (h) on 03/04/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to competency to stand trial. [SB-188]
Amend KRS 504.110 to refer certain violent criminal defendants who are incompetent to stand trial with no substantial probability of attaining competency to a new type of involuntary commitment to be created in KRS Chapter 202C; create definitions; assign guardian ad litem; establish hearing procedures and commitment criteria; establish a schedule and procedures for review hearings; require for promulgation of administrative regulations.


Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams To Health & Welfare (s) on 02/24/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the ad valorem taxation of privately owned leasehold interests in residential property owned by a purely public charity. [HB-452]
Amend KRS 132.195 to include specific privately owned leasehold interests in residential property owned by a purely public charity in the list of leasehold interests exempt from state and local property taxation at the prevailing rate; amend KRS 132.020 to include specific privately owned leasehold interests in residential property owned by a purely public charity in the list of property that is subject to a one-and-one-half-cent state property tax rate; amend KRS 132.200 to include specific privately owned leasehold interests in residential property (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. David Meade Posted In Committee on 03/12/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental health and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-436]
Amend KRS 210.365 to make firefighters eligible for crisis intervention team training along with law enforcement officers currently permitted such training; amend KRS 95A.220 with an appropriation of $1,250,000 each fiscal year for treatment of full-time and volunteer firefighters affected by post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI) and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); allow no PTSD eligibility for disability retirement; declare legitimate personnel actions not compensable, diagnosis required by psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor; APPROPRIATION.


Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton Posted For Passage In The Regular Orders Of The Day For Wednesday, March 18, 2020 on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental illness. [SB-154]
Amend KRS 532.130, 532.135, and 532.140 to add a diagnosis of serious mental illness to the disabilities which prevent execution for persons convicted of capital offenses.


Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal Recommitted To Judiciary (s) on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to missing persons. [HB-360]
Amend KRS 39F.180 to require that any agency searching for a lost or missing person contact appropriate agencies within four hours of receiving the report and utilize existing resources, including but not limited to electronic highway signs, the Amber Alert system, law enforcement communication systems, electronic media, local, regional, and statewide media providers, and the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, if authorized and under conditions permitted by the federal government.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 02/26/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the protection of Kentucky's adults. [HB-268]
Amend KRS 381.230 to establish a simplified method for elderly or vulnerable adults to petition for an order to prevent or restrain other persons from trespassing onto the petitioner's residence; create a new section of KRS Chapter 209 to clarify abuse of an adult and establish penalties; clarify exploitation of an adult and establish penalties; restate neglect of an adult and establish penalties; amend KRS 209.990 to delete existing penalties for abuse, exploitation, and neglect; amend KRS 209.020 to define terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Elliott To Judiciary (h) on 01/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to mental illness. [HB-237]
Amend KRS 532.130, 532.135, and 532.140 to add a diagnosis of serious mental illness to the disabilities which prevent execution for persons convicted of capital offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Posting Withdrawn on 03/06/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish the Task Force on Services for Persons with Brain Injuries. [SJR-35]
Direct the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish the Task Force on Services for Persons with Brain Injuries; establish duties of the task force; establish members of the task force; require a report to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2020; cease the task force by December 31, 2020, unless otherwise authorized by the General Assembly.


Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal Posted In Committee on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. [HB-169]
Create a new section of KRS 210.005 to 210.366 to establish the rights of individuals with intellectual disabilities; cite as the Frank Huffman Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Burch Posted In Committee on 03/10/2020

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