Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program [HB-1295]
Establishing a Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program; establishing the purpose of the Program; providing that the Program is part of the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund; altering the purpose of the Fund; providing for the administration and development of the Program; authorizing the Program to sell, issue, and deliver specified policies of automobile insurance to individuals who meet specified eligibility requirements; etc.
HB-1295: Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 04/10/2017
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Operations [SB-910]
Repealing a provision of law subjecting the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund to the imposition of a specified premium tax; altering the scope of provisions of law governing prior approval rate making to exclude the Fund; providing that provisions of law governing competitive rating rate making apply to the Fund under specified circumstances; repealing a provision of law that makes the Fund subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings Act; etc.
SB-910: Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Operations
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 509 on 05/04/2017
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Notice of Claim for Damages - Repeal [SB-742]
Repealing the requirement that notice of a claim for damages must be filed with the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund within 180 days after the accident before a person may apply or sue for payment from the Fund; repealing provisions of law that prohibit filing or maintaining a specified claim or suit if notice of a claim is not filed within a specified period of time, unless the claimant provides proof that the claimant took specified actions; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
SB-742: Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Notice of Claim for Damages - Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2017
Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program [SB-533]
Establishing a Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program; establishing the purpose of the Program; providing that the Program is part of the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund; altering the purpose of the Fund; providing for the administration and development of the Program; authorizing the Program to sell, issue, and deliver specified policies of automobile insurance to individuals who meet specified eligibility requirements; etc.
SB-533: Low-Cost Automobile Insurance Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2017
Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance - Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Coverage [SB-403]
Authorizing a specified insured to obtain specified enhanced underinsured motorist coverage, instead of specified uninsured motorist coverage, under a private passenger motor vehicle liability insurance policy; requiring specified insurers to offer specified enhanced underinsured motorist coverage under specified circumstances; providing for the characteristics of the enhanced underinsured motorist coverage; applying the Act to motor vehicle policies issued, sold, or delivered in the State on or after July 1, 2018; etc.
Maryland Insurance Administration - Rate Making for Automobile and Homeowner's Insurance [SB-289]
Repealing provisions of law that require the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the effect of competitive rating on the insurance markets in the State; requiring the Maryland Insurance Administration to continue to collect and analyze data relating to the competitiveness of specified insurance markets, to review and analyze information on the use of a specified factor in establishing specified rates, and to notify the Governor and the General Assembly of specified changes; etc.
SB-289: Maryland Insurance Administration - Rate Making for Automobile and Homeowner's Insurance
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 514 on 05/04/2017
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Policies - Placement and Reinstatement [SB-290]
Authorizing a specified motor vehicle insurer and the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund to reinstate a specified private passenger motor vehicle liability insurance policy in a specified manner under specified circumstances; requiring a policyholder to provide to a specified insurer and the Fund a specified certification in a specified form and manner and at a specified time; requiring a specified reinstatement to be implemented in accordance with specified guidelines; etc.
SB-290: Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Policies - Placement and Reinstatement
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 725 on 05/25/2017
Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance - Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Coverage [HB-5]
Authorizing a specified insured to elect to obtain specified enhanced underinsured motorist coverage under a private passenger motor vehicle liability insurance policy; requiring specified insurers to offer an enhanced underinsured motorist coverage under specified circumstances; altering a specified prohibition on the recovery of benefits under specified coverages; applying the Act to each policy of private passenger motor vehicle insurance issued, sold, or delivered in the State on or after July 1, 2018; etc.